异常:无效参数:GAS 中的 id

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我有这段代码,它正在做我想要它做的事情。它从 Gmail 中提取 PDF,创建一个文件夹来存储它们,然后遍历这些 pdf 并将它们存储在主 google 工作表内的相应工作表中。


Exception: Invalid argument: id
错误并引用了代码的第 3 行。我似乎无法弄清楚为什么会发生此错误。此代码使用 Google App Script 中的 Drive V2 API 服务。


function convertPDFsToSheets(folderId, language) {
  language = language || 'en'; // English
  const folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId);
  const files = folder.getFiles();

  // Create a new Google Sheet and add the lines to it
  const newSpreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.create('Invoices');

  let fileIndex = 0;

  // Loop through each PDF file in the folder
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    const file = files.next();

    if (file.getMimeType() !== 'application/pdf') {
    continue; // Skip non-PDF files
    // Read the PDF file in Google Drive
    const pdfDocument = DriveApp.getFileById(file.getId());

    // Use OCR to convert PDF to a temporary Google Document
    // Restrict the response to include file Id and Title fields only
    const fileResource = Drive.Files.insert(
        title: pdfDocument.getName().replace(/\.pdf$/, ''),
        mimeType: pdfDocument.getMimeType() || 'application/pdf',
        ocr: true,
        ocrLanguage: language,
        fields: 'id,title',

    const id = fileResource.id;
    const title = fileResource.title;

    // Use the Document API to extract text from the Google Document
    const textContent = DocumentApp.openById(id).getBody().getText();

    // Delete the temporary Google Document since it is no longer needed

    // Split the text content into an array of lines
    const lines = textContent.split('\n');

    // Create a new sheet inside the main sheet for the current PDF
    const newSheet = newSpreadsheet.insertSheet();
    const sheetName = 'Sheet ' + newSheet.getIndex(); // Generate sheet name as "Sheet 1", "Sheet 2", etc.

    // Loop through each line and add it to a new row in the sheet
    for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
      const line = lines[i];

      // Split the line into an array of cells using a comma delimiter
      const cells = line.split(',');

      // Set the values in the sheet for the current row
      newSheet.getRange(i + 1, 1, 1, cells.length).setValues([cells]);


  //Return ID of a new spreadsheet
  const newSpreadsheetId = newSpreadsheet.getId();
  return newSpreadsheetId;

function makeFolderDrive(){
  const currentDate = new Date();
  const afterDate = new Date();
  const folderDate = new Date();
  afterDate.setDate(currentDate.getDate() - 1);

  const folderName = 'Invoices for: ' + Utilities.formatDate(folderDate, 'EST', 'yyyyMMdd');
  const folder = DriveApp.createFolder(folderName);
  const folderID = folder.getId();

  const formattedCurrentDate = Utilities.formatDate(currentDate, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'yyyy/MM/dd');
  const formattedAfterDate = Utilities.formatDate(afterDate, Session.getScriptTimeZone(), 'yyyy/MM/dd');

  const threads = GmailApp.search('label:invoices has:attachment from:[email protected] after:' + formattedAfterDate + ' before:' + formattedCurrentDate);
  threads.forEach(thread => {
    thread.getMessages().forEach(message => {
      message.getAttachments().forEach(attachment => {
        Logger.log(attachment.getName()); // Log the PDF file name
  Logger.log('Created folder with ID: ' + folderID);
  return folderID;

const folderId = makeFolderDrive(); // Retrieve the folder ID from the `makeFolderDrive` function
Logger.log('Received folder ID: ' + folderId);
const newSpreadsheetId = convertPDFsToSheets(folderId, 'en');
Logger.log('New Spreadsheet ID: ' + newSpreadsheetId);

我做了不同的 try/catch 方法以及 Logger 语句来尝试找到问题所在。我仍然不知道这个错误可能发生在哪里。

exception google-apps-script invalid-argument
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