
问题描述 投票:0回答:4

我正在尝试实现van emde boas树,但是当我调用插入函数两次以上时,我得到了一个Segmentation Fault 11。当我尝试在insert函数中打印值时,我意识到问题是当我将簇初始化为NULL时。我不明白为什么在使用for循环时会出现这种情况。我也尝试使用calloc,但它给了我同样的错误。我的代码看起来像这样:

class vEB
    int u;
    int *m;
    int *M;
    vEB *summary;
    vEB **cluster;
    bool member(int);
    void insert(int);
    void Delete(int);
    int min();
    int max();
    int* pred(int);
    int* succ(int);

vEB::vEB(int u){
    this -> u = u;
    this -> m = NULL;
    this -> M = NULL;

    if (u == 2){
        this -> summary = NULL;
        this -> cluster = NULL;
    } else {
        int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
        this -> summary = new vEB(subSize);
        this -> cluster = new vEB*[subSize];
        for (int i=0;i<=subSize;i++){


bool vEB::member(int x){
    if (u == 2){
        if (m == NULL){
            return false;
        if (x == 0){
            return ((*m) == 0);
        } else if (x == 1){
            return ((*M) == 1);
        return false;
        if (m == NULL) {
            return false;
        if (x < (*m) || x > (*M)){
            return false;
        }else if (x == (*m) || (x == (*M))){
            return true;
            int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
            int hi = x / subSize;
            int lo = x % subSize;
            if (cluster[hi] == NULL){
                return false;
            } else{
                return cluster[hi] -> member(lo);


void vEB::insert(int x) {
    if (u == 2) {
        if (x == 0) {
            if (m == NULL){
                m = new int;
                M = new int;
                (*m) = (*M) = x;
            } else {
                (*m) = x;
        } else if (x == 1) {
            if (M == NULL){
                m = new int;
                M = new int;
                (*m) = (*M) = x;
            } else{
                (*M) = x;
    } else {
        if (m == NULL) {
            m = new int;
            M = new int;
            (*m) = (*M) = x;
        } else {
            if (x < (*m)) {
                int currMin = (*m);
                (*m) = x;
                this -> insert(currMin);
            }else {
                int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
                int hi = x / subSize;
                printf("%d - %d\n",x, hi);
                int lo = x % subSize;
                printf("%d - %d\n",x, hi);
                if (cluster[hi] == NULL){
                    cluster[hi] = new vEB(subSize);
                    cluster[hi] -> insert(lo);
                    summary -> insert(hi);
                }else {
                    cluster[hi] -> insert(lo);
                if (x > (*M)){
                    (*M) = x;

void vEB::Delete(int x){
    if (u == 2) {
        if (x == 0) {
            if ((*M) == 0){
                m = M = NULL;
            } else{
                (*m) = 1;
        } else if (x == 1) {
            if ((*m) == 1) {
                m = M = NULL;
            else {
                (*M) = 0;
        int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
        int hi = x / subSize;
        int lo = x % subSize;

        if (x == (*m)){
            if (x == (*M)){
                m = M = NULL;
            } else {
                int nextMinHi = summary -> min();
                int nextMinLo = cluster[summary -> min()] -> min();
                int nextMin = nextMinHi * subSize + nextMinLo;
                this -> Delete(nextMin);
                (*m) = nextMin;
        } else {
            cluster[hi] -> Delete(lo);
            if (cluster[hi] -> m == NULL){
                summary -> Delete(hi);
                delete cluster[hi];
                cluster[hi] = NULL;
            if (x == (*M)){
                if (summary -> m == NULL) {
                    (*M) = (*m);
                } else{
                    int nextMaxHi = summary -> max();
                    int nextMaxLo = cluster[summary -> max()] -> max();
                    (*M) = nextMaxHi * subSize + nextMaxLo;

int vEB::min() {
    return (*m);

int vEB::max() {
    return (*M);

int* vEB::pred(int x){
    if (u == 2){
        if (x == 0) {
            return NULL;
        } else if (x == 1){
            if (m == NULL){
                return NULL;
            if ((*m) == 1){
                return NULL;
            return m;
        else {
            return NULL;
    } else {
        if (m == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        if (x <= (*m)) {
            return NULL;
        if (x > (*M)) {
            return M;
        int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
        int hi = x / subSize;
        int lo = x % subSize;
        if (cluster[hi] == NULL){
            int* prev = summary -> pred(hi);
            int* ret = new int;
            (*ret) = (*prev) * subSize + cluster[(*prev)] -> max();
            return ret;
        } else {
            int *newLo, *newHi;
            newHi = new int;
            newLo = new int;
            (*newHi) = hi;
            int minInCluster = cluster[hi] -> min();
            if (lo > minInCluster){
                 newLo = cluster[hi] -> pred(lo);
            }else {
                newHi = summary -> pred(hi);
                (*newLo) = cluster[(*newHi)] -> max();
            int *ret = new int;
            (*ret) = (*newHi) * subSize + (*newLo);
            return ret;

int* vEB::succ(int x) {
    if (u == 2) {
        if (x == 1) {
            return NULL;
        }else if (x == 0) {
            if (M == NULL) {
                return NULL;
            if ((*M) == 0) {
                return NULL;
            return M;
        }else {
            return NULL;
        if (m == NULL) {
            return NULL;
        if (x >= (*M)) {
            return NULL;
        if (x < (*m)) {
            return m;
        int subSize = (int)sqrt(u);
        int hi = x / subSize;
        int lo = x % subSize;
        if (cluster[hi] == NULL) {
            int* next = summary -> succ(hi);
            int* ret = new int;
            (*ret) = (*next) * subSize + cluster[(*next)] -> min();
            return ret;
        } else {
            int *newLo, *newHi;
            newHi = new int;
            newLo = new int;
            (*newHi) = hi;
            int maxInCluster = cluster[hi] -> max();
            if (lo < maxInCluster){
                newLo = cluster[hi] -> succ(lo);
            }else {
                newHi = summary -> succ(hi);
                (*newLo) = cluster[(*newHi)] -> min();
            int *ret = new int;
            (*ret) = (*newHi) * subSize + (*newLo);
            return ret;

int main(){

    vEB *vEB = new class vEB(8);
    vEB -> insert(1);
    vEB -> insert(2);
    vEB -> insert(5);
    vEB -> insert(6);
    vEB -> insert(7);
    printf("%d\n", (*vEB -> pred(2)));
    printf("%d\n", (*vEB -> succ(2)));

    vEB -> Delete(2);

    return 0;


c++ pointers null insert segmentation-fault


在你的VEC构造函数中,你检查了u == 2,但如果u是例如,会发生什么3?然后你会进入else案例,你得到3的平方根,它将被截断为整数1。然后你做new VEC(1),它用值1(不等于2)调用构造函数,进入else分支并得到1的平方根,它等于1。然后你做new VEC(1)(再次!)等等,永远。

您需要检查是否u <= 2以避免这种情况。


vEB::vEB(int u)

for (int i=0;i<=subSize;i++){


for (int i=0;i<subSize;i++){

因为this -> cluster = new vEB*[subSize];而不是this -> cluster = new vEB*[subSize+1];


当你做vEB -> insert(5);时,hi的值太高而且cluster[hi]不在簇中。



                if (cluster[hi] == NULL) {
                cluster[hi] = new vEB(subSize);
            else {
                cluster[hi]->insert(lo);  //here something is wrong with cluster[hi]



我的发现与布鲁诺的相同。这是一个live test of your code。您可以修复它并再次测试它。

===========开始#0 stensal运行时消息===========

运行时错误:[越界写入] 继续执行会导致未定义的行为,中止!

- Writing 4 bytes to 0x8aaa078 will corrupt the adjacent data.
- The memory-space-to-be-written (start:0x8aaa070, size:8 bytes) is allocated at
-     file:/src/new.cpp::54, 17
-  0x8aaa070               0x8aaa077
-  +------------------------------+
-  |the memory-space-to-be-written|......
-  +------------------------------+
-                                  ^~~~~~~~~~
-        the write starts at 0x8aaa078 that is right after the memory end.
- Stack trace (most recent call first) of the write.
- [1]  file:/prog.cc::35, 13
- [2]  file:/prog.cc::290, 10

- [3]  [libc-start-main]

============#0 stensal运行时消息结束============

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