vbaShellRun for Python

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我正在从 Excel 运行一个调用 python 脚本的宏。我在 PC 上的一个位置安装了 Python 3.11.5,在另一位置安装了 3.12.1。当我使用 3.11.5 调用脚本时

vbaShell.Run """C:\Python311\python.exe""" & " " & """D:\Users\admin\Desktop\Projects\python\getDataTests.py""" & " " & """" & Workbook & """" & " " & """" & path & """"

运行没有任何问题。但是当我用 3.12.1 运行它时

vbaShell.Run """C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python.exe""" & " " & """D:\Users\admin\Desktop\Projects\python\getDataTests.py""" & " " & """" & Workbook & """" & " " & """" & path & """"

我看到 python shell 闪烁,然后什么也没有,我正在寻找一些故障排除帮助,因为我没有收到错误消息并且 shell 立即关闭。还有关于为什么 3.11 可以工作但 3.12 不行的任何建议。我调用的 .py 脚本中不应该存在任何兼容性问题。

python excel vba


Sub Tester()

    Dim newShell As Object, cmd As String
    Dim PythonExePath As String, PythonScriptPath As String, arg1 As String, arg2 As String
    Set newShell = VBA.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    PythonExePath = "C:\Python\Python39-32\python.exe"
    PythonScriptPath = "C:\Temp\VBA\test.py"
    arg1 = "Arg1 Here"
    arg2 = "Arg2Here"
    'change /k to /c to allow the cmd window to close after running the script
    cmd = "cmd /k "" ""<exe>"" ""<script>"" ""<arg1>"" ""<arg2>"" """
    cmd = Replace(cmd, "<exe>", PythonExePath)
    cmd = Replace(cmd, "<script>", PythonScriptPath)
    cmd = Replace(cmd, "<arg1>", arg1)
    cmd = Replace(cmd, "<arg2>", arg2)
    newShell.Run cmd, vbNormalFocus
End Sub

Python 脚本(仅将任何脚本参数打印到标准输出):

import sys
print (sys.argv[1:]);


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