
问题描述 投票:2回答:1

我正在寻找帮助比较一个数组内部的单元格来说出一个特定的单词,如果说出这个单词,检查另一个相应的单元格是否包含一个字符串。 (在这种情况下,“Apple”是特定的单词,苹果的类型被列为“黄金”。)我不知道有多少用户,所以这有助于检查连续的每个有效用户。



Name    Fruit 1 Fruit 2 Fruit 3
Joanne  Pear    Orange  Kiwi
John    Berries Peach   Apple
Juno    Tomato  Grapes  Lemon
Jessica Apple   Banana  Pomegranate

(Type of Apple)  =  Golden  
(Type of Pear)   =  Barley  
(Type of Banana) =      
(Type of Plum)   =  



function validateInfo() {
  var data = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet1')
  var valid = true,
  data.slice(8).every(function(row) {
    notBlank = row[1].toString().length;
    if (notBlank) {
      valid = (row[2] === 'Apple' && data[0][6].toString().length > 0 || row[2] === 'Pear' && data[1][6].toString().length > 0  || row[3] === 'Banana' && data[2][6].toString().length > 0 || row[4] === 'Plum' && data[3][6].toString().length > 0);
    return (notBlank && valid);

Link to the sheet

arrays google-apps-script google-sheets operator-precedence




  • 似乎every(function(row)没有有效运作。这被一个简单的“for”循环取代
  • 有三种水果选择,但IF声明没有有效地评估每种选择。由于任何水果的选择都可以出现在三个领域中的任何一个领域,因此需要根据水果主要清单评估每个水果领域的价值。

  • 目前尚不清楚采取什么行动来更新任何缺失的水果品种。我只是在字段中插入“TBA”,OP可以选择他们喜欢的动作。
  • 每行有四组IF语句。我不相信这是最有效的解决方案,但确实有效。

function so5480624202() {

  // setup spreadsheet
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  // get data range and values
  var range = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1').getDataRange();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: the range is "+range.getA1Notation());//DEBUG
  var data = range.getValues();

  // define variables and existing values for the fruit types
  var appletype = data[0][6];
  var peartype = data[1][6];
  var bananatype = data[2][6];
  var plumtype = data[3][6];
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: apple type: "+appletype+"("+appletype.toString().length+"), pear type: "+peartype+"("+peartype.toString().length+"), banana type: "+bananatype+"("+bananatype.toString().length+"), plum type:"+plumtype+"("+plumtype.toString().length+")");//DEBUG

  // define variables
  var valid = true,

  // slice the data from the eight row to thr end.
  var newdata = data.slice(8);
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: newdata length: "+newdata.length);//DEBUG

  // Loop through the sliced rows
  for (x = 0; x < newdata.length; x++) {
    // check the length of the name; if name - 0, then row is blank
    notBlank = newdata[x][1].toString().length;

    // define the fruittypes for this person
    var fruittype1 = newdata[x][2];
    var fruittype2 = newdata[x][3];
    var fruittype3 = newdata[x][4];
    // Logger.log("DEBUG: Loop#:"+x+" Name:"+newdata[x][1]+" Fruits: "+fruittype1+", "+fruittype2+", and "+fruittype3);//DEBUG

    // if there is a name
    if (notBlank) {

      // test for "Apple"
      if (fruittype1 == "Apple" || fruittype2 == "Apple" || fruittype3 == "Apple") {

        // the Person has chosen an Apple
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an apple in this row"); //DEBUG

        // if the appletype has a value
        if (appletype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the apple type, so do nothing");//DEBUG
        } else {
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the apple type, so something");//DEBUG
          data[0][6] = "TBA";
      } else {
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no Apple chosen in this row - ignore Apple Type\n"); //DEBUG

      // test for Pear
      if (fruittype1 == "Pear" || fruittype2 == "Pear" || fruittype3 == "Pear") {

        // the Person has chosen a Pear
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a pear in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the peartype has a value
        if (peartype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the Pear type, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the pear type, so something");// DEBUG
          data[1][6] = "TBA";
      } else {
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no pear chosen in this row - ignore Pear Type\n");//DEBUG

      // test for Banana
      if (fruittype1 == "Banana" || fruittype2 == "Banana" || fruittype3 == "Banana") {
        // the Person has chosen a Banana
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a banana in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the banana type has a value
        if (bananatype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing  
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the banana type, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the banana type, so something"); //DEBUG
          data[2][6] = "TBA";
      } else {
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no banana chosen in this row - ignore Banana Type\n");

      // Test for Plum 
      if (fruittype1 == "Plum" || fruittype2 == "Plum" || fruittype3 == "Plum") {
        // the Person has chosen a Plum
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a plum in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the plum type has a value
        if (plumtype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the plum type, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          // Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the plum type, so something"); //DEBUG
          data[3][6] = "TBA";
      } else {
        // Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no Plus chosen in this row - ignore Plum Type\n");
    } else {
      // Logger.log("this item must be blank");


    // Update values



function so5480624203() {

  // setup spreadsheet
  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();

  // get data range and values
  var range = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1').getDataRange();
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: the range is "+range.getA1Notation());//DEBUG
  var data = range.getValues();

  // define variables and existing values for the fruit types
  var appletype = data[0][6];
  var peartype = data[1][6];
  var bananatype = data[2][6];
  var plumtype = data[3][6];
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: apple type: "+appletype+"("+appletype.toString().length+"), pear type: "+peartype+"("+peartype.toString().length+"), banana type: "+bananatype+"("+bananatype.toString().length+"), plum type:"+plumtype+"("+plumtype.toString().length+")");//DEBUG

  // define variables
  var valid = true,
  var mismatch = 0;
  // slice the data from the eight row to thr end.
  var newdata = data.slice(8);
  //Logger.log("DEBUG: newdata length: "+newdata.length);//DEBUG

  // Loop through the sliced rows
  for (x = 0; x < newdata.length; x++) {
    // check the length of the name; if name - 0, then row is blank
    notBlank = newdata[x][1].toString().length;

    // define the fruittypes for this person
    var fruittype1 = newdata[x][2];
    var fruittype2 = newdata[x][3];
    var fruittype3 = newdata[x][4];
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: Loop#:"+x+" "+newdata[x][1]+" Fruits: "+fruittype1+", "+fruittype2+", and "+fruittype3);//DEBUG

    // if there is a name
    if (notBlank) {
      //if (mismatch !=0) { break;}
      // test for "Apple"
      if (fruittype1 == "Apple" || fruittype2 == "Apple" || fruittype3 == "Apple") {

        // the Person has chosen an Apple
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an apple in this row"); //DEBUG

        // if the appletype has a value
        if (appletype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the apple type, so do nothing");//DEBUG
        } else {
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the apple type, so something");//DEBUG
          //data[0][6] = "TBA";
          mismatch = 1;
          //Logger.log("there is a mismatch");
      } else {
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no Apple chosen in this row - ignore Apple Type\n"); //DEBUG

      // test for Pear
      if (fruittype1 == "Pear" || fruittype2 == "Pear" || fruittype3 == "Pear") {

        // the Person has chosen a Pear
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a pear in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the peartype has a value
        if (peartype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the Pear Variety, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the Pear Variety, so something");// DEBUG
          //data[1][6] = "TBA";
          mismatch = 1;
          //Logger.log("there is a mismatch");
      } else {
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no pear chosen in this row - ignore Pear Type\n");//DEBUG

      // test for Banana
      if (fruittype1 == "Banana" || fruittype2 == "Banana" || fruittype3 == "Banana") {
        // the Person has chosen a Banana
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a banana in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the banana type has a value
        if (bananatype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing  
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the banana type, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the banana type, so something"); //DEBUG
          //data[2][6] = "TBA";          
          mismatch = 1;
          //Logger.log("there is a mismatch");
      } else {
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no banana chosen in this row - ignore Banana Type\n");

      // Test for Plum 
      if (fruittype1 == "Plum" || fruittype2 == "Plum" || fruittype3 == "Plum") {
        // the Person has chosen a Plum
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is a plum in this row");//DEBUG

        // if the plum type has a value
        if (plumtype.toString().length > 0) {
          // do nothing
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is an entry in the Plum variety, so do nothing\n");      
        } else {
          //Logger.log("DEBUG: there is NO  entry in the Plum variety, so something"); //DEBUG
          //data[3][6] = "TBA";  
          mismatch = 1;
          //Logger.log("there is a mismatch");
      } else {
        //Logger.log("DEBUG: there was no Plum chosen in this row - ignore Plum Type\n");
    } else {
      //Logger.log("DEBUG: this item must be blank");//DEBUG


  if (mismatch != 0) {
    // there must be a mismatch somewhere
    // return false
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: There was a mis-match somewhere, so return false");//DEBUG
    return false;
  } else {
    // there was no mismatch
    // return true
    //Logger.log("DEBUG: There was NO mis-match anywhere, so return true");//DEBUG
    return true;

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