当由gfortran编译时,带有绑定(C)的Fortran C-可互操作子模块过程报告错误

问题描述 投票:1回答:1


module CallbackInterface_mod

    abstract interface
        function getLogFunc4C_proc(ndim,Point) result(logFunc) bind(C)
            use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only : c_int32_t, c_double, c_int
            integer(c_int32_t), intent(in)  :: ndim
            real(c_double), intent(in)      :: Point(ndim)
            real(c_double)                  :: logFunc
        end function getLogFunc4C_proc
    end interface

end module CallbackInterface_mod


module Foo_mod

    module subroutine runFoo4C(ndim, getLogFuncFromC, inputString, inputStringLen) bind(C, name="runFoo")
        use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_int32_t, c_char, c_funptr, c_f_procpointer, c_size_t
        use CallbackInterface_mod, only: getLogFunc4C_proc
        implicit none
        integer(c_int32_t) , intent(in)                         :: ndim
        character(len=1, kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: inputString
        integer(c_size_t) , intent(in)                          :: inputStringLen
        type(c_funptr), intent(in), value                       :: getLogFuncFromC
    end subroutine runFoo4C
    end interface


    subroutine runFoo(ndim, getLogFunc, string)
        use CallbackInterface_mod, only: getLogFunc4C_proc
        use, intrinsic :: iso_fortran_env, only: RK => real64
        implicit none
        integer :: ndim
        procedure(getLogFunc4C_proc)    :: getLogFunc
        character(*), intent(in)        :: string
        real(RK)                        :: Point(ndim)
        character(:), allocatable       :: mystring
        Point = [1._RK,1._RK]
        write(*,*) "Hi again, this is a call from inside runFoo!"
        write(*,*) "getLogFunc(2,[1,1]) = ", getLogFunc(ndim,Point)
        write(*,*) "string = ", string
    end subroutine

end module Foo_mod


submodule (Foo_mod) Foo_smod


    module subroutine runFoo4C(ndim, getLogFuncFromC, InputString, inputStringLen) bind(C, name="runFoo")

        use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding, only: c_double, c_int32_t, c_char, c_funptr, c_f_procpointer, c_size_t
        use CallbackInterface_mod, only: getLogFunc4C_proc
        implicit none
        integer(c_int32_t) , intent(in)                         :: ndim
        character(len=1, kind=c_char), dimension(*), intent(in) :: InputString
        integer(c_size_t) , intent(in)                          :: inputStringLen
        type(c_funptr), intent(in), value                       :: getLogFuncFromC
        procedure(getLogFunc4C_proc), pointer                   :: getLogFunc
        real(c_double)                                          :: Point(ndim)
        character(:), allocatable                               :: inputString4tran
        integer                                                 :: i

        write(*,*) "InputString: ", InputString(1:inputStringLen)
        allocate( character(len=inputStringLen) :: inputString4tran )
        do i=1,inputStringLen
            inputString4tran(i:i) = InputString(i)
        end do
        write(*,*) "inputString4tran: ", inputString4tran

        ! associate the input C procedure pointer to a Fortran procedure pointer
        call c_f_procpointer(cptr=getLogFuncFromC, fptr=getLogFunc)
        Point = [1._c_double, 1._c_double]
        write(*,*) "getLogFunc(ndim=2, [1._c_double, 1._c_double]): ", getLogFunc( ndim, Point )

        call runFoo(ndim, getLogFunc, inputString4tran)

    end subroutine runFoo4C

end submodule Foo_smod

现在,这段代码对我来说似乎是一个完美的Fortran模块,实际上它确实通过英特尔Fortran编译器2018在Windows和Linux上成功编译和链接到C程序,并且运行正常。但是,当由gfortran 7.3.0编译时,它会给出以下错误:

gfortran -c ../Foo_mod.f90

submodule (Foo_mod) Foo_smod
Error: BIND(C) attribute at (1) can only be used for variables or common blocks


module subroutine runFoo4C(ndim, getLogFuncFromC, inputString, inputStringLen) ! bind(C, name="runFoo")


fortran gfortran intel-fortran fortran-iso-c-binding

我很清楚这是一个与子模块相关的gfortran bug。由于这是一个相当新近的功能添加,因此可能存在错误并不出乎意料。

我会在这里提出这样的问题时发表评论,强烈建议你提供Minimal, Complete and Verifiable Example因为你没有展示子模块所附带的模块,所以我们无法在没有不必要的额外工作的情况下自行验证问题。

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