如何在 for 循环内更新 React Native useState 中的对象数组?

问题描述 投票:0回答:3

我有一个包含对象数组的状态,我想在 for 循环内更新我的对象。 这是我的代码: 每个对象都包含值、文本和时间。 time 应在 for 循环内更新。

const [initialValues, setInitialValue] = useState([
            value: 128,
            text: '128 Kb',
            time: ''
            value: 256,
            text: '256 Kb',
            time: ''
            value: 512,
            text: '512 Kb',
            time: ''
            value: 750,
            text: '750 Kb',
            time: ''
            value: 1024,
            text: '1 MB',
            time: ''
            value: 2048,
            text: '2 MB',
            time: ''
            value: 3072,
            text: '3 MB',
            time: ''
            value: 4096,
            text: '4 MB',
            time: ''
            value: 5120,
            text: '5 MB',
            time: ''

我想要更新状态的 for 循环: 计算是一个将在用户端的 onPress 事件上调用的函数。

const [number, setNumber] = useState('1')
const [data, setData] = useState('1024')
const calculate = () => {
        if (number) {

            let size = number * data * 8
            size = percentage(12, size) + size;

            for (let value of initialValues) {
                let data = value.value;
                data = (size / data).toFixed();
                // here is my approach but not correct
                setInitialValue({ ...initialValues, time: data })



javascript reactjs react-native react-hooks state


const calculate = () => {
if (number) {
    let size = number * data * 8;
    size = percentage(12, size) + size;
    const newValues = [...initialValues.slice()];

    for (let i = 0; i < newValues.length; i++) {
        let data = (size / data).toFixed();
        newValues[i].time = data;



1- 使用map更新特定元素:

const [array, setArray] = useState([...]); // Initialize your state array

const updateElement = (index, newValue) => {
  setArray(array.map((item, i) => (i === index ? newValue : item)));

2- 使用展开运算符和切片创建副本并更新元素:

const [array, setArray] = useState([...]); // Initialize your state array

const updateElement = (index, newValue) => {
  const newArray = [...array]; // Create a copy of the original array
  newArray[index] = newValue; // Update the specific element
  setArray(newArray); // Set the state with the updated array

3- 使用 Array.prototype.slice 和 Array.prototype.concat 创建副本并更新元素:

const [array, setArray] = useState([...]); // Initialize your state array

const updateElement = (index, newValue) => {
  const newArray = array.slice(); // Create a copy of the original array
  newArray[index] = newValue; // Update the specific element
  setArray(newArray); // Set the state with the updated array


将初始值存储在变量中并将其传递给 useState,如下所示

const [initialValues, setInitialValue] = useState(initialVaule);
const [number, setNumber] = useState(1)
const [data, setData] = useState(1024)

const calculate = () => {
        if (number && data) {

            let size = number * data * 8
            size = percentage(12, size) + size;

           let updatedValue = intialValues.map( item => {
              return item.time = (size / data).toFixed();
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