C# Windows 图像采集扫描在随机扫描间隔抛出错误

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


问题从这里开始:问题随机发生在 3 个工作站上。用户将搜索客户,然后通过平板扫描仪(epson Perfection v600)扫描纸张,然后保存此信息。用户将重复此过程 X 次,但在随机的时间内,应用程序将抛出以下错误:

内部异常错误:灾难性故障(HRESULT 异常:0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) 异常消息:系统调用失败。 (HRESULT 异常:0x80010100 (RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED)) 在 WIA.ICommonDialog.ShowTransfer(项目项目,字符串 FormatID,布尔 CancelError) 在 C:\Projects\Framework.NET\Application\Framework\WPF\MyScanApp.DocumentScanner\ScannerService.cs 中的 Radex.DocumentScanner.ScannerService.Scan(字符串scannerId,布尔值useFlatBedScanner,字符串batchNumber,Int32 batchCount):第201行

如果我们转到 ScannerService.cs 中的第 201 行..这是抛出错误的代码行:

 WIA.ImageFile image = (WIA.ImageFile)wiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatBMP, false);

有人遇到过这个错误或者知道如何解决吗? 下面是我的按钮代码,它调用扫描服务来启动扫描过程。非常感谢任何反馈,因为这个问题让我发疯


 private void Scan()
                List<BitmapSource> images = ScannerService.Scan((string)lbDevices.SelectedItem, true);

                if (images.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var image in images)
                    HasScannedDocument = "Visible";

这里是 ScannerService 类

  public class ScannerException : ApplicationException
        public ScannerException()
            : base()
        { }

        public ScannerException(string message)
            : base(message)
        { }

        public ScannerException(string message, Exception innerException)
            : base(message, innerException)
        { }


    public class ScannerNotFoundException : ScannerException
        public ScannerNotFoundException()
            : base("Error retrieving a list of scanners. Is your scanner or multi-function printer turned on?")

    public class EmptyFeedException : ScannerException
        public EmptyFeedException()
            : base("Scanner Feed is empty")

    public class ScannerService
        const string wiaFormatBMP = "{B96B3CAB-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}";

            public const uint FEEDER = 0x00000001;
            public const uint FLATBED = 0x00000002;

            public const uint FEED_READY = 0x00000001;

        class WIA_PROPERTIES
            public const uint WIA_RESERVED_FOR_NEW_PROPS = 1024;
            public const uint WIA_DIP_FIRST = 2;
            public const uint WIA_DPA_FIRST = WIA_DIP_FIRST + WIA_RESERVED_FOR_NEW_PROPS;
            public const uint WIA_DPC_FIRST = WIA_DPA_FIRST + WIA_RESERVED_FOR_NEW_PROPS;
            // Scanner only device properties (DPS)
            public const uint WIA_DPS_FIRST = WIA_DPC_FIRST + WIA_RESERVED_FOR_NEW_PROPS;
            public const uint WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS = WIA_DPS_FIRST + 13;
            public const uint WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT = WIA_DPS_FIRST + 14;

        /// <summary>
        /// Use scanner to scan an image (with user selecting the scanner from a dialog).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Scanned images.</returns>
        public static List<BitmapSource> Scan()
            WIA.ICommonDialog dialog = new WIA.CommonDialog();
            WIA.Device device = dialog.ShowSelectDevice(WIA.WiaDeviceType.UnspecifiedDeviceType, true, false);

            if (device != null)
                return Scan(device.DeviceID);
                throw new Exception("You must select a device for scanning.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Use scanner to scan an image (scanner is selected by its unique id).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scannerName"></param>
        /// <returns>Scanned images.</returns>

        private static List<BitmapSource> bitmapSources;
        public static List<BitmapSource> BitmapSources
            get { return bitmapSources; }
                if (bitmapSources != value)
                    bitmapSources = value;

        public static List<BitmapSource> Scan(string scannerId, bool useFlatBedScanner = false, string batchNumber = "", int batchCount = 0)
            //   List<ImageFile> images = new List<ImageFile>();
            BitmapSources = new List<BitmapSource>();
            int count = 1;

            if (batchCount > 0) // in case the user wants to rescan more items, then it will not over write an existing ed card by starting at count = 1: RG
                count = batchCount + 1;

            bool hasMorePages = true;
            while (hasMorePages)
                // select the correct scanner using the provided scannerId parameter
                WIA.DeviceManager manager = new WIA.DeviceManager();
                WIA.Device device = null;
                foreach (WIA.DeviceInfo info in manager.DeviceInfos)
                        if (info.DeviceID == scannerId)
                            // connect to scanner
                            device = info.Connect();
                    catch (Exception)
                        //just catch the exception so the program doesn't break

                // device was not found
                if (device == null)
                    // enumerate available devices
                    string availableDevices = "";
                    foreach (WIA.DeviceInfo info in manager.DeviceInfos)
                        availableDevices += info.DeviceID + "\n";

                    // show error with available devices
                    throw new Exception("The device with provided ID could not be found. Available Devices:\n" + availableDevices);

                WIA.Item item = device.Items[1] as WIA.Item;

                    // scan image
                    WIA.ICommonDialog wiaCommonDialog = new WIA.CommonDialog();

                    if (!useFlatBedScanner)
                        AdjustScannerSettings(item, 150, 380, 0, 515, 680, 150, 7, 1);
                        //   AdjustScannerSettings(item, 600, 1525, 0, 2100, 2725, 150, 7);
                        // set resolution for flatbed too, or else applciation freezes. see reference;
                        // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2771743/c-how-to-avoid-wia-error-when-scanning-documents-with-2400dpi-or-more
                        int resolution = 150;
                        int width_pixel = 1250;
                        int height_pixel = 1700;
                        int color_mode = 1;
                        AdjustScannerSettings(item, resolution, 0, 0, width_pixel, height_pixel, 0, 0, color_mode);
                    WIA.ImageFile image = (WIA.ImageFile)wiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatBMP, false);

                    if (image != null)
                        ScannerImageConverter converter = new ScannerImageConverter();
                        BitmapSource ColorScannedImage = converter.InMemoryConvertScannedImage(image);

                        if (!useFlatBedScanner)
                            Bitmap test = converter.BitmapFromSource(ColorScannedImage);
                            Bitmap BitonalScannedImageBMP = converter.ConvertToBitonal(test);
                            Bitmap bitResize = new Bitmap(BitonalScannedImageBMP, new Size(1087, 1401));
                            Bitmap bitResize24 = new Bitmap(bitResize.Width, bitResize.Height, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

                            //create a graphics from the image
                            Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitResize24);

                            //draw the 32bit per pixel image into the 24 bit per pixel image
                            g.DrawImage(bitResize, new Point(0, 0));

                            ////now save the 24 bit per pixel to disk
                            string fileName = "C:\\ATA\\"+ batchNumber +"-" + count++.ToString() + ".Bmp";
                            bitResize24.Save(fileName, ImageFormat.Bmp);

                        // add image to output list
                catch (Exception exc)
                    if (exc.Message == "Exception from HRESULT: 0x80210003")
                        return BitmapSources;
                    else if (exc.InnerException != null)
                    if(exc.StackTrace != null)
                    //throw exc;
                    item = null;

                    //determine if there are any more pages waiting
                    WIA.Property documentHandlingSelect = null;
                    WIA.Property documentHandlingStatus = null;

                    foreach (WIA.Property prop in device.Properties)
                        if (prop.PropertyID == WIA_PROPERTIES.WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT)
                            documentHandlingSelect = prop;

                        if (prop.PropertyID == WIA_PROPERTIES.WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS)
                            documentHandlingStatus = prop;

                    // assume there are no more pages
                    hasMorePages = false;

                    // may not exist on flatbed scanner but required for feeder
                    if (documentHandlingSelect != null)
                        // check for document feeder
                        if ((Convert.ToUInt32(documentHandlingSelect.get_Value()) & WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_SELECT.FEEDER) != 0)
                            hasMorePages = ((Convert.ToUInt32(documentHandlingStatus.get_Value()) & WIA_DPS_DOCUMENT_HANDLING_STATUS.FEED_READY) != 0);

            return BitmapSources;

        private static void AdjustScannerSettings(IItem scannnerItem, int scanResolutionDPI, int scanStartLeftPixel, int scanStartTopPixel,
        int scanWidthPixels, int scanHeightPixels, int brightnessPercents, int contrastPercents, int colorMode)
            const string WIA_SCAN_COLOR_MODE = "6146";
            const string WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_RESOLUTION_DPI = "6147";
            const string WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_RESOLUTION_DPI = "6148";
            const string WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_START_PIXEL = "6149";
            const string WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_START_PIXEL = "6150";
            const string WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_SIZE_PIXELS = "6151";
            const string WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_SIZE_PIXELS = "6152";
            const string WIA_SCAN_BRIGHTNESS_PERCENTS = "6154";
            const string WIA_SCAN_CONTRAST_PERCENTS = "6155";
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_RESOLUTION_DPI, scanResolutionDPI);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_RESOLUTION_DPI, scanResolutionDPI);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_START_PIXEL, scanStartLeftPixel);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_START_PIXEL, scanStartTopPixel);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_HORIZONTAL_SCAN_SIZE_PIXELS, scanWidthPixels);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_VERTICAL_SCAN_SIZE_PIXELS, scanHeightPixels);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_SCAN_BRIGHTNESS_PERCENTS, brightnessPercents);
            SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_SCAN_CONTRAST_PERCENTS, contrastPercents);
                        SetWIAProperty(scannnerItem.Properties, WIA_SCAN_COLOR_MODE, colorMode);

        private static void SetWIAProperty(IProperties properties, object propName, object propValue)
            Property prop = properties.get_Item(ref propName);
            prop.set_Value(ref propValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the list of available WIA devices.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<string> GetDevices()
            List<string> devices = new List<string>();
            WIA.DeviceManager manager = new WIA.DeviceManager();

            foreach (WIA.DeviceInfo info in manager.DeviceInfos)

            return devices;


Exception Stack:
System call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010100 (RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED))  Exception Attributes:
    Message: System call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80010100 (RPC_E_SYS_CALL_FAILED))
    Exception type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
    Source: MyApplication.DocumentScanner
    Thrown by code in method: ShowTransfer
    Thrown by code in class: ICommonDialog
  Stack Trace:
    Method: WIA.ICommonDialog.ShowTransfer(Item Item, String FormatID, Boolean CancelError)    Line #: 202 -- Method: MyApplication.DocumentScanner.ScannerService.Scan(String scannerId, Boolean useFlatBedScanner, String batchNumber, Int32 batchCount) -- Source File: C:\Projects\Framework.NET\Application\Framework\WPF\MyApplication\ScannerService.cs


Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))  Exception Attributes:
    Message: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
    Exception type: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException
    Source: Radex.DocumentScanner
    Thrown by code in method: ShowTransfer
    Thrown by code in class: ICommonDialog
 Stack Trace:
        Method: WIA.ICommonDialog.ShowTransfer(Item Item, String FormatID, Boolean CancelError)    Line #: 202 -- Method: MyApplication.DocumentScanner.ScannerService.Scan(String scannerId, Boolean useFlatBedScanner, String batchNumber, Int32 batchCount) -- Source File: C:\Projects\Framework.NET\Application\Framework\WPF\MyApplication\ScannerService.cs
c# .net wpf scanning

正如 RandomNumberFun 建议的那样,需要在异步任务中调用 Scan 方法

AsyncWorker.Execute(() =>
                     List<BitmapSource> images = ScannerService.Scan((string)lbDevices.SelectedItem, true);

                if (images.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var image in images)
                    HasScannedDocument = "Visible";

                    return true;
                }, response =>

                }, this);


我有类似的问题,并且对 C# 非常陌生。

我们有一个用 vb.net 编写的扫描应用程序,它使用 TWIA C# 类通过 WIA 完成实际的扫描工作。我继承了这段代码,因为负责管理它的人离开了公司。

当用户单击 vb.net 项目中的“扫描”按钮时(在选择 ADF 进纸器选项而不是平板之后),它会运行 C# 类中的 Scan() 函数,该类又包含一系列扫描属性设置代码都运行良好,但是当它需要检查他们选择的扫描选项(即 ADF 与平板)时,它会在第二次出现“内存不足”错误下面的代码行...

WIA.ImageFile imgFile = null; imgFile = (ImageFile)WiaCommonDialog.ShowTransfer(item, wiaFormatJPEG, true);


我读了你的帖子,发现你也有类似的问题。由于我对 C# 完全不熟悉,您介意发布用于设置后台工作程序的代码吗?您需要的所有代码,包括任何附加的“使用”子句,例如“使用 System.Threading”或其他任何特殊内容类、方法等...以便我可以在我的项目中尝试一下?

我不知道还能尝试什么。运行此代码的 PC 有大量可用 RAM,因此不确定为什么它会抛出该错误。



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