在给定对象的方位角和仰角的情况下,将图像叠加在 Android 相机捕获的对象上

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最好的方法是什么?我知道这与以某种方式转换手机的旋转矩阵并以某种方式使用手机相机的 FOV 有关。


我不会撒谎我不知道如何解决这个问题,我问了 chatGPT 并得到了这样的东西:

fun getScreenCoords(R: FloatArray, azimuth: Double, elevation: Double): Pair<Float, Float> {
    // Convert the azimuth and elevation to radians
    val azimuthRadians = Math.toRadians(azimuth.toDouble())
    val elevationRadians = Math.toRadians(elevation.toDouble())

    // Calculate the vector pointing to the sun in 3D space
    val x = Math.cos(azimuthRadians) * Math.cos(elevationRadians)
    val y = Math.sin(azimuthRadians) * Math.cos(elevationRadians)
    val z = Math.sin(elevationRadians)

    // Create a float array containing the vector coordinates
    val vector = floatArrayOf(x.toFloat(), y.toFloat(), z.toFloat(), 1.0f)

    // Create a new float array to hold the transformed coordinates
    val transformedVector = FloatArray(4)

    // Multiply the rotation matrix by the vector to transform it to the device coordinate system
    Matrix.multiplyMV(transformedVector, 0, R, 0, vector, 0)

    // Normalize the transformed vector by dividing by its W coordinate
    transformedVector[0] /= transformedVector[3]
    transformedVector[1] /= transformedVector[3]
    transformedVector[2] /= transformedVector[3]

    // Get the screen dimensions
    val displayMetrics = Resources.getSystem().displayMetrics
    val screenWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels
    val screenHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels

    // Convert the normalized vector coordinates to screen coordinates
    val xScreen = ((transformedVector[0] + 1.0f) / 2.0f * screenWidth)
    val yScreen = ((1.0f - transformedVector[1]) / 2.0f * screenHeight)

    // Return the screen coordinates as a Pair
    return Pair(xScreen, yScreen)


android kotlin camera android-camera
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