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我正在尝试通过 python 中的 Spotify-API 从播放列表中获取每个曲目名称和艺术家姓名。 (https://developer.spotify.com/documentation/web-api/reference/get-playlist

问题是响应将显示的项目数有限制(100)。解决方案是从播放列表中获取“下一个”属性,该属性基本上是从中获取接下来的 100 个项目(通过偏移量)。 但是当我尝试从我的响应中获取

属性时,就像在第一次调用中一样,python 告诉我它的“无”。

有人有该 API 的经验并且知道如何修复该错误吗?也许我正在监督一些显而易见的事情......


def get_playlist_track_list(playlist_id):
    url = f"https://api.spotify.com/v1/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks"
    headers = get_auth_header(token)
    total_tracks = 0

    tracklist = []

    while True:
        result = get(url, headers=headers)
        response = result.json()

        total_tracks = response['total']
        items = response['items']

        for item in items:
            track_name = item['track']['name']
            artist_name = item['track']['artists'][0]['name']

            # Check if track_name and artist_name are not None
            if track_name is not None and artist_name is not None:
                track_name = clean(str(track_name))
                artist_name = clean(str(artist_name))
                tracklist.append(f"{artist_name} - {track_name}")

        # Check if there are more tracks to fetch
        if response['next']:
            url = response['next']  # Set the URL to the next batch of tracks
            break  # Exit the loop if there are no more tracks
    return "\n".join(tracklist)


python json api spotify
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