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我有 2 个函数:一个“is_prime”将使用标志变量检查数字是否为素数。第二个调用第一个来检查给定的整数是质数、非质数还是负数。第二个函数大部分工作正常,但不会像我告诉的那样在整数大于 1 时调用第一个函数。 为什么最后一行文本没有调用第一个函数?

def is_prime():
    #Start by setting prime integer to False
    check = False
    #Check if integer is a prime number or not by checking the factors of a flag variable
    for i in range(2, int):
        if (int % i) == 0:
            #If a factor is found, set flag to True
            check = True
            #Leave the loop
        if check:
        #Print the integer is not prime if false
            print("The integer",int,"is not prime.")
        #Print the integer is prime if true
            print("The integer",int,"is prime.")

#Main function that accepts user input, and calls is_prime to find out if the number is prime or not.
def main():
    global int
    #Take the input from the user and make it an integer
    int = int(input("Please provide an integer:"))
    if int < 0:
        #If the integer is negative, print the integer being negative
        print("The integer",int,"is negative")
    #If the integer is not negative, it must check that it isnt between 0 or 1 or it will break the "prime number checking" function.
    elif int == 1:
    #If the integer is 1, print that the integer is not prime
        print("The integer",int,"is not prime.")
    elif int > 1:
python function primes
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