Google Cloud API 库是否代表其他用户支持 Oauth2?

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我想代表其他用户访问 Google Analytics Admin API。我从带有身份验证窗口弹出窗口的 Oauth2 对话框流中获得了有效的 oAuth2 访问令牌。

Google 提供新的 Cloud 客户端库 或更旧的 Google API 客户端库 来访问其服务。


云客户端库是用于以编程方式访问云 API 的推荐选项(如果可用)

但是,这些较新的云库似乎不提供代表其他用户(不是我自己)访问的 OAuth2 身份验证。

例如,我想使用 Google Analytics Admin API。

我访问 Google Analytics Admin Cloud Client 库,文档告诉我通过从我的凭证区域下载 JSON 文件来进行身份验证(这仅在我访问我自己的服务时有效,但不能代表给定用户进行 API 调用)

  // Instantiates a client using default credentials.
  // TODO(developer): uncomment and use the following line in order to
  //  manually set the path to the service account JSON file instead of
  //  using the value from the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment
  //  variable.
  // const analyticsAdminClient = new analyticsAdmin.AnalyticsAdminServiceClient(
  //     {keyFilename: "your_key_json_file_path"});
  const analyticsAdminClient = new analyticsAdmin.AnalyticsAdminServiceClient();

  // Calls listAccounts() method of the Google Analytics Admin API and prints
  // the response for each account.
  const [accounts] = await analyticsAdminClient.listAccounts();

然后我访问旧的 Analytics Admin 的 Google API 客户端库

它支持 Oauth2 access_tokens ...但它首先说的是:

注意:Google 为此服务提供了多个库。该库处于维护模式,并将继续向拥有现有应用程序的用户开放。如果您正在构建新应用程序或对旧应用程序进行现代化改造,请改用 @google-analytics/admin@google-analytics/admin 库更快、更易于使用且维护得更好。

我想要更新更好的库,但是它们是否代表其他用户支持 Oauth2?

我知道我可以使用 Google Auth Library 获取 oAuth2 access_tokens。但我不知道如何使用这些令牌来授权较新的云库。

node.js google-cloud-platform google-oauth google-analytics-api google-api-nodejs-client

他们确实提供了 oauth2,只是没有提供示例,但我提供了。

// npm install googleapis@105 @google-cloud/[email protected] --save
// npm install @google-analytics/data

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const process = require('process');
const {authenticate} = require('@google-cloud/local-auth');
const {google} = require('googleapis');
const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require("@google-analytics/data");

// If modifying these scopes, delete token.json.
const SCOPES = [''];

// Token File Name
const TOKEN_FILE = 'token.json'

// The file token.json stores the user's access and refresh tokens, and is
// created automatically when the authorization flow completes for the first
// time.
const TOKEN_PATH = path.join(process.cwd(), TOKEN_FILE);
const CREDENTIALS_PATH = 'C:\\Development\\FreeLance\\GoogleSamples\\Credentials\\Credentials.json';

 * Reads previously authorized credentials from the save file.
 * @return {Promise<OAuth2Client|null>}
async function loadSavedCredentialsIfExist() {
    try {
        const content = fs.readFileSync(TOKEN_PATH,{encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
        const credentials = JSON.parse(content);
        return google.auth.fromJSON(credentials);
    } catch (err) {
        return null;

 * Serializes credentials to a file compatible with GoogleAUth.fromJSON.
 * @param {OAuth2Client} client
 * @return {Promise<void>}
async function saveCredentials(client) {

    const content = fs.readFileSync(CREDENTIALS_PATH, {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
    const keys = JSON.parse(content);

    const key = keys.installed || keys.web;
    const payload = JSON.stringify({
        type: 'authorized_user',
        client_id: key.client_id,
        client_secret: key.client_secret,
        refresh_token: client.credentials.refresh_token,
    await fs.writeFileSync(TOKEN_PATH, payload);

 * Load or request or authorization to call APIs.
async function authorize() {
    let client = await loadSavedCredentialsIfExist();
    if (client) {
        return client;
    client = await authenticate({
        scopes: SCOPES,
        keyfilePath: CREDENTIALS_PATH,
    if (client.credentials) {
        await saveCredentials(client);
    return client;

 * Runs a Google Analytics report
 * For a given property id
async function runReport(authClient ) {

    // Imports the Google Analytics Data API client library.
    const {BetaAnalyticsDataClient} = require('@google-analytics/data');
    // Load the credentials.
    const content = fs.readFileSync('token.json', {encoding:'utf8', flag:'r'});
    const keys = JSON.parse(content);
    const analyticsDataClient = new BetaAnalyticsDataClient(
        {  credentials: keys}

    var propertyId = '250796939';

    // Runs a simple report.
    async function runReport() {
        const [response] = await analyticsDataClient.runReport({
            property: `properties/${propertyId}`,
            dateRanges: [
                    startDate: '2020-03-31',
                    endDate: 'today',
            dimensions: [
                    name: 'city',
            metrics: [
                    name: 'activeUsers',

        console.log('Report result:');
        response.rows.forEach(row => {
            console.log(row.dimensionValues[0], row.metricValues[0]);

    await runReport();

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