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我需要为wsdl中的一个操作创建SOAP请求xml。我研究并尝试了博客“Java: Get Sample Request XML from wsdl”的解决方案,但我在“WsdlProject project = new WsdlProject();”行中得到了异常“java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:org / fife / ui / rtextarea / RTextArea”。


提前致谢 !!

java xml web-services soap wsdl
1. Create a Java Project: File->New->Other->Java Project. (TestWSDL)
2. Create a WSDL File: File->New->Other->Web Services->WSDL File-> Name the file->Next->finish. (NewWSDLFile.wsdl)
3. Modify the WSDL File: Open NewWSDLFile.wsdl and replace all its content by your desired WSDL file.Save it. (Suppose I have saved my desired wsdl file at D:\sampleWSDL.xml, which i want to convert. Open this xml file using Notepad++,copy all its content and paste it to NewWSDLFile.wsdl)
4. Create Web Service Client: File->New->Other->Web Services->Web Service Client->Next->Browse Service definition and show the path of the NewWSDLFile.wsdl file we created at step 2 ->OK-> 5. Click Client Project(blue colored link at right) and set it to the project we created at step
6. Press Next -> Set Output Folder->Finish.
7. You will have all the converted Java files at the folder you set at step 5.
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