Haskell Webdriver Selenium Firefox 无头模式

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我喜欢使用精彩的 网络驱动器 包。但是有一件事有点奇怪,那就是Firefox浏览器类型不支持命令行选项,谁能帮助我如何用命令行选项运行firefox无头模式呢,我猜测我可以使用firefox profile,但是经过大量的谷歌搜索,我找不到与firefox profile链接的无头模式。

data Browser = Firefox { -- |The firefox profile to use. If Nothing,
                         -- a default temporary profile is automatically created
                         -- and used.
                         ffProfile :: Maybe (PreparedProfile Firefox)
                         -- |Firefox logging preference
                       , ffLogPref :: LogLevel
                         -- |Server-side path to Firefox binary. If Nothing,
                         -- use a sensible system-based default.
                       , ffBinary :: Maybe FilePath
                         -- |Available after Firefox 52, and required only for Firefox
                         -- geckodriver. Indicates whether untrusted and self-signed TLS
                         -- certificates are implicitly trusted on navigation for the
                         -- duration of the session.
                       , ffAcceptInsecureCerts :: Maybe Bool
             | Chrome { -- |Version of the Chrome Webdriver server server to use
                        -- for more information on chromedriver see
                        -- <https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver>
                        chromeDriverVersion :: Maybe String
                        -- |Server-side path to Chrome binary. If Nothing,
                        -- use a sensible system-based default.
                      , chromeBinary :: Maybe FilePath
                        -- |A list of command-line options to pass to the
                        -- Chrome binary.
                      , chromeOptions :: [String]
                        -- |A list of extensions to use.
                      , chromeExtensions :: [ChromeExtension]
                        -- | Experimental options not yet exposed through a standard API.
                      , chromeExperimentalOptions :: Object
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