
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



  1. 初始化布尔变量Last_is_longLast_is_short以存储最后一步是长线还是短线
  2. 将布尔值作为完整的longCondition的一部分,并将其作为完整的shortCondition的一部分
  3. 我基于这样的完整条件(包括布尔值,因此得出alertcondition(),因此


study(title="MyStudy", shorttitle="MyStudy", overlay=true)
var bool Last_is_long = false
var bool Last_is_short = false
longCondition = myLongCondition() and not(Last_is_long)
shortCondition = myShortCondition() and not(Last_is_short)
alertcondition(longCondition, title='Long', message='Long now!')
if longCondition
    label.new(time, close, text = "Long", color=color.lime, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
    Last_is_long := true
    Last_is_short := false
alertcondition(shortCondition, title='Short', message='Short now!')
if shortCondition
    label.new(time, close, text = "Short", color=color.red, xloc = xloc.bar_time)
    Last_is_long := false
    Last_is_short := true







 // Licensing information: free as bird. A referral to me would be much appreciated, though.
// Description: meant to be used with BTCUSD (or XBTUSD) on 3 mins to 1h candles charts.
// Idea is to provide a tool to detect break-out's from a dead band around an EMA, and to detect back-in's to the dead band.
// Detection is fundamentally based on how much %, at least, a certain candle body has ruptured the dead band (adjustable).
// Long and short flags are placed on the chart, as well as the deadband. Can be used to generate alers.
// With minimal modifications, can be convert to a Strategy script.

// Following are ideas to play around if you want. Room for improvements:
//  - convert constants into inputs, and diversify thresholds assimetrically
//  - play around with wether or not using pyramiding (here pyramiding is blocked)
//  - look at several bars in a sequence, not only current

// © esturilio:
//  TV  : https://www.tradingview.com/u/esturilio/
//  SO  : https://stackoverflow.com/users/12678720/glauco-esturilio?tab=profile
//  GH  : esturilio
//  TW  : @esturilio

study(title="Deadband cross", shorttitle="DB-X", overlay=true)

// === INIT VARIABLES === (needed on Study because Studies don't know about pyramiding)
var bool Last_is_long = false
var bool Last_is_short = false

// Defining the EMA curve for visualization
emaLen = input(12, minval=1, title="EMA Length")
emaSrc = input(open, title="Source for EMA")
emaVal = ema(emaSrc, emaLen)
plot(emaVal, title="EMA", color=color.blue)

// Defining the deadbands:
var float SigmaVar = input(0.30, minval=0, title="% deadband") // band around EMA
SigmaUp = emaVal * (1 + SigmaVar/100)
SigmaDw = emaVal * (1 - SigmaVar/100)
plot(SigmaUp, title="Band+", color=color.orange)
plot(SigmaDw, title="Band-", color=color.orange)

// Definition of the threshold for cross detection:
bar_bodypercent_threshold = input(50,title="%bar threshold for cross detection")

// =============================================================================
// detect cross or already crossed situations:
n_bar_span = abs(close - open)

// following conditions will be used to detect a bullish situation
bull_cross() => (close > SigmaUp and open < SigmaUp) or (close > SigmaUp and open > SigmaUp)
bear_back_cross() => (close > SigmaDw and open < SigmaDw)

// following conditions will be used to detect a bearish situation
bear_cross() => (close < SigmaDw and open > SigmaDw) or (close < SigmaDw and open < SigmaDw)
bull_back_cross() => (close < SigmaUp and open > SigmaUp)

// =============================================================================
// Calculate bar% above SigmaUp when crossing upwards
percent_bar_above_SigmaUp = if bull_cross()
    (100*(( max(close,open) - SigmaUp)/n_bar_span))

// Calculate bar% below SigmaUp when crossing back down
percent_bar_below_SigmaUp = if bull_back_cross()
    (100*(( SigmaUp - min(close,open))/n_bar_span))

// Calculate bar% below SigmaDw when crossing downwards    
percent_bar_below_SigmaDw = if bear_cross()
    (100*(( SigmaDw - min(close,open))/n_bar_span))

// Calculate bar% above SigmaDw when crossing back up
percent_bar_above_SigmaDw = if bear_back_cross()
    (100*((max(close,open) - SigmaDw)/n_bar_span))

// =============================================================================

 //longCondition: either bull or back from bear
longCondition  = ((close > SigmaUp) and (percent_bar_above_SigmaUp >= bar_bodypercent_threshold)) or ((close < SigmaUp) and (percent_bar_above_SigmaDw >= bar_bodypercent_threshold))

 //shortCondition: either bear or back from bull 
shortCondition = ((close < SigmaDw) and (percent_bar_below_SigmaDw >= bar_bodypercent_threshold)) or ((close > SigmaDw) and (percent_bar_below_SigmaUp >= bar_bodypercent_threshold))

longConditionFull = longCondition and Last_is_long == false
alertcondition(longConditionFull, title='LongTrigger', message='LongTrigger')

if  longConditionFull
    //if converting to strategy, you can uncomment below line for activating orders:

    //plot green arrow
    label.new(time, close, text = "L", style=label.style_labelup, yloc=yloc.belowbar, color=color.lime, xloc = xloc.bar_time)

    //make sure pyramiding is not allowed 
    Last_is_long := true
    Last_is_short := false

shortConditionFull = shortCondition and Last_is_short == false
alertcondition(shortConditionFull, title='ShortTrigger', message='ShortTrigger')

if shortConditionFull
    //if converting to strategy, you can uncomment below line for activating orders:

    //plot red arrow
    label.new(time, close, text = "S", style=label.style_labeldown, yloc=yloc.abovebar, color=color.red, xloc = xloc.bar_time)

    //make sure pyramiding is not allowed 
    Last_is_long := false
    Last_is_short := true

 // Bull and back from bull
//plot(percent_bar_above_SigmaUp, title="%above EMA+s",color=color.green)
//plot(percent_bar_below_SigmaUp, title="%above EMA+s",color=color.olive)

 // Bear and back from bear
//plot(percent_bar_below_SigmaDw, title="%below EMA-s",color=color.red)
//plot(percent_bar_above_SigmaDw, title="%below EMA-s",color=color.fuchsia)


pine-script algorithmic-trading


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