
问题描述 投票:3回答:1



const example = { a: { b: { c: { d: 5 } } } };
const out = osc(example).a.b.c.d(6);
expect(out).to.be.deep.eq({ a: { b: { c: { d: 6 } } } });

...其中qazxsw poi(可选集链)是我模仿osc的qazxsw poi函数的函数。



The implementation



The problem

不幸的是,我得到了错误:Object.assign({}, example, {a: Object.assign({}, example.a, {b: Object.assign({}, example.a.b, {c: Object.assign({}, example.a.b.c, {d: 6})})})});。这就是我的困惑开始的地方。从// ----- Types ----- // Generic type "R" -> The returned root object type when setting a value // Generic type "T" -> The type for the proxy object interface TSOSCDataSetter<R, T> { (value: Readonly<T>): Readonly<R>; } type TSOSCObjectWrapper<R, T> = { [K in keyof T]-?: TSOSCType<R, T[K]> }; interface TSOSCArrayWrapper<R, T> { length: TSOSCType<R, number>; [K: number]: TSOSCType<R, T>; } interface TSOSCAny<R> extends TSOSCDataSetter<R, any> { [K: string]: TSOSCAny<R>; // Enable deep traversal of arbitrary props } type TSOSCDataWrapper<R, T> = 0 extends (1 & T) // Is T any? (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49927523/disallow-call-with-any/49928360#49928360) ? TSOSCAny<R> : T extends any[] // Is T array-like? ? TSOSCArrayWrapper<R, T[number]> : T extends object // Is T object-like? ? TSOSCObjectWrapper<R, T> : TSOSCDataSetter<R, T>; export type TSOSCType<R, T> = TSOSCDataSetter<R, T> & TSOSCDataWrapper<R, T>; // ----- Helper functions ----- function setter<K extends keyof V, V>(original: () => (Readonly<V> | undefined), key: K, value: Readonly<V[K]>): Readonly<V> { // Shallow copies this layer with the spliced in value specified. Works with both dictionaries and lists. return Object.assign(typeof key === "string" ? {} : [], original(), { [key]: value }); } function getter<K extends keyof V, V>(object: Readonly<V> | undefined, key: K): Readonly<V[K]> | undefined { // Assists in optionally fetching down a continuous recursive chain of index-able objects (dictionaries & lists) return object === undefined ? object : object[key]; } // ----- Internal recursive optional set chain function ----- function _osc<R, K extends keyof V, V>(root: Readonly<R> | undefined, get_chain: () => (Readonly<V> | undefined), set_chain: (v: Readonly<V>) => Readonly<R>): TSOSCType<R, V> { // `root` is passed in as an argument and never used. This is just to maintain the typing for <R>. // `get_chain` is a constructed recursive function that will return what the value of this object is at this node. // `set_chain` is a constructed recursive function that will assist in building and splicing in the specified value. return new Proxy( {} as TSOSCType<R, V>, // Blank object. I don't use `target`. { get: function (target, key: K): TSOSCType<R, V[K]> { const new_get_chain = (): (Readonly<V[K]> | undefined) => getter(get_chain(), key); const new_set_chain = (v: Readonly<V[K]>): Readonly<R> => set_chain(setter(get_chain, key, v)); return _osc(root, new_get_chain, new_set_chain); }, apply: function (target, thisArg, args: [Readonly<V>]): Readonly<R> { return set_chain(args[0]); } } ); } // ----- Exposed optional set chain function ----- export function osc<R, K extends keyof R>(root: Readonly<R> | undefined): TSOSCType<R, R> { const set_chain = (value: Readonly<R>): Readonly<R> => value; return _osc(root, () => root, set_chain); } (和osc(...).a.b.c.d is not a function)函数返回的是osc类型,它扩展了接口_osc。接口TSOSCType指定继承接口的对象本身是可调用的:


TSOSCDataSetterinterface TSOSCDataSetter<R, T> { (value: Readonly<T>): Readonly<R>; } 返回的是osc类型的_osc(很像Proxy)。此Proxy对象有助于构建完成对象链的链和类型。但更重要的是,对于这个问题,实现TSOSCType方法:




发生这种情况的原因是因为只能调用函数周围的代理(并设置apply: function (target, thisArg, args: [Readonly<V>]): Readonly<R> { return set_chain(args[0]); } 陷阱)。你的TSOSCType演员掩盖了这样一个事实:你正在做的事情在运行时是不可能的,并指示TypeScript信任你(错误地)。


{} as TSOSCType<R, V>


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