如何在 SVG Flutter 中找到路径中心

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我需要在 SVG 中找到路径的确切中心点。我使用了路径对象,有什么方法可以处理正确的点,将文本放在 SVG 路径的中心吗? pathMetrics 没有得到中心点。我使用这个路径类 = 类路径扩展 NativeFieldWrapperClass1

  transform = transform.replaceAll('matrix(', '').replaceAll(')', '');
  List<String> array = transform.split(',').toList();
  final double xScale = double.parse(array[0]) * 1.6;
  final double yScale = double.parse(array[3]) * 1.6;
  Matrix4 matrix4 = Matrix4.identity();
  matrix4.scale(xScale, yScale);

  double scaledSvgWidth = width * xScale;
  //double scaledSvgHeight = height * yScale;
  // calculate offset to center the svg image
  double offsetX = (size.width - scaledSvgWidth) / 3;
  Offset offset = Offset(offsetX, 0.0);

  final text = '30';
  final ParagraphBuilder paragraphBuilder = ParagraphBuilder(
        fontSize: 10,
        fontStyle: FontStyle.normal,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.w800,
        textAlign: TextAlign.justify,
        maxLines: null),
  final Paragraph paragraph = paragraphBuilder.build()
    ..layout(ParagraphConstraints(width: size.width));

  final pathMetrics = paths[index].transform(matrix4.storage).shift(offset).computeMetrics();

  final pathMetricsList = pathMetrics.toList();
  final tangent = pathMetricsList[0].getTangentForOffset(3)!;
  final currLetterPos = tangent.position;
  canvas.drawParagraph(paragraph, currLetterPos);[![enter image description here][1]][1]
flutter svg center
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