> head(params)
run_num time_step phys_length no_eggs
1 1 0 0.000000000 0
2 1 1 0.008209734 0
3 1 2 0.016332967 0
4 1 3 0.024238314 0
5 1 4 0.031594308 0
6 1 5 0.033077672 0
> tail(params)
run_num time_step phys_length no_eggs
607395 49 13728 15.04109 727
607396 49 13729 15.04111 727
607397 49 13730 15.04112 727
607398 49 13731 15.04113 727
607399 49 13732 15.04114 727
607400 49 13733 15.04115 727
我想查找个体(运行)从未开始产卵的所有实例,并从数据框中删除整个运行。我的解决方案是找到每次运行的最大time_step,如果no_eggs = 0则删除整个运行。
for (val in params$run_num)) {
if(no_eggs )
#your data
run_num <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,49,49,49,49,49,49)
timestep <- c(0,1,2,3,4,5,13728,13729,13730,13731,13732,13733)
phys_length <- c(0.000000000,0.008209734,0.016332967,0.024238314,0.031594308,0.033077672,15.04109,15.04111,15.04112,15.04113,15.04114,15.04115)
eggs <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,727,727,727,727,727,727)
params <- as.data.frame(cbind(run_num,timestep,phys_length,eggs))
#this line returns a vector of True and False we can use this to grab all the rows where the statement is true
params$eggs == 0
#like here "params" your data frame, and in the "[,]" the first value is row number, and second is colunm
#if set like below it returns all rows that were true, and since the second value was empty it returns all columns
no_eggs <- params[params$eggs == 0,]