在另一个 Text() 中单击单词时替换 Tkinter ScrolledText() 中的单词

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


  1. 它允许用户输入文本。
  2. 它通过标记它们来突出显示红色拼写错误的单词(礼貌-@OysterShucker)
  3. 单击突出显示的单词时,另一个名为 Correction_text 的文本框会显示可能的正确单词,可以替换拼写错误的单词
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import words
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
import re
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText
import string
from textblob import Word
from gramformer import Gramformer

gf = Gramformer(models = 1, use_gpu=False) # 1=corrector, 2=detector
w= words.words()+list(wordnet.words())
word_set= set(w) #set of correctly spelled words from NLTK corpus
root= tk.Tk()
text= ScrolledText(root, font = ("Arial", 18))

correction_text = tk.Text(root)

correction_text.pack(side="bottom", fill="y")
text.pack(fill="both", expand=True)

wrong_words= []
def check(self):
    global wrong_words
    #get mark
    mark = text.mark_previous('lpos')

    #get characters from mark to just before last space or return
    word = text.get("lpos", f'{tk.INSERT}-1c')

    #if that word is not in the word list, tag it
    if not (re.sub("[^\w]", "", word.lower()) in word_set):
        text.tag_add('misspelled', "lpos", f'{tk.INSERT}-1c')
        if word!= '' and word.endswith('.') or word.endswith('?') or word.endswith(';') or word.endswith(',') or word.endswith(':') or word.endswith('-') :
            word = word[0:len(word)-1]
        if word!= "":

    #move mark to caret position
    text.mark_set('lpos', tk.INSERT)

#check on return and space
for key in ('Return', 'space'):
    text.bind(f"<KeyRelease-{key}>", check)


def hover(event):
    text = event.widget
    keyword_start = text.index(f"@{event.x},{event.y} wordstart")
    keyword_end = text.index(f"@{event.x},{event.y} wordend")
    word = text.get(keyword_start, keyword_end)
    text.tag_remove("keyword", "1.0", "end")

    if word in wrong_words:
        text.mark_set("keyword_start", keyword_start)
        text.mark_set("keyword_end", keyword_end)
        text.tag_add("keyword", keyword_start, keyword_end)

def keyword_click(event):
    text = event.widget
    word = text.get("keyword_start", "keyword_end")
    blob_word= Word(word)
    result = blob_word.spellcheck()
    label_word= ""
    for el in result:
        label_word +=el[0]+"\n"

    correction_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
    correction_text.insert('1.0', "Did you mean:\n"+label_word)

text.bind("<Motion>", hover)
text.tag_bind("keyword", "<1>", keyword_click)

#init mark at first position with gravity set to left so it wont move as you type
text.mark_set('lpos', "1.0") 
text.mark_gravity('lpos', tk.LEFT)

#make 1 tag and reuse it
text.tag_configure('misspelled', foreground= "red")



我想做以下事情: 我希望能够单击 Corrected_text 中的更正单词建议之一,并将相应的拼写错误单词替换为所选的更正。


python tkinter nltk key-bindings tkinter-scrolledtext

要启用用 Correction_text 框中的更正建议中的单词替换拼写错误的单词的功能,您可以修改 keywords_click 函数并在其中集成替换逻辑。所以请找到我的keyword_click函数的代码来实现这个

    def keyword_click(event):

    text_widget = event.widget
    word = text_widget.get("keyword_start", "keyword_end")

    blob_word = Word(word)
    result = blob_word.spellcheck()

    label_word = ""
    for el in result:
        label_word += el[0] + "\n"

    correction_text.delete('1.0', tk.END)
    correction_text.insert('1.0', "Did you mean:\n" + label_word)

    def replace_word(replacement):
        start = text_widget.search(word, "1.0", tk.END)
        while start:
            end = text_widget.index(f"{start}+{len(word)}c")
            text_widget.delete(start, end)
            text_widget.insert(start, replacement)
            start = text_widget.search(word, end, tk.END)

    def handle_correction_click(event):
        index = correction_text.index("@%s,%s" % (event.x, event.y))
        line, char = index.split('.')
        line = int(line)
        char = int(char)
        if line == 1:
            selected_word = correction_text.get(f"{line}.{char}", f"{line}.{char + 1} lineend")

    correction_text.bind("<Button-1>", handle_correction_click)

text.bind("<Motion>", hover)
text.tag_bind("keyword", "<1>", keyword_click)
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