Basic Currency Converter - 寻找反馈

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这是我的 java 课程介绍的基本货币转换器。我应该能够使用静态汇率在日元、美元、英镑和欧元之间进行转换。它有效,但我很想知道我是否以最有效的方式做到了这一点。它看起来很长,看起来像一团糟。只是想要一些反馈。

import java.util.Scanner;

public class currency

     public currency()
        char us_dollar_sym = 36;
        char pound_sym = 163;
        char yen_sym = 165;
        char euro_sym = 8364; 

        String us_dollar = "Dollars"; 
        String pound = "Pounds";
        String yen = "Yen";
        String euro = "Euros";
        double rate = 0;

        // Interface
        System.out.println("Welcome to the Currency Converter Program \n");
        System.out.println("Use the following codes to input your currency choices: \n 1 - US dollars \n 2 - Euros \n 3 - British Pounds \n 4 - Japanese Yen \n");

        System.out.println("Please choose the input currency:");
        Scanner in = new Scanner(;
        int choice = in.nextInt(); 

       String inType = null;
        switch(choice) {
        case 1: inType = "US Dollars >> " + us_dollar_sym;  break;
        case 2: inType = "Euros >> " + euro_sym; break;
        case 3: inType = "British Pounds >> " + pound_sym; break;
        case 4: inType = "Japanese Yen >> " + yen_sym; break;
        System.out.println("Please restart the program & enter a number from the list.");

        System.out.println("Please choose the output currency");
        int output = in.nextInt();

        System.out.printf("Now enter the input in " + inType);
        double input = in.nextDouble(); 

      if (choice == output) 
        System.out.println("Same currency no need to convert");

      if (choice == 1 && output == 2)
           double dollar_euro_rate = 0.78391;
           rate = input * dollar_euro_rate;
           System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + dollar_euro_rate + " Dollars to %s = %.2f\n", (char)us_dollar_sym, euro, rate);
        else if (choice == 1 && output == 3){ 
           double dollar_pound_rate = 0.621484;
           rate = input * dollar_pound_rate;
           System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + dollar_pound_rate + " Dollars to %s = %.2f\n", (char)us_dollar_sym, pound, rate);
        else if (choice == 1 && output == 4){ 
          double dollar_yen_rate = 107.174;
          rate = input * dollar_yen_rate;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + dollar_yen_rate + " Dollars to %s = %.2f\n", (char)us_dollar_sym, yen, rate);
      if (choice == 2 && output == 1)
          double euro_dollar_rate = 1.27579;
          rate = input * euro_dollar_rate;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + euro_dollar_rate + " Euros to %s = %.2f\n", (char)euro_sym, us_dollar, rate);
        else if (choice == 2 && output == 3)
          double euro_pound_rate = 0.792648;
          rate = input * euro_pound_rate;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + euro_pound_rate + " Euros to %s = %.2f\n", (char)euro_sym, pound, rate);
        else if (choice == 2 && output == 4)
          double euro_yen_rate = 136.708;
          rate = input * euro_yen_rate;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + euro_yen_rate + " Euros to %s = %.2f\n", (char)euro_sym, yen, rate);
      if (choice == 3 && output == 1)
          double pound_dollar_rate = 1.60972;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + pound_dollar_rate + " Pounds to %s = %.2f\n", (char)pound_sym, us_dollar, rate);
        else if (choice == 3 && output == 2)
          double pound_euro_rate = 1.26161;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + pound_euro_rate + " Pounds to %s = %.2f\n", (char)pound_sym, euro, rate);
        else if (choice == 3 && output == 4)
          double pound_yen_rate = 172.511;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + pound_yen_rate + " Pounds to %s = %.2f\n", (char)pound_sym, yen, rate);
      if (choice == 4 && output == 1)
          double yen_dollar_rate = 0.00932574;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + yen_dollar_rate + " Yen to %s = %.2f\n", (char)yen_sym, us_dollar, rate);
        else if (choice == 4 && output == 2)
          double yen_euro_rate = 0.00730615;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + yen_euro_rate + " Yen to %s = %.2f\n", (char)yen_sym, euro, rate);
        else if (choice == 4 && output == 3)
          double yen_pound_rate = 0.00579135;
          System.out.printf( "%s" + input + " at a conversion rate of " + yen_pound_rate + " Yen to %s = %.2f\n", (char)yen_sym, pound, rate);
       System.out.println("Thank you for using the currency converter");
java converters currency


当您在同一 if 语句中检查“选择”和“输出”时,它需要更多资源。嵌套 if 语句可能会提高效率。这将有 if 语句可供选择,其中 if 语句用于输出。


由于您将货币称为 int,我将使用 n × m 矩阵来存储汇率。 n 将是第一种货币,m 是第二种货币。使用这两个 int,您可以追溯正确的汇率。

矩阵中的对角线为 1(因为 USD >> USD =1 )。


exchange_rate = currency[1][2];

HashMap hm = new HashMap();

hm.put(1, new string("USD");



将所有费率表示为一个标准值的乘数,例如使用美元作为标准值。那么英镑的转换值为 1.60,美元为 1.0,欧元为 1.29。那么转换计算将是:

从价值 * 从转化 * 1/到转化

例如从 1 英镑到欧元将是:

1 * 1.60 * (1/1.29) = 1.24

如果您将所有费率存储在 HashMap 中,那么您可以完全避免 switch 语句。


为什么要使用这种方式来转换货币。你有JSR 354 Money and Currency API这里有一些你可以使用的例子,它真的很容易使用和快速:

MonetaryAmount monetaryAmount = Money.of(100.20, usd);
CurrencyUnit currency = monetaryAmount.getCurrency();
NumberValue numberValue = monetaryAmount.getNumber();
int value= numberValue.intValue();
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