
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

所以Natural mergeSort是mergeSort的一种变体,您无需遍历列表,而是遍历列表,创建2个“自然排序”的新临时列表,然后对这2个列表进行排序。例如列表= 1、3、2、4、5,空

<因为1 <3,但3不是<2第二临时列表== 2,4,5


if( firstTemp > secondTemp) swap;


ogList.size = 5

然后firstTemp.size = 7secondTemp.size = 10何时应该

firstTemp.size = 2

secondTemp.size = 3package mergesortlinkedlist; public class MergeSortLinkedList { static LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); public static void main(String[] args) { // // start linked list // LinkedList.push(list, 1); LinkedList.push(list, 3); LinkedList.push(list, 2); LinkedList.push(list, 4); LinkedList.push(list, 5); list.printList(list); System.out.println("list size = " + list.head.getCounter()); naturalMerge(list); } public static void naturalMerge(LinkedList front) { LinkedList set1 = new LinkedList(); LinkedList set2 = new LinkedList(); LinkedList temp = front; //get first temp list while (temp != null) { if (temp.head.data < temp.head.next.data) { LinkedList.push(set1, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; } else { LinkedList.push(set1, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; break; } } //get second temp list while (temp != null) { if (temp.head.data < temp.head.next.data) { LinkedList.push(set2, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; } else { LinkedList.push(set2, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; break; } } mergeSwap(set1, set2); } public static void mergeSwap(LinkedList set1, LinkedList ){ //template code to swap the naturally sorted temp lists } } } public class LinkedList { public Node head; public static class Node { public Node next = null; public Integer data; public static int counter = 0; Node() { } Node(int d) { this.data = d; } public void setCounter(int n) { counter += n; } public int getCounter() { return counter; } } public static void push(LinkedList list, int data) { // Create a new node with given data Node new_node = new Node(data); new_node.next = null; // If the Linked List is empty, // then make the new node as head if (list.head == null) { list.head = new_node; new_node.setCounter(1); } else { // Else traverse till the last node // and insert the new_node there Node last = list.head; while (last.next != null) { last = last.next; } // Insert the new_node at last node last.next = new_node; new_node.setCounter(1); } // Return the list by head //return list; }

最终,我希望我的列表= 1,2,3,4,5,null




package mergesortlinkedlist; public class MergeSortLinkedList { // static Node first = new Node(); static LinkedList list = new LinkedList(); public static void main(String[] args) { // start linked list list.add(list, 1); list.add(list, 5); list.add(list, 3); list.add(list, 4); list.add(list, 2); list.add(list, 100); list.add(list, 76); list.add(list, -6); list.printList(list); naturalMerge(list); list.printList(list); naturalMerge(list); list.printList(list); naturalMerge(list); list.printList(list); } public static void naturalMerge(LinkedList front) { LinkedList set1 = new LinkedList(); LinkedList set2 = new LinkedList(); LinkedList temp = front; int size1 = 0; int sortCounter = 0; //if sortCounter != 0, then there is more to sort //get first temp list while (temp.head.data != null) { if (temp.head.data < temp.head.next.data) { set1.add(set1, temp.head.data); size1++; temp.head = temp.head.next; } else { set1.add(set1, temp.head.data); size1++; temp.head = temp.head.next; break; } } //get second temp list while (temp.head != null) { if (temp.head.next == null) { set2.add(set2, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; break; } if (temp.head.data < temp.head.next.data) { set2.add(set2, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; } else { set2.add(set2, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.next; break; } } mergeSwap(set1, set2, size1); } public static void mergeSwap(LinkedList set1, LinkedList set2, int size1) { System.out.println(); LinkedList temp = set1; LinkedList temp2 = set2; while (temp.head != null && temp2.head != null) { if (temp.head.data < temp2.head.data) { list.add(list, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.getNext(); //increment temp } else { list.add(list, temp2.head.data); temp2.head = temp2.head.getNext(); //increment temp2 } //if one list is empty, break loop and add remaining nodes if (temp.head == null || temp2.head == null) { break; } } //check which list is empty, and add the remaining nodes to original list if (temp.head == null) { while (temp2.head != null) { list.add(list, temp2.head.data); temp2.head = temp2.head.getNext(); } } else { while (temp.head != null) { list.add(list, temp.head.data); temp.head = temp.head.getNext(); } } //naturalMerge(list); //this call breaks the code, but why? How is it any different from the method call in main? } }

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