我可以在 Parallel.For Local Final 部分使用 Kahan 求和吗?

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此矩阵后,我需要使用Kahan Summation对结果求和以减少数值误差。可以吗?

这是我的 Local Final 实现:

double[] qTotal = new double[order];
double[] c = new double[order];

    () => new double[order], // LocalInit
    (i, loopState, q) => // Main Body
       int indexFirst = I[i];

       q[i] += A[indexFirst] * d[J[indexFirst]];

       for (int j = indexFirst + 1; j < I[i + 1]; j++)
           int col = J[j];
           double a = A[j];

           q[i] += a * d[col];

           q[col] += a * d[i];
           return q;
        q => // Local Finally 
           lock (qTotal)
              // Kahan Sum
              for (int i = 0; i < q.Length; i++)
                  double y = q[i] - c[i];     // So far, so good: c is zero.

                  double t = qTotal[i] + y;   // Alas, sum is big, y small, so low-order digits of y are lost.
                  c[i] = (t - qTotal[i]) - y; // (t - sum) recovers the high-order part of y; subtracting y recovers -(low part of y)
                  qTotal[i] = t;              // Algebraically, c should always be zero. Beware overly-aggressive optimizing compilers!
                                              // Next time around, the lost low part will be added to y in a fresh attempt.


c# visual-studio parallel-processing task-parallel-library parallel.foreach

如果您认为累积中不会有很多线程冲突(您正在执行矩阵乘法,因此可能不会),您可以尝试使用 Interlock 而不是 lock。互锁速度更快,并且会节省一些内存。由于您将修改 2 个数字,因此您将需要一个门。 Interlock 不支持布尔值,因此您必须使用整数。


private static void ThreadSafeKahanSum(ref double Value, ref double C, ref int gate, double addend)
    while (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref gate, 1, 0) != 0) 
        //You should not get inside of here very often.
        //You can keep a collision tally for research if you like:
        //Interlocked.Increment(ref kahanSumCollisionCount);
        //If you are getting a lot of collisions, then maybe find another way.
        //Or just leave it blank.
    double y = addend - C;
    double t = Value + y;
    C = (t - Value) - y;
    Value = t;
    gate = 0;


double[] qTotal = new double[order];
double[] c = new double[order];
int[] gates = new int[order];
Parallel.For(0, order,
    (i, loopState) => // Main Body
        int indexFirst = I[i];
        ThreadSafeKahanSum(ref qTotal[i], ref c[i], ref gates[i], A[indexFirst] * d[J[indexFirst]]);

        for (int j = indexFirst + 1; j < I[i + 1]; j++)
            int col = J[j];
            double a = A[j];

            ThreadSafeKahanSum(ref qTotal[i], ref c[i], ref gates[i], a * d[col]);
            ThreadSafeKahanSum(ref qTotal[col], ref c[col], ref gates[col], a * d[i]);

通过这种方式,您可以以线程安全的方式充分利用 Kahan sum。

如果有人有更好的方法请告诉我。多年来我一直面临着与 Kahan sum 相同的问题,这是我想出的最好的 Kahan sum 线程安全方法。

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