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我正在学习Swift Decodable协议,并且遇到了问题。我能够将一个json对象解码为swift对象,但是无法解码数组。



let json = """
  "all" : {
    "_id": "59951d5ef2db18002031693c",
    "text": "America’s cats, including housecats that adventure outdoors and feral cats, kill between 1.3 billion and 4.0 billion birds in a year.",
    "type": "cat",
    "user": {
      "_id": "5a9ac18c7478810ea6c06381",
      "name": {
        "first": "Alex",
        "last": "Wohlbruck"
    "upvotes": 4,
    "userUpvoted": null

let jsonData = json.data(using: .utf8)


enum Type: String, Decodable {
    case cat = "cat"

struct Fact {
    let id: String
    let text: String
    let type: Type
    let upvotes: Int

    enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {
        case all

    enum FactKeys: CodingKey {
        case _id, text, type, upvotes

extension Fact: Decodable {
    init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
        let allContainer = try container.nestedContainer(keyedBy: FactKeys.self, forKey: .all)
        id = try allContainer.decode(String.self, forKey: ._id)
        text = try allContainer.decode(String.self, forKey: .text)
        type = try allContainer.decode(Type.self, forKey: .type)
        upvotes = try allContainer.decode(Int.self, forKey: .upvotes)

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let fact = try decoder.decode(Fact.self, from: jsonData!)


let json = """
  "all": [
      "_id": "59951d5ef2db18002031693c",
      "text": "America’s cats, including housecats that adventure outdoors and feral cats, kill between 1.3 billion and 4.0 billion birds in a year.",
      "type": "cat",
      "user": {
        "_id": "5a9ac18c7478810ea6c06381",
        "name": {
          "first": "Alex",
          "last": "Wohlbruck"
      "upvotes": 4,
      "userUpvoted": null
      "_id": "5b01a447c6914f0014cc9a30",
      "text": "The special sensory organ called the Jacobson's organ allows a cat to have 14 times the sense of smell of a human. It consists of two fluid-filled sacs that connect to the cat's nasal cavity and is located on the roof of their mouth behind their teeth.",
      "type": "cat",
      "user": {
        "_id": "5a9ac18c7478810ea6c06381",
        "name": {
          "first": "Alex",
          "last": "Wohlbruck"
      "upvotes": 4,
      "userUpvoted": null

let jsonData = json.data(using: .utf8)


class Facts: ObservableObject {
    @Published var allFacts = [Fact]()

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let allFacts = try decoder.decode([Fact].self, from: jsonData!)


Expected to decode Array<Any> but found a dictionary instead."

我正在学习Swift Decodable协议,并且遇到了问题。我能够将一个json对象解码为swift对象,但是无法解码数组。顺利进行:想象...

arrays swift codable


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