Perl Tk:帮助我修复文本编辑器中的高亮显示。

问题描述 投票:1回答:1

我在Perl Tk中写了一个文本编辑器,我有一个高亮显示的子程序,它插入两个高亮显示的空格让你输入。


  1. 我希望当高亮子程序被触发时,光标向左移动1个空格。这样,当一个人插入高亮或下划线样式时,光标就会自动在两个空格之间,用户可以立即输入该样式,而不是必须使用左箭头键。我想我的问题是如何在光标处而不是在文件的末尾插入一个样式。

  2. 子程序对文本的格式化没有正确保存到文件类型。我目前使用的是.rtf。

  3. 我想实现一个下拉式字体选择菜单,从系统字体列表中提取,但我不确定如何实现。

use Tk;
use utf8;
use vars qw/$TOP/;

# Main Window
my $mw = new MainWindow;

#Making a text area
my $txt = $mw -> Scrolled('Text', -width => 50,-scrollbars=>'e') -> pack (), -setgrid => true;

#Declare that there is a menu
my $mbar = $mw -> Menu();
$mw -> configure(-menu => $mbar);

#The Main Buttons
my $file = $mbar -> cascade(-label=>"File", -underline=>0, -tearoff => 0);
my $others = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Others", -underline=>0, -tearoff => 0);
my $help = $mbar -> cascade(-label =>"Help", -underline=>0, -tearoff => 0);

## File Menu ##
$file -> command(-label => "New", -underline=>0, 
        -command=>sub { $txt -> delete('1.0','end');} );
$file -> checkbutton(-label =>"Open", -underline => 0,
        -command => [\&openfunction, "Open"]);
$file -> command(-label =>"Save", -underline => 0,
        -command => [\&savefunction, "Save"]);
$file -> separator();
$file -> command(-label =>"Exit", -underline => 1,
        -command => sub { exit } );

## Others Menu ##
my $insert = $others -> cascade(-label =>"Insert", -underline => 0, -tearoff => 0);

        $insert -> command(-label =>"Highlight", 
    -command => [\&highlight, "Highlight"]);
    $insert -> command(-label =>"Underline", 
    -command => [\&underline, "Underline"]);
        $insert -> command(-label =>"Title", 
    -command => [\&bold, "Title"]);
    $insert -> command(-label =>"Stippling", 
    -command => [\&stippling, "Stippling"]);

    $insert -> command(-label =>"Find & Replace", 
    -command => [\&find_replace, "Find & Replace"]);
$insert -> command(-label =>"Name", 
    -command => sub { $txt->insert('end',"Name : Thaddeus Roebuck Badgercock\n");});
$insert -> command(-label =>"Bullet Point", -command=>sub { 
$insert -> command(-label =>"Email", 
    -command=> sub {$txt->insert('end',"E-Mail :\n");});
$others -> command(-label =>"Insert All", -underline => 7,
    -command => sub { $txt->insert('end',"Name : Thaddeus Roebuck Badgercock
Website : 
E-Mail :");

## Help ##
$help -> command(-label =>"About", -command => sub { 
This is a simple text editor written in Perl Tk. This program is licensed under the GNU Public License and is Free Software.
"); });

## Tags ##
$txt->tag(qw/configure bgstipple  -background black -borderwidth 0
        -bgstipple gray12/);
$txt->tag(qw/configure bold    -font C_bold/);
$txt->tag(qw/configure color1 -background/ => '#a0b7ce');
$txt->tag(qw/configure raised -background white -relief raised/);
$txt->tag(qw/configure sunken -background white -relief sunken/);
$txt->tag(qw/configure underline  -underline on/);

sub find_replace {

sub stippling {
   $txt->insert('end', '  ', 'bgstipple');
} # end style

sub bold {
    $txt->insert('end', '  ', 'bold');

sub highlight {
     $txt->insert('end', '  ', 'color1');

 sub raised {
     $txt->insert('end', '  ', 'raised');

  sub underline {
     $txt->insert('end', '  ', 'underline'); #how do 

sub savefunction {
     my $fileDataToSave=$txt->get("1.0","end"); 
    # Trigger dialog
    $filename = $mw->getSaveFile( -title =>  "Selecting file to Save",
             -defaultextension => '.rtf', -initialdir => '.' );
    # save the file 
    open(my $fh, '>', $filename) or die $!;
   print $fh $fileDataToSave;
   close $fh;

sub openfunction {
      # function to get file dialog box
     $filename = $mw->getOpenFile( -title => "Selecting file to Load",
     -defaultextension => '.txt', -initialdir => '.' );
     # function to load file into string e.g. if you have use File::Slurp
     open($fh, '<', $filename) or die $!;
     my $file_content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
     close $fh;

sub menuClicked {
    my ($opt) = @_;
    $mw->messageBox(-message=>"You have clicked $opt.
This function is not implemented yet.");

#figure out how to package as monolithic executables for various platforms
perl tk


sub highlight {
    $txt->insert('insert', '  ', 'color1');
    $txt->SetCursor( 'insert - 1 chars' ); # <-- moves the cursor back into the 
                                           #     hightlight region
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