
问题描述 投票:1回答:8


low = 0
mid = 50
high = 100
secretnum = "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?"
print"Please think of a number between 0 and 100!"
print secretnum
herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
while herp != 'c':
    if herp == 'h':
        high = mid
        mid = int((mid + low)/2)
    elif herp == 'l':
        low = mid
        mid = int((mid + high)/2)
        print"Sorry, I did not understand your input."
    print secretnum
    herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
if herp == 'c':
    print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid)


Is your secret number 50?
Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. h
Is your secret number 50?
Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. l
Is your secret number 50?
Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. c
Game over. Your secret number was: 37


low = 0
mid = 50
high = 100
secretnum = "Is your secret number: " 
print"Please think of a number between 0 and 100!"
print secretnum + str(mid) + "?"
herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
while herp != 'c':
    if herp == 'h':
        high = mid
        mid = int((mid + low)/2)
    elif herp == 'l':
        low = mid
        mid = int((mid + high)/2)
        print"Sorry, I did not understand your input."
    print secretnum + str(mid) + "?"
    herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
if herp == 'c':
    print "Game over. Your secret number was:", mid



print "Game over. Your secret number was:",mid

对于遍地的输出50,在一段时间print secretnum改变:

print "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?"

当你在一开始设定secretnum="Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?",它会创建一个字符串,字符串从中期完全分开。所以,如果你改变中期,变化不会被字符串中看到。




print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid)

这是因为蟒蛇要确保你真的知道自己在做什么 - 那就是增加了两个字符串连接在一起,而不是一个int和一个字符串 - 这是被禁止的。该STR()函数简单地改变任何东西,你给它一个字符串。至于你的问题的语义,我觉得这个版本的代码已经得到了预期的行为:

low = 0  
mid = 50  
high = 100  
print "Please think of a number between 0 and 100!"  
herp = 50  
while herp != 'c':  
    print "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?"
    herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is to low. Enter 'c' to indicate the guess is correct")   
    if herp == 'h':  
        high = mid  
        mid = int((mid + low)/2)  
    elif herp == 'l':  
        low = mid  
        mid = int((mid + high)/2)  
        print"Sorry, I did not understand your input."  
if herp == 'c':  
    print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid) 



print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + mid

print "Game over. Your secret number was: ", mid


print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid)


在最后一行,键入print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + mid。然而,mid是一个数字,并将其添加到字符串没有任何意义。您需要先将其转换为字符串。


  • print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid) ...把mid成字符串
  • print "Game over. Your secret number was: ", mid ......这样Python将把字符串作为mid两个变量,并自动将它们之间添加空格


low = 0
mid = 50
high = 100
secretnum = "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?"
print"Please think of a number between 0 and 100!"
print secretnum
herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
while herp != 'c':
    if herp == 'h':
        high = mid
        mid = int((mid + low)/2)
    elif herp == 'l':
        low = mid
        mid = int((mid + high)/2)
        print"Sorry, I did not understand your input."
    print secretnum
    herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
if herp == 'c':
    print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid)



  1. 你没有使用到的raw_input询问用户的数量
  2. 你不应该使用“C”参数为你而
  3. 你同时应该来的问题的raw_input后 NUM的raw_input =( “请想0和100之间的数字的!”) while mid != num: print ( "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?") herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")


  1. 有没有必要重复件“中期= INT(低+高)/ 2”唱完后,你还只是用它和每个while循环运行时它会改变中期的价值。
  2. 你需要启动IF / ELIF /其他字母“C”代码
  3. 您可以删除“打印secretnum”行,之后的一个 如果HERP == 'C': break elif herp == 'l': low = mid elif herp == 'h': high = mid else: print"Sorry, I did not understand your input." mid = int(low + high)/2 print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid) 请注意,我用了“破发”离开while循环等消息游戏结束。你的秘密号码是:“+ STR(MID)打印。


low = 0
high = 100
mid = (high + low)/2

num = raw_input("Please think of a number between 0 and 100!")

while mid != num:
    print ( "Is your secret number " + str(mid) + "?")
    herp = raw_input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")

    if herp == 'c':
    elif herp == 'l':
        low = mid
        #mid = int(mid + high)/2
    elif herp == 'h':
        high = mid
        #mid = int(mid + low)/2
        print"Sorry, I did not understand your input."
    mid = int(low + high)/2
print "Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(mid)



guess = int(abs(max_num/2))
print("Please think of a number between 0 and 100!")
for i in range(min_num,max_num):
  text = "Is your secret number "+str(guess)+"?\nEnter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. "
  xx = raw_input(text)
  if(xx == 'h'):
    max_num = guess
    guess = int((guess + min_num)/2)
  elif(xx == 'l'):
    min_num = guess
    guess = int((guess + max_num)/2)
  elif(xx == 'c'):
    print("Game over. Your secret number was:"+str(guess))
    print("Sorry, I did not understand your input.")
    xx = str(input(text))


您不必包括int((mid + low)/2)under每if-elif块。下面是相同的行使批准的代码:

print("Please think of a number between 0 and 100!")
low = 0
high = 100
guess = (low + high) // 2

while True:
    print("Is your secret number " + str(guess) + "?")
    suggest = input("Enter 'h' to indicate the guess is too high. Enter 'l' to indicate the guess is too low. Enter 'c' to indicate I guessed correctly. ")
    if suggest == 'l':
        low = guess
    elif suggest == 'h':
        high = guess
    elif suggest == 'c':
        print("Game over. Your secret number was: " + str(guess))
        print("Sorry, I did not understand your input.")
    guess = (low + high) // 2
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