
问题描述 投票:2回答:2

我试图使用xterm自动化Expect窗口(虽然我已经知道Expect无法控制这样的GUI应用程序,但有一个调整机制在Exploring Expect解释)

package require Expect 
spawn -pty
stty raw -echo < $spawn_out(slave,name)
regexp ".*(.)(.)" $spawn_out(slave,name) dummy c1 c2
if {[string compare $c1 "/"] == 0} {
    set c1 "0"
set xterm_pid [exec xterm -S$c1$c2$spawn_out(slave,fd) &]
close -slave
expect "\n" ;# match and discard X window id

set xterm $spawn_id 

spawn $env(SHELL)

Don Libes提到,从这一点开始,xterm可以自动完成,他已经举例说明如何使用xterm和interact命令,

interact -u $xterm "X" {
    send -i $xterm "Press return to go away: "
    set timeout -1
    expect -i $xterm "\r" {
        send -i $xterm "Thanks!\r\n"
        exec kill $xterm_pid


send -i $xterm "ls -l\r"; # Prints commands on xterm 
expect -i $xterm "\\\$" ; # Trying to match the prompt







tcl expect xterm


# create pty for xterm
set spawn(PTTY,PID) [spawn -noecho -pty]
set spawn(PTTY,DEVICE) $spawn_out(slave,name)
set spawn(PTTY) $spawn_id
stty raw -echo < $spawn(PTTY,DEVICE)
regexp ".*(.)(.)" $spawn_out(slave,name) dummy c1 c2
if {[string compare $c1 "/"] == 0} { set c1 0 }

# Start XTERM (using -into can place the xterm in a TK widget)
set pid(XTERM) [::exec xterm   -S$c1$c2$spawn_out(slave,fd) {*}$addidtionlXtermOptions  &]
close -slave

# Link
set spawn(SHELL,PID)    [spawn -noecho {*}$commandInXterm]
set spawn(SHELL)        $spawn_id
set spawn(SHELL,DEVICE) $spawn_out(slave,name)

# ...
# send a key or string into the xterm
exp_send -raw -i $spawn(SHELL) --  $key
exp_send -raw -i $spawn(SHELL) -- "$str\r


正如Mr.Thomas Dickey指出here,我开始探索multixterm,并最终能够创建一个独立版本,命令直接发送到xterm


package require Expect
set ::xtermStarted 0
set xtermCmd      $env(SHELL)
set xtermArgs     ""

# set up verbose mechanism early
set verbose 0
proc verbose {msg} {
    if {$::verbose} {
    if {[info level] > 1} {
        set proc [lindex [info level -1] 0]
    } else {
        set proc main
        puts "$proc: $msg"
# ::xtermSid is an array of xterm spawn ids indexed by process spawn ids.
# ::xtermPid is an array of xterm pids indexed by process spawn id.

# create an xterm and establish connections

proc xtermStart {cmd name} {
    verbose "starting new xterm running $cmd with name $name"
    # create pty for xterm
    set pid [spawn -noecho -pty]
    verbose "spawn -pty: pid = $pid, spawn_id = $spawn_id"
    set ::sidXterm $spawn_id
    stty raw -echo < $spawn_out(slave,name)
    regexp ".*(.)(.)" $spawn_out(slave,name) dummy c1 c2
    if {[string compare $c1 "/"] == 0} {
        set c1 0
    # start new xterm
    set xtermpid [eval exec xterm -name dinesh -S$c1$c2$spawn_out(slave,fd) $::xtermArgs &]
    verbose "xterm: pid = $xtermpid"
    close -slave

    # xterm first sends back window id, save in environment so it can be
    # passed on to the new process
    log_user 0
    expect {
        eof {wait;return}
        -re (.*)\n {
            # convert hex to decimal
            # note quotes must be used here to avoid diagnostic from expr
            set ::env(WINDOWID) [expr "0x$expect_out(1,string)"]

    # start new process
    set pid [eval spawn -noecho $cmd]
    verbose "$cmd: pid = $pid, spawn_id = $spawn_id"
    set ::sidCmd $spawn_id

    # link everything back to spawn id of new process
   set ::xtermSid($::sidCmd) $::sidXterm
   set ::xtermPid($::sidCmd) $xtermpid

    # connect proc output to xterm output
    # connect xterm input to proc input
    expect_background {
        -i $::sidCmd
        -re ".+" {
            if {!$::xtermStarted} {set ::xtermStarted 1}
            sendTo $::sidXterm
        eof [list xtermKill $::sidCmd]
        -i $::sidXterm
        -re ".+" {
            if {!$::xtermStarted} {set ::xtermStarted 1}
            sendTo $::sidCmd
        eof [list xtermKill $::sidCmd]
    vwait ::xtermStarted

# connect main window keystrokes to all xterms
proc xtermSend {A} {
    exp_send -raw -i $::sidCmd -- $A

proc sendTo {to} {
    exp_send -raw -i $to -- $::expect_out(buffer)

# clean up an individual process death or xterm death
proc xtermKill {s} {
    verbose "killing xterm $s"

    if {![info exists ::xtermPid($s)]} {
        verbose "too late, already dead"

    catch {exec /bin/kill -9 $::xtermPid($s)}
    unset ::xtermPid($s)

    # remove sid from activeList
    verbose "removing $s from active array"
    catch {unset ::activeArray($s)}

    verbose "removing from background handler $s"
    catch {expect_background -i $s}
    verbose "removing from background handler $::xtermSid($s)"
    catch {expect_background -i $::xtermSid($s)}
    verbose "closing proc"
    catch {close -i $s}
    verbose "closing xterm"
    catch {close -i $::xtermSid($s)}
    verbose "waiting on proc"
    wait -i $s
    wait -i $::xtermSid($s)
    verbose "done waiting"
    unset ::xtermSid($s)
    set ::forever NO

# create windows
# xtermKillAll is not intended to be user-callable.  It just kills
# the processes and that's it. A user-callable version would update
# the data structures, close the channels, etc.

proc xtermKillAll {} {
    foreach sid [array names ::xtermPid] {
        exec /bin/kill -9 $::xtermPid($sid)

rename exit _exit
proc exit {{x 0}} {xtermKillAll;_exit $x}

xtermStart $xtermCmd $xtermCmd
xtermSend "ls -l\r"
xtermSend "pwd\r"
vwait ::forever
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