
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

如果您搜索我所询问的内容,您将在 fusioncharts 网站上获得结果,但这并不是我正在寻找的内容。

我正在从 MySQL 数据库查询数据,并将这些数据放入融合图表中以显示在我的网页上。我希望同一页面上有 2 个图表,当您单击父图表上的其中一个数据点时,子图表将显示“向下钻取”图表。我怎样才能做到这一点?截至目前,我可以按父图,它将在新网页上打开子图。这是带有父图的主页的代码。该文件名为“dept.php”。


/*Include the `fusioncharts.php` file that contains functions
        to embed the charts.

 // Establish a connection to the database. Variables defined before
 $dbhandle = new mysqli($hostdb, $userdb, $passdb, $namedb);

 // Render an error message, to avoid abrupt failure, if the database connection parameters are incorrect
 if ($dbhandle->connect_error) {
      exit("There was an error with your connection: ".$dbhandle->connect_error);


        <title>FusionCharts XT - Column 2D Chart - Data from a database</title>
          <link  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />

        <!--  Include the `fusioncharts.js` file. This file is needed to render the chart. Ensure that the path to this JS file is correct. Otherwise, it may lead to JavaScript errors. -->

      <script src="fusioncharts/js/fusioncharts.js"></script>

        // Form the SQL query that returns the top 10 most populous countries
        $strQuery = "SELECT Department, SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity FROM Scrap GROUP BY Department ORDER BY Department";

        // Execute the query, or else return the error message.
        $result = $dbhandle->query($strQuery) or exit("Error code ({$dbhandle->errno}): {$dbhandle->error}");

        // If the query returns a valid response, prepare the JSON string
        if ($result) {
                // The `$arrData` array holds the chart attributes and data
                $arrData = array(
                "chart" => array(
                    "caption" => "Sample Chart",
                    "paletteColors" => "#0075c2",
                    "bgColor" => "#ffffff",
                    "borderAlpha"=> "20",
                    "canvasBorderAlpha"=> "0",
                    "usePlotGradientColor"=> "0",
                    "plotBorderAlpha"=> "10",
                    "showXAxisLine"=> "1",
                    "xAxisLineColor" => "#999999",
                    "showValues"=> "0",
                    "divlineColor" => "#999999",
                    "divLineIsDashed" => "1",
                    "showAlternateHGridColor" => "0"

                $arrData["data"] = array();

        // Push the data into the array

                while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
                array_push($arrData["data"], array(
                "label" => $row["Department"],
                "value" => $row["Quantity"],
                "link" => "deptDrillDown.php?Department=".$row["Department"]

                /*JSON Encode the data to retrieve the string containing the JSON representation of the data in the array. */

                $jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrData);

                /*Create an object for the column chart. Initialize this object using the FusionCharts PHP class constructor. The constructor is used to initialize
                 the chart type, chart id, width, height, the div id of the chart container, the data format, and the data source. */

                $columnChart = new FusionCharts("column2D", "myFirstChart" , 600, 300, "chart-1", "json", $jsonEncodedData);

                // Render the chart

                // Close the database connection


        <div id="chart-1"><!-- Fusion Charts will render here--></div>



 /* Include the `includes/fusioncharts.php` file that contains functions to embed the charts.*/


   // Establish a connection to the database. Variables defined earlier
   $dbhandle = new mysqli($hostdb, $userdb, $passdb, $namedb);

  /*Render an error message, to avoid abrupt failure, if the database connection parameters are incorrect */
   if ($dbhandle->connect_error) {
        exit("There was an error with your connection: ".$dbhandle->connect_error);
        <title>FusionCharts XT - Column 2D Chart</title>
        <link  rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" />

          <!--  Include the `fusioncharts.js` file. This file is needed to render the chart. Ensure that the path to this JS file is correct. Otherwise, it may lead to JavaScript errors. -->

        <script src="fusioncharts/js/fusioncharts.js"></script>

        // Get the country code from the GET parameter
        $countryCode = $_GET["Department"];

        // Form the SQL query that returns the top 10 most populous cities in the selected country
        $cityQuery = "SELECT ScrapDate, SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity FROM Scrap WHERE Department = ? GROUP BY ScrapDate ORDER BY ScrapDate";

        // Prepare the query statement
        $cityPrepStmt = $dbhandle->prepare($cityQuery);

        // If there is an error in the statement, exit with an error message
        if($cityPrepStmt === false) {
                exit("Error while preparing the query to fetch data from City Table. ".$dbhandle->error);

        // Bind the parameters to the query prepared
        $cityPrepStmt->bind_param("s", $countryCode);

        // Execute the query

        // Get the results from the query executed
        $cityResult = $cityPrepStmt->get_result();

        // If the query returns a valid response, prepare the JSON string
        if ($cityResult) {

                /* Form the SQL query that will return the country name based on the country code. The result of the above query contains only the country code.
                The country name is needed to be rendered as a caption for the chart that shows the 10 most populous cities */

                $countryNameQuery = "SELECT ScrapDate FROM Scrap WHERE Department = ?";

                // Prepare the query statement
                $countryPrepStmt = $dbhandle->prepare($countryNameQuery);

                // If there is an error in the statement, exit with an error message
                if($countryPrepStmt === false) {
                exit("Error while preparing the query to fetch data from Country Table. ".$dbhandle->error);

                // Bind the parameters to the query prepared
                $countryPrepStmt->bind_param("s", $countryCode);

                // Execute the query

                // Bind the country name to the variable `$countryName`

                // Fetch the result from prepared statement
                // The `$arrData` array holds the chart attributes and data
                $arrData = array(
                "chart" => array(
                    "caption" => "Top 10 Most Populous Cities in ".$countryName,
                    "paletteColors" => "#0075c2",
                    "bgColor" => "#ffffff",
                    "borderAlpha"=> "20",
                    "canvasBorderAlpha"=> "0",
                    "usePlotGradientColor"=> "0",
                    "plotBorderAlpha"=> "10",
                    "showXAxisLine"=> "1",
                    "xAxisLineColor" => "#999999",
                    "showValues"=> "0",
                    "divlineColor" => "#999999",
                    "divLineIsDashed" => "1",
                    "showAlternateHGridColor" => "0"

                $arrData["data"] = array();

        // Push the data into the array
                while($row = $cityResult->fetch_array()) {
                array_push($arrData["data"], array(
                "label" => $row["ScrapDate"],
                "value" => $row["Quantity"]

           /*JSON Encode the data to retrieve the string containing the JSON representation of the data in the array. */

                $jsonEncodedData = json_encode($arrData);

          /*Create an object for the column chart using the FusionCharts PHP class constructor. Syntax for the constructor is `FusionCharts("type of chart",
                 "unique chart id", "width of chart", "height of chart", "div id to render the chart", "data format", "data source")`.*/

                $columnChart = new FusionCharts("column2D", "myFirstChart" , 600, 300, "chart-1", "json", $jsonEncodedData);

                // Render the chart

                // Close the database connection

        <a href="dept.php">Back</a>
        <div id="chart-1"><!-- Fusion Charts will render here--></div>
javascript php fusioncharts
  • n
    使用 FusionCharts 可以在单个页面中呈现多个图表。
  • 存储他们的图表参考,例如在关联数组中。
  • 使用
  • 在回调中,使用


FusionCharts.ready(function () {
var chart1 = new FusionCharts({
    type: 'msstackedcolumn2d',
    renderAt: 'chart-container1',
    width: '550',
    height: '350',
    dataFormat: 'json',
    dataSource: {
       // enter the json data here
    "events": {
        "dataplotClick": function(eventObj, dataObj) {
             /* so every time a dataClickEvent is being triggered from the data plot,
                a new json `json2` is fetched from a sql query and
                chart2 is updated with it.*/

几天前我创建了这个fiddle,希望这在这里也有用。这里我们没有执行 SQL 查询,而是有一个通用数据,每次单击时,它都会在内部进行函数调用,并从中动态创建数据。为了使其完全动态而进行的大量函数调用可能会使代码看起来很复杂。但我在虚拟代码 avobe 中分享的基本理念在这里是相同的。


function getData() {

  var arr = [{
    seriesname: "Book A",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 100
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 150
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 175
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 200
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 250
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 275
  }, {
    seriesname: "Book B",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 130
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 110
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 155
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 250
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 210
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 215
  }, {
    seriesname: "Book C",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 70
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 180
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 125
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 150
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 290
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 245
  }, {
    seriesname: "Book D",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 150
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 100
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 105
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 125
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 278
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 235
  }, {
    seriesname: "Book E",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 60
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 250
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 115
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 189
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 190
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 285
  }, {
    seriesname: "Book F",
    data: [{
      "label": "Paper",
      "value": 190
    }, {
      "label": "Promotion",
      "value": 200
    }, {
      "label": "Transportation",
      "value": 160
    }, {
      "label": "Royality",
      "value": 148
    }, {
      "label": "Printing",
      "value": 178
    }, {
      "label": "Binding",
      "value": 295

  return arr;

function getValues(componentName) {
  var i,
    arr = getData(),
    valueArr = [],
  for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {
    for (j = 0, len1 = arr[i].data.length; j < len1; j += 1) {
      if (arr[i].data[j].label === componentName) {
          value: arr[i].data[j].value
  return [{
    seriesname: componentName,
    data: valueArr

function getProducts(componentName) {
  var arr = getData(),
    productArr = [];
  for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {
    for (j = 0; j < arr[i].data.length; j += 1) {
      if (arr[i].data[j].label === componentName) {
          "label": arr[i].seriesname,
          "value": arr[i].data[j].value
  return productArr;

function getComponents(label, value) {
  var arr = getData(),
    obj =
    componentArr = [];
  if (label === undefined) {
    label = true;
  if (value === undefined) {
    value = true;
  for (i = 0, len = arr[0].data.length; i < len; i += 1) {
    sum = 0;
    obj = {};
    for (j = 0, len1 = arr.length; j < len1; j += 1) {
      sum += arr[j].data[i].value;
    if (label) {
      obj.label = arr[0].data[i].label;
    if (value) {
      obj.value = sum;
  return componentArr;

function getSeriesNames() {
  var arr = getData(),
    seriesName = [];
  for (i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += 1) {
      "label": arr[i].seriesname
  return seriesName;

function getMode() {
  var e = document.getElementById("interaction");
  return e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

FusionCharts.ready(function() {
  var lastClickedId = true;

  var pieChart = new FusionCharts({
    type: 'pie2d',
    renderAt: 'pieContainer',
    width: '600',
    height: '400',
    dataFormat: 'json',
    dataSource: {
      "chart": {
        "caption": "Expenditures Incurred in Publishing a Book",
        "subCaption": "Component-wise BreakUp",
        "enableMultiSlicing": "0",
        "bgcolor": "FFFFFF",
        "showvalues": "1",
        "showpercentvalues": "1",
        "showborder": "0",
        "showplotborder": "0",
        "showlegend": "1",
        "legendborder": "0",
        "legendposition": "bottom",
        "enablesmartlabels": "1",
        "use3dlighting": "0",
        "showshadow": "0",
        "legendbgcolor": "#CCCCCC",
        "legendbgalpha": "20",
        "legendborderalpha": "0",
        "legendshadow": "0",
        "legendnumcolumns": "3",
        "palettecolors": "#f8bd19,#e44a00,#008ee4,#33bdda,#6baa01,#583e78"
      "data": getComponents()
    "events": {
      "dataplotClick": function(eventObj, dataObj) {
        if (getMode() === 'pie') {
          var json = stackedChart.getJSONData(),
            categoryLabel = dataObj.categoryLabel;
          json.chart.subCaption = "BreakUp of " + categoryLabel + " in different product";
          json.categories[0].category = getSeriesNames();
          json.dataset = getValues(dataObj.categoryLabel);

  var stackedChart = new FusionCharts({
    type: 'stackedBar2D',
    renderAt: 'barContainer',
    width: '600',
    height: '400',
    dataFormat: 'json',
    dataSource: {
      "chart": {
        "bgcolor": "FFFFFF",
        "outcnvbasefontcolor": "666666",
        "caption": "Expenditures Incurred in Publishing a Book",
        "subCaption": "Product-wise BreakUp",
        "xaxisname": "Expenditures Cost",
        "yaxisname": "Cost",
        "numberprefix": "$",
        "showvalues": "0",
        "numvdivlines": "10",
        "showalternatevgridcolor": "1",
        "alternatevgridcolor": "e1f5ff",
        "divlinecolor": "e1f5ff",
        "vdivlinecolor": "e1f5ff",
        "basefontcolor": "666666",
        "tooltipbgcolor": "F3F3F3",
        "tooltipbordercolor": "666666",
        "canvasbordercolor": "666666",
        "canvasborderthickness": "1",
        "showplotborder": "1",
        "plotfillalpha": "80",
        "showborder": "0",
        "legendbgcolor": "#CCCCCC",
        "legendbgalpha": "20",
        "legendborderalpha": "0",
        "legendshadow": "0",
        "legendnumcolumns": "3"
      "categories": [{
        "category": getComponents(true, false)
      "dataset": getData()
    "events": {
      "dataplotClick": function(eventObj, dataObj) {
        if (getMode() === 'stackedBar') {
          var JSON = pieChart.getJSONData(),
            categoryLabel = dataObj.categoryLabel;
          JSON.chart.subCaption = "BreakUp of " + categoryLabel + " in different product";
          JSON.data = getProducts(categoryLabel);

  function resetFN() {
    var json = pieChart.getJSONData();
    json.chart.subCaption = "Component-wise BreakUp";
    json.data = getComponents();

    json = stackedChart.getJSONData();
    json.chart.subCaption = "Product-wise BreakUp";
    json.categories[0].category = getComponents(true, false);
    json.dataset = getData();

  document.getElementById('reset').addEventListener('click', resetFN);
  document.getElementById('interaction').addEventListener('change', resetFN);

h4 {
  font-size: 20px;
  margin-bottom: 10px

.intro {
  margin: 0 auto;
  background-color: #fff280;
  padding: 15px

em {
  font-style: italic

#interactionWrapper {
  margin: 5px 10px;

button {
  border: 1px solid #0b77bc;
  background-color: #0d83ce;
  color: #ffffff;
  margin: 10px 0 0 15px;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  font-size: 14px;
  cursor: pointer

.centerAlign {
  text-align: center;
<script src="http://static.fusioncharts.com/code/latest/fusioncharts.js"></script>
<script src="http://static.fusioncharts.com/code/latest/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fint.js"></script>
<div class="intro">
  <h4>Expenditures incurred while publishing books</h4>
  <p><em>A company has 6 books to publish for this quater. The stacked chart shows component prices stacked as per different books. While the pie chart, shows the cumilative component price.</em></p>
    <em>There are two interaction modes - namely "Interact in stacked chart" and "Interact in pie chart".On clicking in any plot on stacked chart, it shows the book-wise distribution of that component in the pie chart. Whereas on clicking the pie chart, for a component being clicked, it shows the book-wise distribution in the bar chart</em>
<div id="interactionWrapper">
  <span>Interaction Mode:</span>
            <select id="interaction">
              <option value="stackedBar">Interact in stacked bar</option>
              <option value="pie">Interact in the pie chart</option>
<div class="centerAlign">
  <span id="barContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</span>
  <span id="pieContainer">FusionCharts XT will load here!</span>
<button id="reset">Reset</button>


使用链接属性定义数据图的简单链接。它属于数据对象,接受用户单击数据图时将打开的页面的 URL。为每个可点击的数据图指定它。

    "chart": {
    "data": [{
        "label": "Apple",
        "value": "810000",
        "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple"
    }, {
        "label": "Cranberry",
        "value": "620000",
        "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cranberry"
    }, {
        "label": "Grapes",
        "value": "350000",
        "link": "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grape"

要了解更多信息,请参阅 - https://www.fusioncharts.com/dev/chart-guide/chart-configurations/drill-down#simple-links

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