
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我已经在我的应用中实现了呼叫目录扩展,以识别被叫ID。但是接到电话后,无法查看我的应用名称或呼叫者详细信息。由于安全原因,Apple不能调试Call Directory Extension。在下面包含了我的代码。

override func beginRequest (with context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
// --- 1
guard let phoneNumbersToBlock = retrievePhoneNumbersToBlock () else {
NSLog ( "Unable to retrieve phone numbers to block" )
let error = NSError (domain: "CallDirectoryHandler" , code: 1 , userInfo: nil )
context.cancelRequest (withError: error)

// --- 2
for phoneNumber in phoneNumbersToBlock {
    let phoneNumberr : CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber = CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)!
context.addBlockingEntry (withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: phoneNumberr)

// --- 3
guard let (phoneNumbersToIdentify, phoneNumberIdentificationLabels) = retrievePhoneNumbersToIdentifyAndLabels () else {
NSLog ( "Unable to retrieve phone numbers to identify and their labels" )
let error = NSError (domain: "CallDirectoryHandler" , code: 2 , userInfo: nil )
context.cancelRequest (withError: error)

// --- 4
for (phoneNumber, label) in zip (phoneNumbersToIdentify, phoneNumberIdentificationLabels) {
    let phoneNumberrr : CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber = CXCallDirectoryPhoneNumber(phoneNumber)!
context.addIdentificationEntry (withNextSequentialPhoneNumber: phoneNumberrr, label: label)

// --- 5
context.completeRequest ()

private func retrievePhoneNumbersToBlock () -> [ String ]? {
 // retrieve list of phone numbers to block
 return [ "+ 919488775260" ]

 private func retrievePhoneNumbersToIdentifyAndLabels () -> (phoneNumbers: [ String ], labels: [ String ])? {
 // retrieve list of phone numbers to identify, and their labels
 return ([ "+ 919385338505" ], [ "test" ])


ios swift ios-app-extension caller-id


CXCallDirectoryManager.sharedInstance.reloadExtension(withIdentifier: "com.harman.CallerIDTestApp.CallerExtension", completionHandler: { (result: Error?)->Void in
        guard let errorChk = result else { return }
        let errorCode = (errorChk as NSError).code
        switch errorCode {
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.unknown.rawValue:
            print("Extension could not be load for an unknown reason.")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.noExtensionFound.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  Extension not found")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.loadingInterrupted.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  Extension was interrupted while loading")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.entriesOutOfOrder.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  Call entries are out of order")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.duplicateEntries.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  Duplicate entries")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.maximumEntriesExceeded.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  Maximum entries exceeded")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.extensionDisabled.rawValue:
            print("Extension not enabled in Settings")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.unexpectedIncrementalRemoval.rawValue:
            print("Unexpected incremental removal")
        case CXErrorCodeCallDirectoryManagerError.Code.currentlyLoading.rawValue:
            print("Could not load extension.  The extension is currently loading")
            print("Could not load extension.")


在“ CallDirectoryHandler”中,beginRequest方法应如下所示。

override func beginRequest(with context: CXCallDirectoryExtensionContext) {
    context.delegate = self
    if context.isIncremental {
        addOrRemoveIncrementalBlockingPhoneNumbers(to: context)

        addOrRemoveIncrementalIdentificationPhoneNumbers(to: context)
    } else {
        addAllBlockingPhoneNumbers(to: context)

        addAllIdentificationPhoneNumbers(to: context)



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