
问题描述 投票:1回答:1

problem link这是关于从图形中移除最多两个边,并使拆分中的顶点数乘积最大的问题。在这个问题中,我们给出了一个具有(N + 1)个节点和N个边的树图。我们应该返回子树大小乘积的最大结果。如果原始树图未拆分,则值为N +1。如果树图拆分为两个子树(删除了一个边),则结果为X * Y的最大值(X,Y为大小的子树)。如果拆分为三个子树,则结果为X * Y * Z的最大值。我们应该返回通过三种拆分方法可以获得的最大结果/乘积。两个子树的情况很简单。对于三个子树的情况,假定的最差时间为O(nlogn),空间为O(n)。登录的时间让我想起了二进制搜索或两分支树。但是,在此问题中,不能保证树是两分支的,因此深度可能大于logn。蛮力似乎带来了很大的时间复杂性,我认为这个问题可能与树和图中的一些经典算法模式有关,这可能使其很容易解决,也可能是正确的解决方法有这样的问题。我从堆栈溢出中看到了HilbertMaze的答案,这对我有很大帮助。我希望有人急于解决新问题,并提出一个很棒的解决方案供我们学习!

algorithm tree graph-algorithm onlinejudge

public String solution(int[] A, int[] B) { Node[] guardPostArray = new Node[A.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++) { Node first = guardPostArray[A[i]]; if (first == null) { first = new Node(A[i]); guardPostArray[A[i]] = first; } Node second = guardPostArray[B[i]]; if (second == null) { second = new Node(B[i]); guardPostArray[B[i]] = second; } first.edges.add(B[i]); second.edges.add(A[i]); } Node root = createTree(guardPostArray); int split = root.heviestChild.weight; long max = guardPostArray.length; max = (long) Math.max(max, (guardPostArray.length - split) * split); max = Math.max(max, bestTrisplit(root, guardPostArray)); return "" + max; } public int[] sortedSet(Set<Integer> set) { int[] res = new int[set.size()]; int i = 0; for (Integer integer : set.toArray(new Integer[0])) { res[i] = integer; i++; } Arrays.sort(res); return res; } public long bestTrisplit(Node root, Node[] guardPostArray) { Set<Integer> heavyCuts = new HashSet<>(); heavyCuts.add(1); Set<Integer> otherCuts = new HashSet<>(); otherCuts.add(1); for (Node child : root.childs) { if (child.weight == 1) { continue; } if (child == root.heviestChild) { // child.postOrder(c -> heavyCuts.add(c.weight)); child.postOrder(heavyCuts); } else { // child.postOrder(c -> otherCuts.add(c.weight)); child.postOrder(otherCuts); } } int[] heavyCutsArray = sortedSet(heavyCuts); int[] otherCutsArray = sortedSet(otherCuts); // int[] heavyCutsArray = -> i).sorted().toArray(); // int[] otherCutsArray = -> i).sorted().toArray(); Node heavyChild = root.heviestChild; double middle = heavyChild.weight / 2.0; long closestToMiddle = closestTo(heavyCutsArray, middle); long bestTriple = closestToMiddle * (heavyChild.weight - closestToMiddle) * (root.weight - heavyChild.weight); for (int i = heavyCutsArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { middle = (root.weight - heavyCutsArray[i]) / 2.0; closestToMiddle = closestTo(otherCutsArray, middle); long trisec = closestToMiddle * heavyCutsArray[i] * (root.weight - heavyCutsArray[i] - closestToMiddle); bestTriple = Math.max(bestTriple, trisec); if (heavyCutsArray[i] < Math.min(closestToMiddle, root.weight - heavyCutsArray[i] - closestToMiddle)) { break; } } return bestTriple; } public int closestTo(int[] sortedArray, double value) { int lower = 0; int upper = sortedArray.length - 1; if (sortedArray.length == 1) { return sortedArray[0]; } while (lower <= upper) { int mid = (lower + upper) / 2; if (value < sortedArray[mid]) { upper = mid - 1; } else if (value > sortedArray[mid]) { lower = mid + 1; } else { return sortedArray[mid]; } } if (lower == sortedArray.length) { return sortedArray[lower - 1]; } return Math.abs(sortedArray[lower] - value) < Math.abs(sortedArray[lower - 1] - value) ? sortedArray[lower] : sortedArray[lower - 1]; } private Node createTree(Node[] nodesArray) { int minRootWeight = (nodesArray.length / 2) + 1;// If we find a node this size, make it the root LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>(); for (Node guardPost : nodesArray) { if (guardPost.edges.size() == 1) { queue.add(guardPost); } } while (queue.size() > 1) { Node g = queue.poll(); // assert g.edges.size() == 1 : "node " + + " processed as leaf but has " + g.edges.size() + " edges left"; if (g.weight < minRootWeight) { Integer parentId = g.edges.getFirst(); Node parent = nodesArray[parentId]; g.setParent(parent); parent.addSubTree(g); if (parent.heviestChild == null || parent.heviestChild.weight < g.weight) { parent.heviestChild = g; } if (parent.edges.size() == 1) { queue.addLast(parent); } } else { queue.addLast(g); } } Node root = queue.poll(); // if (root.childs.isEmpty()) { // throw new RuntimeException("root don't have edges"); // } // if (root.weight != nodesArray.length) { // throw new RuntimeException("root is not connected to all other nodes.!"); // } // if ( -> child.weight > nodesArray.length / 2)) { // throw new RuntimeException("root has child heavier than n/2!"); // } return root; } class Node { LinkedList<Integer> edges; LinkedList<Node> childs; int id; boolean dontCount = false; Node parent; Node heviestChild; int weight = 1; public Node(int id) { this.edges = new LinkedList<>(); = id; childs = new LinkedList<>(); } public void postOrder(Consumer<Node> func) { for (Node child : childs) { child.postOrder(func); } func.accept(this); } public void postOrder(Set<Integer> set) { for (Node child : childs) { child.postOrder(set); } set.add(this.weight); } public void setParent(Node parent) { if (!edges.remove(new Integer( { throw new RuntimeException("parent " + id + " is not in edges"); } this.parent = parent; } // For building the tree. Attaches a subtree to this node. // Every path from the subtree to any other node goes through self. public void addSubTree(Node node) { if (!edges.remove(new Integer( { throw new RuntimeException("Adding unrecognized child " + + "to node " + id + "}"); } childs.add(node); weight += node.weight; } @Override public String toString() { return "N{" + "id=" + id + " children=" + childs.toString() + '}'; } }

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