通过 TCP 套接字发送和接收字符串

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所以,我尝试使用 C++ 中的套接字编程在客户端和服务器之间发送数据。现在,我在 StackOverflow 中阅读了一个答案,其中提到我们必须检查每次发送时我们收到了多少原始消息,然后等到我们完全获得信息。为此,我使用了以下 sendMsg() 和 receive() 函数。

string receive()
        string msg = "";
        char last_character = '%';
            char buffer[2048] = {0};
            read(sockfd, buffer, 2048);
            string s(buffer);
            msg += s;
            last_character = s[s.size() - 1];
        } while (last_character != '|');
        return msg.substr(0, msg.size() - 1);
    bool sendMsg(string s)
        s += '|';
        char buffer[s.size()];
        strcpy(buffer, &s[0]);
        int bytes_total = 0;
        int bytes_left = s.length();
        int bytes_now = 0;
        while (bytes_left > 0)
            bytes_now = send(sockfd, &buffer[bytes_total], bytes_left, 0);
            if (bytes_now == -1)
                err("Error sending message");
                return false;
            assert(bytes_now <= bytes_left);
            bytes_left -= bytes_now;
            bytes_total += bytes_now;

        return true;


    usernames[username] = client_socket;
    comm.sendMsg(string(GRN) + "Username accepted.\n" + string(NRM));
    cout << GRN << username << " connected." << NRM << endl;

其中,usernames 是一个 unordered_map,它存储每个唯一用户名的 client_socket,自述函数只是一个字符串,如“欢迎来到聊天室”,+ 用户名。在这里,#define NRM“\x1B[0m”,#define GRN“\x1B[32m”


Enter the IP address of the server: l
Connected to server.
Enter your username: user
Username accepted.
|                                                            |
|   [server]: Welcome to the chatroom, user                  |
|                                                            |
|   [server]: Here are the commands you can use:             |
|                                                            |
|   1. status             : Lists the status of all users    |
|   2. connect [username] : Connect to username to start     |
|                           chatting                         |
|   3. goodbye            : Ends current chatting session    |
|   4. close              : Disconnects the user from the    |
|                           server                           |
|   5. clear              : Clears the chat from the window  |
|   6. Ctrl + C (client)  : Disconnects the client and       |
|                           terminates its chat session      |
|                           if present                       |
|   7. Ctrl + C (server)  : Terminates the server and all the|
|                           clients connected to the server  |

你可以注意到 |就在用户名接受行之后,这是不必要的。我无法弄清楚这个问题。 sendMsg 和 receive 功能有问题吗?或者那很好,我必须查看其余代码。客户端和服务端的文件接近700行C++代码,所以没直接贴在这里

编辑: 我将收到的功能更改如下:

string receive()
        string msg = "";
        char last_character = '%';
        while (last_character != '|')
            char buffer[2048] = {0};
            int bytes_read = read(sockfd, buffer, 2048);
            if (bytes_read <= 0)
                err("Error receiving message");
                return "";
            string s(buffer, bytes_read);
            msg += s;
            last_character = s[s.size() - 1];
        return msg.substr(0, msg.size() - 1);
c++ sockets tcp send
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