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如何复制现有的 ListAdapter 列表,以便可以使用它来移动项目,然后通过将新复制的列表与原始列表进行比较来更新 UI?

也许Android开发人员在设计用于RecyclerView列表的ListAdapter的源代码时只想到了CRUD操作。如果是这样,他们就忽略了其他重要的 recyclerView 操作,例如过滤、排序和移动列表项。这些操作唯一改变的是排序顺序(排序和移动项目)或从原始列表中删除一些项目(用于过滤),但这现在需要 CustomAdapter?

我欣然接受将现有项目转换为 ListAdapter,因为我认为后台线程的更新对于稳定性和 UI 效率非常有价值。我的 CRUD 操作运行良好,但现在艰巨的任务是弄清楚如何进行其他过滤、排序和移动列表项。

我尝试移动 RecyclerView 列表中的项目,但拖放不起作用。以下是我迄今为止尝试过的不同方法的各种组合。与此同时,我阅读了 stackoverflow 上的所有其他 ListAdapter 问题...不幸的是我对 Kotlin 的了解为零,所以我正在寻找 Java 解决方案。我在这里缺少什么?

MainActivity 方法#1:

ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback itemTouchHelperCallback1 = new ItemTouchHelper.SimpleCallback(
   (ItemTouchHelper.UP | ItemTouchHelper.DOWN),0) {

    int dragFrom = -1;
    int dragTo = -1;    

    public boolean onMove(RecyclerView recyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder viewHolder, RecyclerView.ViewHolder target) {

        int fromPos = viewHolder.getBindingAdapterPosition();
        int toPos = target.getBindingAdapterPosition();

        if (dragFrom == -1) {
            dragFrom = fromPos;
        dragTo = toPos;

        cardsAdapter.moveItem(fromPos, toPos);                        
        return true;
new ItemTouchHelper(itemTouchHelperCallback1).attachToRecyclerView(recyclerView); 

MainActivity 方法#2,针对 onMove() 方法:

List newList = adapter.getCurrentList();
Quickcard quickcardItem = newList.get(fromPos);
newList.add(toPos, quickcardItem);
cardsAdapter.moveItem(fromPos, toPos);
cardsAdapter.notifyItemMoved(fromPos, toPos);
return true;

ListAdapter 方法#1:

public class CardsAdapter extends ListAdapter<Quickcard, CardsAdapter.ItemHolder> {

    private final LayoutInflater layoutInflater;

    protected CardsAdapter(@NonNull LayoutInflater layoutInflater, DiffUtil.ItemCallback<Quickcard> diffCallback) {
        this.layoutInflater = layoutInflater;

    ... // ViewHolder code 
    public void moveItem(int fromOldPos, int toNewPos) {

        // Copy the ListAdapter's existing list
        ArrayList<Quickcard> currList = new ArrayList<>(getCurrentList()); 
        if (fromOldPos == toNewPos) {
        Collections.swap(currList, toNewPos, fromOldPos);
        notifyItemMoved(fromOldPos, toNewPos);

ListAdapter 方法#2,用于 moveItem() 方法:

List<Quickcard> currList = getCurrentList();
List<Quickcard> copiedList = new ArrayList<>(currList);

if (fromOldPos == toNewPos) {
if (fromOldPos < toNewPos) { // the q. is being moved down the q.list
    for (int i = fromOldPos; i < toNewPos; i++) {
    Collections.swap(copiedList, i,i + 1);
} else { // the q. is being moved up the q.list
    for (int i = fromOldPos; i > toNewPos; i--) {
        Collections.swap(copiedList, i,i - 1);
notifyItemMoved(fromOldPos, toNewPos);
android android-recyclerview listadapter
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