创建 http4s websocket

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我是一名新的 Scala 开发人员,目前,我需要 http4s 的一些支持。

一般来说,我有以下 Scala 代码

import pureconfig._
import pureconfig.generic.auto._

import scala.io.Source
import cats.effect.{ExitCode, IO, IOApp}
import fs2.Stream

object Runner extends IOApp {
  override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
    //get divisor
    val config = ConfigSource.file("config.yaml").loadOrThrow[AppConfig]
    println(s"Divisor: ${config.divisor}")

    //read csv file
    val fileName = "file.csv"
    val file = Source.fromFile(fileName)
    val lines = file.getLines().toSeq // here should be used toStream(), but toStream deprecated

    //split lines to stream
    val streams: Map[Int, Seq[String]] = lines.groupBy(line => line.toInt % config.divisor)
    // as a result -> HashMap(0 -> List(5, 10), 1 -> List(1, 6), 2 -> List(2, 7), 3 -> List(3, 8), 4 -> List(4, 9))


    //Create streamValues
    val streamsValues: Map[Int, Int] = streams.map { case (k, v) =>
      k -> v.foldLeft(0) { (acc, s) => acc + s.toInt }

    println(s"toSeq = ${streamsValues.toSeq}")

    val stream = Stream.emits(streamsValues.toList)
      .map { case (key, value) =>
        s"Key: $key, Value: $value"
      .evalMap { str =>


case class AppConfig(divisor: Int)

有人可以帮我用 http4s 创建网络套接字吗


App result

有人可以帮我写一个带有 http4s 的网络套接字,它将返回下一个值(来自屏幕截图)

ws -> ws://localhost/ws?number=0 ,结果:15

ws -> ws://localhost/ws?number=1 ,结果:7

ws -> ws://localhost/ws?number=key ,结果:值(流中的键和值,请参阅提供的代码)


scala scala-cats cats-effect http4s fs2
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