
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


Warning messages:
1: In rgl.primitive0(type = "triangles", x = c(-2499, -2498, -2497,  :
  RGL: GL Library : Maximum texture size of 1024x1024 exceeded.
(Perhaps enabling mipmapping could help.)
2: In rgl.primitive0(type = "triangles", x = c(2982, 2982, -2981, -2981,  :
  RGL: GL Library : Maximum texture size of 1024x1024 exceeded.
(Perhaps enabling mipmapping could help.)

Version Info
platform       x86_64-w64-mingw32               
arch           x86_64                           
os             mingw32                          
crt            ucrt                             
system         x86_64, mingw32                  
major          4                                
minor          2.3                              
year           2023                             
month          03                               
day            15                               
svn rev        83980                            
language       R                                
version. String R version 4.2.3 (2023-03-15 ucrt)
nickname       Shortstop Beagle 



# Set map name that will be used in file names, and 
# to get get boundaries from master NPS list

map <- "arizona"

# Kontur data source: https://data.humdata.org/dataset/kontur-population-united-states-of-america

data <- st_read("data/kontur/kontur_population_US_20220630.gpkg")

s <- states() |> 
  st_transform(crs = st_crs(data))

st <- s |> 
  filter(NAME == str_to_title("arizona"))

st |> 
  ggplot() +

int <- st_intersects(data, st)

st_dd <- map_dbl(int, function(i) {
  if (length(i) > 0) {
  } else {

st_d <- data[which(st_dd == 1),]

#st_d <- st_intersection(data, st)

bb <- st_bbox(st_d)
yind <- st_distance(st_point(c(bb[["xmin"]], bb[["ymin"]])), 
                    st_point(c(bb[["xmin"]], bb[["ymax"]])))
xind <- st_distance(st_point(c(bb[["xmin"]], bb[["ymin"]])), 
                    st_point(c(bb[["xmax"]], bb[["ymin"]])))

if (yind > xind) {
  y_rat <- 1
  x_rat <- xind / yind
} else {
  x_rat <- 1
  y_rat <- yind / xind

size <- 8000
rast <- st_rasterize(st_d |> 
                       select(population, geom),
                     nx = floor(size * x_rat), ny = floor(size * y_rat))

mat <- matrix(rast$population, nrow = floor(size * x_rat), ncol = floor(size * y_rat))

# set up color palette

pal <- "demuth"

colors <- met.brewer("Tam", 10, direction = -1)

texture <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(colors, bias = 3)(256)


# Build 3D Object #

# Keep this line so as you're iterating you don't forget to close the
# previous window


# Create the initial 3D object
mat |> 
  height_shade(texture = texture) |> 
  plot_3d(heightmap = mat, 
          # This is my preference, I don't love the `solid` in most cases
          solid = FALSE,
          soliddepth = 0,
          # You might need to hone this in depending on the data resolution;
          # lower values exaggerate the height
          z = 15,
          # Set the location of the shadow, i.e. where the floor is.
          # This is on the same scale as your data, so call `zelev` to see the
          # min/max, and set it however far below min as you like.
          shadowdepth = 0,
          # Set the window size relatively small with the dimensions of our data.
          # Don't make this too big because it will just take longer to build,
          # and we're going to resize with `render_highquality()` below.
          windowsize = c(800,800), 
          # This is the azimuth, like the angle of the sun.
          # 90 degrees is directly above, 0 degrees is a profile view.
          phi = 90, 
          zoom = 1, 
          # `theta` is the rotations of the map. Keeping it at 0 will preserve
          # the standard (i.e. north is up) orientation of a plot
          theta = 0, 
          background = "white") 

# Use this to adjust the view after building the window object
render_camera(phi = 60, zoom = .65, theta = 0)

# Create High Quality Graphic #

# You should only move on if you have the object set up
# as you want it, including colors, resolution, viewing position, etc.

# Ensure dir exists for these graphics
if (!dir.exists(glue("images/{map}"))) {

# Set up outfile where graphic will be saved.
# Note that I am not tracking the `images` directory, and this
# is because these files are big enough to make tracking them on
# GitHub difficult. 
outfile <- str_to_lower(glue("images/{map}/{map}_{pal}.png"))

# Now that everything is assigned, save these objects so we
# can use then in our markup script
  map = map,
  pal = pal,
  colors = colors,
  outfile = outfile,
  coords = coords
), glue("R/portraits/{map}/header.rds"))

  # Test write a PNG to ensure the file path is good.
  # You don't want `render_highquality()` to fail after it's 
  # taken hours to render.
  if (!file.exists(outfile)) {
    png::writePNG(matrix(1), outfile)
  # I like to track when I start the render
  start_time <- Sys.time()
  cat(glue("Start Time: {start_time}"), "\n")
    # We test-wrote to this file above, so we know it's good
    # See rayrender::render_scene for more info, but best
    # sample method ('sobol') works best with values over 256
    samples = 450, 
    preview = FALSE,
    light = TRUE,
    lightdirection = rev(c(200, 200, 210, 210)),
    lightcolor = c(colors[3], "white", colors[10], "white"),
    lightintensity = c(750, 125, 1000, 125),
    lightaltitude = c(10, 80, 10, 80),
    # All it takes is accidentally interacting with a render that takes
    # hours in total to decide you NEVER want it interactive
    interactive = FALSE,
    # HDR lighting used to light the scene
    # environment_light = "assets/env/phalzer_forest_01_4k.hdr",
    # # environment_light = "assets/env/small_rural_road_4k.hdr",
    # # Adjust this value to brighten or darken lighting
    # intensity_env = 1.5,
    # # Rotate the light -- positive values move it counter-clockwise
    # rotate_env = 130,
    # This effectively sets the resolution of the final graphic,
    # because you increase the number of pixels here.
    # width = round(6000 * wr), height = round(6000 * hr),
    width = 8000, height = 8000
  end_time <- Sys.time()
  cat(glue("Total time: {end_time - start_time}"), "\n")


mat |> 
  height_shade(texture = texture) |> 
  plot_3d(heightmap = mat,
          zscale = 100 / 5,
          solid = FALSE,
          shadowdepth = 0,

render_camera(theta = -20, phi = 45, zoom = .8)

我已经完成了重新安装 R、Rstudio、rTools 和所有所需软件包的过程。我昨天刚用这段代码工作,不知道问题出在哪里。

r rstudio rgl rayshader


Warning messages:
1: In rgl.primitive0(type = "triangles", x = c(-2499, -2498, -2497,  :
  RGL: GL Library : Maximum texture size of 1024x1024 exceeded.
(Perhaps enabling mipmapping could help.)
2: In rgl.primitive0(type = "triangles", x = c(2982, 2982, -2981, -2981,  :
  RGL: GL Library : Maximum texture size of 1024x1024 exceeded.
(Perhaps enabling mipmapping could help.)


,它报告底层 OpenGL 库的硬件限制。但是

只看消息的内容,您的图形驱动程序似乎无法支持非常大的纹理。 (纹理是映射到 3D 表面上的位图图像。)可能图形系统也被其他窗口使用,并且内存不足。或者,如果您在上次运行后切换了机器或视频模式,也许您只是没有新设置中的资源来运行它。

我无法提供更具体的建议,因为您的代码在我的系统上因 R 内存不足错误而死机:

Error: vector memory exhausted (limit reached?)


window_size = c(800, 800)

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