
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


  • 如果前一秒没有徒步旅行者经过,那么第一个等待下山的徒步旅行者先走

  • 如果在前一秒,有一个下降的徒步旅行者经过,那么第一个下降的徒步旅行者先走

  • 如果前一秒有登山者经过,则上升队列中的登山者先走




getResult 有以下参数:

intarrival[n] 一个整数数组,其中索引值是徒步旅行者到达步道狭窄部分的时间(以秒为单位)。如果到达 [i] = 到达[j] 并且 i < j then then hiker i arrives before hiker j.

int Direction:一个整数数组,其中索引处的值是徒步旅行者的方向:0 表示上升,1 表示下降


一个整数数组,其中索引 i 处的值是第 i 个徒步旅行者穿过步道狭窄部分的时间


def getResult(arrival, direction):
  n = len(arrival)
  result = [0] * n
  last_direction = -1  # -1 represents no hiker passed through in the previous second
  i = 0        
  while i < len(arrival):
    ascending_queue = []
    descending_queue = []
    if i == 0:
      if direction[0] == 0:
        result[0] = arrival[0]
        last_direction = 0
        result[0] = arrival[0]
        last_direction = 1
    a = i + 1 if i == 0 else i
    chk = False
    while(a + 1 < len(arrival) and arrival[a] == arrival[a+1]):
      if direction[a] == 0:
      if direction[a+1] == 0:
      a += 1
      chk = True
    if ascending_queue and descending_queue:
      if last_direction == 0:
        next_val = i
        idx = ascending_queue.pop(0)
        result[idx] = arrival[i + 1]
        prev = result[idx]
        next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        while ascending_queue:
          idx = ascending_queue.pop(0)
          result[idx] = prev + 1
          last_direction = direction[idx]
          prev = result[idx]
          next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        while descending_queue:
          idx = descending_queue.pop(0)
          result[idx] = prev + 1
          last_direction = direction[idx]
          prev = result[idx]
          next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        i = next_val

        next_val = i
        idx = descending_queue.pop(0)
        result[idx] = arrival[i + 1]
        prev = result[idx]
        next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        while descending_queue:
          idx = descending_queue.pop(0)
          result[idx] = prev + 1
          last_direction = direction[idx]
          prev = result[idx]
          next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        while ascending_queue:
          idx = ascending_queue.pop(0)
          result[idx] = prev + 1
          last_direction = direction[idx]
          prev = result[idx]
          next_val = max(next_val,idx)
        i = next_val
      if chk:
        j = i
        while(arrival[j] == arrival[j+1]):
          result[j] = arrival[i] if j == i else result[j-1] + 1
          j += 1
        result[i] = arrival[i]
        last_direction = direction[i]
    if chk:
      i = a + 1
      i += 1

  return result

# Example usage:
#arrival = [0, 1, 1, 3, 3]
#direction = [0, 1, 0, 0, 1]
# Output: [0, 2, 1, 4, 3]

arrival = [0, 0, 1, 4]
direction = [0, 1, 1, 0]
#Ouput = [2, 0, 1, 4]

对于第二个测试用例,我的代码返回 [0, 0, 1, 4]。我的方法的第一个缺点是我只添加同时到达的徒步旅行者,但在第二种情况下,当我们按降序处理索引 1 处的徒步旅行者时,我们必须按降序处理索引 2 处的徒步旅行者,但我的方法将首先处理索引 0 处的徒步旅行者。无法想出不同的方法来做到这一点。谢谢

对任何不同/新的方法/语言(Java/C++)或对此方法的修改持开放态度。 谢谢

algorithm data-structures queue

两个队列的想法很好,但我会把所有徒步旅行者放在这些队列中,然后随着时间的流逝从队列中弹出。我还将徒步旅行者 ID(输入列表中的索引)与其到达时间合并在一个元组中。


def getResult(arrival, direction):
    # It is assumed the arrival list has its time stamps in non-decreasing order
    # Determine a time before which all hikers will have gone through the narrow pass
    maxtime = arrival[-1] + len(arrival)  
    def makeQueue(filter_dir):
        q = [(hiker, time) 
                for hiker, (time, desc) in enumerate(zip(arrival, direction)) 
                if desc == filter_dir]
        q.append((-1, maxtime))  # Add a dummy entry to avoid empty queue issues
        return q[::-1]  # Reverse so we can pop from the queue in the right order

    # Put all hikers in one of the two queues, with their id and time of arrival
    queues = [makeQueue(0), makeQueue(1)]  # Ascending hikers, descending hikers
    result = [0] * len(arrival)
    currentTime = 0  
    # As long there are hikers that didn't pass through yet
    while len(queues[0]) + len(queues[1]) > 2:  # (NB: each queue has a dummy at index 0)
        # Get the earliest time a hiker arrived or will arrive at the narrow pass
        currentTime = max(currentTime, min(queues[0][-1][1], queues[1][-1][1]))
        # If descending hikers are waiting at the narrow pass, they have priority
        activeQueue = queues[queues[1][-1][1] <= currentTime]
        # Let all waiting people on the selected side go through the narrow pass.
        while activeQueue[-1][1] <= currentTime:  # Someone waiting?
            result[activeQueue.pop()[0]] = currentTime  # One hiker walks through
            currentTime += 1  # One second passes...
    # All hikers went through the narrow pass
    return result
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