从 Word VBA 预设 Excel 的 GetOpenFilename 路径

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

在 MS-Word 模板文件中使用主宏(因为最初它是 *dotm)。我需要打开一个 Excel 文件(每次打开一个具有不同路径的不同文件,由用户选择)。



这是我的 MS-Word Master 代码:

Set Excel_Tool = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Set  dialog box file filter
ID_Finfo = "Excel Files (*.xlsx; *.xls), *xlsx;*.xls"
'Set  dialog box caption title
Title = "Select an ID-file to open"
'Get  Filename
Excel_Path_Name = Excel_Tool.Application.GetOpenFilename(ID_Finfo, , Title, , False)

If Excel_Path_Name = "" Or Excel_Path_Name = "False" Then
    Response = msgbox("It Seems You Submitted a NOT VALID file/path data..." & vbCrLf & "            Pay More Attention, Please !!!" & vbCrLf & "        So, What Would You Like to Do, Now?       ", vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation)
    If Response = vbRetry Then
        Unload Me
        Call Open_ID_File_Form
        Unload Me
    End If
End If

DIM 陈述是正确的;事实上,它会打开一个“MyDoc”默认浏览文件选择器窗口。



Dim fileName

ChDrive "C:"
ChDir "C:\MY OWN Program files\test_excel opening"
Set Excel_Tool = CreateObject("Excel.Application")

fileName = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files (*.xls;*.xlsx;*.xlsm), *xlsx;*.xls;*xlsm")

If fileName <> "False" Then
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Workbooks.Open fileName, Format:=2
End If

End Sub

如果在 Excel 中启动,这可以工作,但如果在 Word 中调用,则失败(MyDoc 作为默认文件夹)。


Def_Excel_Path_Name = ActiveDocument.Path & "\"

' this line sets the dir as the same of the word doc
' moving current WORD file path text to clipboard in order to allow  USER to workaround Word bug about "myDoc" as default folder

Dim Carrier As New DataObject
Carrier.SetText Def_Excel_Path_Name

' now USER can paste it to address field on file picker window, in order to go straight to source document folder


如果我检查剪贴板内容,我会发现几个问号 -->“??”

excel vba ms-word



  Excel_Tool.Application.DefaultFilePath = Def_Excel_Path_Name


    Dim Excel_Tool As Object, Def_Excel_Path_Name As String, ID_Finfo As String, Title As String, Excel_Path_Name As Variant, Response As VbMsgBoxResult
    Set Excel_Tool = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    'Def_Excel_Path_Name = where to start
    Def_Excel_Path_Name = "w:\" 'set what you want to here
    Excel_Tool.Application.DefaultFilePath = Def_Excel_Path_Name
    'VBA.ChDir Def_Excel_Path_Name 'this just to apply the call side which as Word VBA NOT Excel Application
'    Excel_Tool.Quit 'if not quit after using or if without next line, this showing will be the last time's setting until restarting excel application object to apply.
    Set Excel_Tool = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'restart excel.application object.this will create just one excel instance.
'Set  dialog box file filter
    ID_Finfo = "Excel Files (*.xlsx; *.xls), *xlsx;*.xls"
'Set  dialog box caption title
    Title = "Select an ID-file to open"
'Get  Filename
   Excel_Path_Name = Excel_Tool.Application.GetOpenFilename(ID_Finfo, , Title, , False)

If Excel_Path_Name = "" Or Excel_Path_Name = "False" Then
        Response = MsgBox("It Seems You Submitted a NOT VALID file/path data..." & vbCrLf & "            Pay More Attention, Please !!!" & vbCrLf & "        So, What Would You Like to Do, Now?       ", vbRetryCancel + vbExclamation)
        If Response = vbRetry Then
            Unload Me
            Call Open_ID_File_Form
            Unload Me
        End If
    End If

    Excel_Tool.Quit ' if without this , the setting of DefaultFilePath before would not apply properly


Function ClipboardPutIn(Optional StoreText As String) As String 'https://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/blog/2015/1/13/how-to-use-vba-code-to-copy-text-to-the-clipboard
'PURPOSE: Read/Write to Clipboard
'Source: ExcelHero.com (Daniel Ferry)

Dim x As Variant

'Store as variant for 64-bit VBA support
  x = StoreText

'Create HTMLFile Object
  With CreateObject("htmlfile")
    With .parentWindow.clipboardData
      Select Case True
        Case Len(StoreText)
          'Write to the clipboard
            .setData "text", x
        Case Else
          'Read from the clipboard (no variable passed through)
            ClipboardPutIn = .GetData("text")
      End Select
    End With
  End With

End Function
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