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all: call function all_input to determine rule's input requirements. all_input: file "succes.txt" doesn't exist. do checkpoint keep_trying with i == 1. keep_trying: output "round_1" doesn't exist. do run section. random() decides to touch output[0], which is "round_1". snakemake reevaluates graph after checkpoint is complete all: call function all_input to determine rule's input requirements. all_input: file "succes.txt" doesn't exist. do checkpoint keep_trying with i == 2. keep_trying: output "round_2" doesn't exist. do run section. random() decides to touch output[0], which is "round_2". snakemake reevaluates graph after checkpoint is complete all: call function all_input to determine rule's input requirements. all_input: file "succes.txt" doesn't exist. do checkpoint keep_trying with i == 3. keep_trying: output "round_3" doesn't exist. do run section. random() decides to touch "succes.txt". snakemake reevaluates graph after checkpoint is complete all: call function all_input to determine rule's input requirements. all_input: file "succes.txt" exists. return "success.txt" to rule all. all: input requirement is "success.txt", which is now satisfied.

loops snakemake checkpoint

import os from pathlib import Path tries = 0 def all_input(wildcards): global tries if not os.path.exists("succes.txt"): tries += 1 checkpoints.keep_trying.get(i=tries) else: return "succes.txt" rule all: input: all_input checkpoint keep_trying: output: "round_{i}" run: import random if random.random() > 0.9: Path('succes.txt').touch() Path(output[0]).touch()

这里我们说rule all需要从函数all_input返回的内容作为输入。此功能检查文件succes.txt是否已经存在。如果不是,它将触发运行检查点并继续尝试,这可能会使succes.txt文件(10%的机会)。如果实际存在succes.txt,则这是rule all的输入,然后snakemake成功退出。
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