
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

尝试制定一个复杂的时间表,其中每周有 3 个人出席,1 人带午餐,1 人带咖啡,同时尝试尽可能地将所有这些时间间隔开。脚本比仅仅循环人员更受欢迎,因为可用性和潜在的演示者一直在变化,事实证明,对这么多人手动执行此操作很棘手。

我想出了一个应该能够做到这一点的脚本(如下),但是即使在添加批处理后内核仍然崩溃。它正在一个具有 60G 内存和 15 个 CPU 的远程 slurm 服务器上运行,这应该足够了(我将其用于 CNN 等)。



#!/usr/bin/env python

import csv
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import itertools

def generate_weekly_schedule(people_availability, start_date, end_date):
    # Create a list of all available dates within the specified range
    available_dates = [start_date + timedelta(days=i) for i in range((end_date - start_date).days + 1)]
    # Initialize the schedule
    schedule = []
    for date in available_dates:
        # Filter out people who are not available on this date
        available_people = [person for person, unavailable_dates in people_availability.items() if date not in unavailable_dates]
        if not available_people:
            continue  # Skip the date if no one is available

        # Try to select the presenter for the main presentation
        main_presentation = None
        for person in available_people:
            if all(date + timedelta(days=i) not in people_availability[person] for i in range(7)):
                main_presentation = person
        if main_presentation is None:
            continue  # Skip the date if we couldn't find a main presenter

        # Shuffle the list of available people to randomize the selection of highlights, lunch, and coffee
        random_order = list(itertools.permutations(available_people))
        for order in random_order:
            if main_presentation not in order:
                highlights = order[:2]  # Assign the first two people in the shuffled list to highlights
                lunch_and_coffee_candidates = order[2:]

        # Ensure that lunch and coffee providers are not presenting
        lunch_provider = None
        coffee_provider = None

        for person in lunch_and_coffee_candidates:
            if date + timedelta(days=7) not in people_availability[person] and lunch_provider is None:
                lunch_provider = person
            elif date + timedelta(days=7) not in people_availability[person] and coffee_provider is None:
                coffee_provider = person

        # Append the schedule for this date
        schedule.append([date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), main_presentation, highlights[0], highlights[1], lunch_provider, coffee_provider])

    return schedule

def write_schedule_to_csv(schedule, csv_filename):
    with open(csv_filename, mode='w', newline='') as file:
        writer = csv.writer(file)
        writer.writerow(["Date", "Main Presentation", "Highlight 1", "Highlight 2", "Lunch Provider", "Coffee Provider"])

def batch_process_and_merge(people_availability, start_date, end_date, batch_size):
    batched_schedule = []
    current_date = start_date
    while current_date <= end_date:
        batch_end_date = min(current_date + timedelta(days=batch_size - 1), end_date)
        batch_schedule = generate_weekly_schedule(people_availability, current_date, batch_end_date)
        current_date = batch_end_date + timedelta(days=1)
    return batched_schedule

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # Example input dictionary of people and their unavailable dates
    people_availability = {
        "Person 1": [(datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 9, 20))],
        "Person 2": [(datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 10, 13))],
        "Person 3": [],
        "Person 4": [],
        "Person 5":[(datetime(2023, 10, 1), datetime(2023, 12, 15))],
        "Person 6": [],
        "Person 7": [],
        "Person 8": [datetime(2023, 11, 10), datetime(2023, 11, 17)],
        "Person 9": [],
        "Person 10":[],
        "Person 11": [],
        "Person 12": [(datetime(2023, 10, 27), datetime(2023, 12, 15))],
        "Person 13": [datetime(2023, 9, 15)],
        "Person 14": [(datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 12, 15))],
        "Person 15": [(datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 12, 15))],
        "Person 16": [(datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 12, 15))],
        "Person 17": [],
        "Person 18": [],
        "Person 19": [datetime(2023, 9, 22), datetime(2023, 11, 3)],
        "Person 20": [],
        "Person 21": [],
        "Person 22": [],
        "Person 23": [datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 9, 13)],
        "Person 24": [datetime(2023, 9, 8), datetime(2023, 9, 30)],               

    start_date = datetime(2023, 9, 8)
    end_date = datetime(2023, 12, 15)
    batch_size = 7 

    batched_schedule = batch_process_and_merge(people_availability, start_date, end_date, batch_size)
    write_schedule_to_csv(batched_schedule, "weekly_schedule.csv")

我尝试添加批处理并增加 CPU 数量,但一定存在一些我没有看到的数据泄漏,因为我认为这不需要那么多计算资源。

python memory-leaks out-of-memory


random_order = list(itertools.permutations(available_people))
。这是一个非常具有欺骗性的行,因为您要做的就是用所有可能的排列填充一个列表。但是,由于您的列表中有 22 个项目,因此您的列表将需要 22^22 个项目,我认为大约有 300 个 octillion 项目。使用这样的迭代器,您无法将其卸载到列表中,您必须逐项遍历它。


random_order = itertools.permutations(available_people)

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