If / Elif / Else 语句无法按预期退出游戏

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
# Reserved for our import statements.
import art
import gameData
import random

# Reserved for functions.
# main_Game() function holds the re-loopable code for our application.
def main_game(user_score, playing_again, option_3):
    user_score = user_score
    # Select 2 celebrities from our data list and display to use.
    random_num_1 = random.randint(1, 50)
    random_num_2 = random.randint(1, 50)
    while random_num_1 == random_num_2:
        random_num_2 = random.randint(1, 50)
    playing_again = playing_again
    if playing_again is True:
        option1 = option_3
        option2 = gameData.data[random_num_2]
    elif playing_again is False:
        option1 = gameData.data[random_num_1]
        option2 = gameData.data[random_num_2]

    option_1_name = list(option1.items())[0][1]
    option_1_followers = list(option1.items())[1][1]
    option_1_description = list(option1.items())[2][1]
    option_1_country = list(option1.items())[3][1]
    option_2_name = list(option2.items())[0][1]
    option_2_followers = list(option2.items())[1][1]
    option_2_description = list(option2.items())[2][1]
    option_2_country = list(option2.items())[3][1]

    # Ask user to guess which is correct.
    print(f"\nCompare A: {option_1_name}, a {option_1_description}, from {option_1_country}.")
    print(f"Against B: {option_2_name}, a {option_2_description}, from {option_2_country}.")
    acceptable_input = False
    while acceptable_input is False:
        user_guess = input("\nWho has more followers? Type 'A' or 'B': ")
        user_guess = user_guess.upper()
        if user_guess == "A" or user_guess == "B":
            acceptable_input = True
            print("You can only enter 'A' or 'B'. Please try again.")
            acceptable_input = False

    # Confirm to user if they were correct and display their current score.
    correct_answer = ""
    if option_1_followers > option_2_followers:
        correct_answer = "A".upper()
    elif option_2_followers > option_1_followers:
        correct_answer = "B".upper()

    if user_guess == correct_answer:
        print("\nWell done you were correct!")
        user_score += 1
        print(f"You're score is now {user_score}")
    elif user_guess != correct_answer:
        print("\nYou got it wrong!")

    while True:
        play_again = input("\nDo you want to play again? (yes or no): ")
        play_again = play_again.lower()
        if play_again == "yes":
            main_game(user_score, playing_again=True, option_3=option2)
        elif play_again == "no":
            return 0
            print("You have not entered 'yes' or 'no'. Please try again.")

# Reserved for code that runs at beginning of application.

# Introduce user to the game.
print("Welcome to the higher or lower game!")
print("\nGame Rules: From the 2 options shown you have to pick which celebrity or brand has more Instagram followers.")

# Launch our game by calling the main_game() function. We send through the argument 0 which is the users starting score.
status = main_game(0, False, "")

if status == 0:


它似乎与用户输入“是”有关。 IE。如果用户第一次说“不”,那么第一次就可以正常工作。如果用户说是。然后你必须说“不”两次才能下次成功。如果用户连续两次说“是”并玩了几次游戏,那么您无需输入大量时间即可运行。


python python-3.x if-statement conditional-statements conditional-formatting



        if play_again == "yes":
            return main_game(user_score, playing_again=True, option_3=option2)
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