
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



 Previouscellcontentbefore = ActiveCell.Offset(rowbefore + 1, columbefore + 1)


Dim row, I As Integer

Dim cons As String
'Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Sheets("for calculations").Visible = True

'cons = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Personnel = Personnel;  Environment = Environment;  Asset = Asset;  Reputation = Reputation;  All = ALL", Title:="Choose consequence (NB: Case sensitive)", Default:="ALL")
cons = Application.InputBox(prompt:="Personnel;  Environment;  Asset;  Reputation;  All", Title:="Choose consequence (NB: Case sensitive)", Default:="All")
Worksheets("For calculations").Activate


Select Case cons

Case "All"
   Range("C34").Value = "Risk matrix shows all types of consequences"
Case "Personnel"
   Range("C34").Value = "Risk matrix shows all types of Personnel consequences"
Case "Environment"
   Range("C34").Value = "Risk matrix shows Environmetal consequences"
Case "Asset"
   Range("C34").Value = "Risk matrix shows Asset consequences"
Case "Reputation"
   Range("C34").Value = "Risk matrix shows Reputation consequences"
End Select

'MsgBox ("Cons = " & Cons & "  " & "ConsCat=" & conscat)

For I = 1 To 200
 'Application.ScreenUpdating = False
 'Worksheets("For calculations").Activate
 'Sheets("for calculations").Visible = True
 Range("C47").Value = Worksheets("HAZIDS").Cells(I + 4, 2).Value
 conscat = Range("F47").Text 'Consequence category
 check2 = cons Like conscat 'Check2 is true if the actual HAZID (no. I) has the same consequence category as pomted in the input box
 check3 = cons Like "All"
 If cons Like "All" Then
    check2 = True
 End If

 'MsgBox (check2 & "  Cons = " & cons & "   Conscat = " & conscat)

 If check2 Then 'Insert only HAZID in risk matrices if then have the considered consequence type

    before = Range("D47").Text
    after = Range("E47").Text
    rowbefore = Mid(before, 2, 1) 'Rownumber in matrix before
    columbefore = Mid(before, 4, 1) 'Columnumber in matrix before
    rowafter = Mid(after, 2, 1) 'Rownumber in matrix after
    columafter = Mid(after, 4, 1) 'Columnumber in matrix after

    Checkbefore = Not rowbefore Like "" And Not columbefore Like "" 'Check if risk level before is evaluated
    Checkafter = Not rowafter Like "" And Not columafter Like "" 'Check if risk level after is evaluated
    'MsgBox ("Rowbefore = " & rowbefore & "    Columbefore = " & columbefore & "   " & "Checkbefore = " & Checkbefore & "  Checkafter = " & Checkafter)

    If Checkbefore Then 'Write HAZID no. in appropriate cell in risk before matrix
       'MsgBox ("Efter then      Rowbefore = " & rowbefore & "    Columbefore = " & columbefore & "   " & "Before = " & before & "   " & check)

       Previouscellcontentbefore = ActiveCell.Offset(rowbefore + 1, columbefore + 1)
       ActiveCell.Offset(rowbefore + 1, columbefore + 1) = Range("C47").Value & ", " & Previouscellcontentbefore

       If Checkafter Then 'Write HAZID no. in appropriate cell in risk before matrix
          Previouscellcontentafter = ActiveCell.Offset(rowafter + 1, columafter + 1)
          ActiveCell.Offset(rowafter + 1, columafter + 1) = Range("C47").Value & ", " & Previouscellcontentafter
       End If

       'MsgBox ("After else - no action    " & check)
       'Exit For
    End If


 'MsgBox ("Rowbefore = " & rowbefore & "    Columbefore = " & columbefore)
 End If

'Worksheets("Risk Matrix Before").Activate
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True

'Sheets("for calculations").Visible = True

Next I
Sheets("for calculations").Visible = False
Worksheets("Risk Matrix Before").Activate

我希望宏根据“ HAZIDS”中的手动输入更新工作表“之前的风险矩阵”和“之后的风险矩阵”然而,“用于计算”表似乎有错误]

excel vba mismatch


rowbefore = Mid(before, 2, 1) 'Rownumber in matrix before
columbefore = Mid(before, 4, 1) 'Columnumber in matrix before

而且由于您没有声明这些变量,所以它们会得到一个字符串值。 (因为Mid返回一个字符串)


Previouscellcontentbefore = ActiveCell.Offset(rowbefore + 1, columbefore + 1)


您需要做的是使用option explicit并正确定义变量。然后,您可能需要使用Cint函数将字符串转换为整数,如下所示:

Previouscellcontentbefore = ActiveCell.Offset(Cint(rowbefore) + 1, Cint(columbefore) + 1)


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