使用 Mapply 计算 GCS 分数的函数不从文本条目返回分数

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个 tibble 来计算以下列名称的格拉斯哥昏迷量表:“gcs_eye”“gcs_motor”“gcs_verbal”“gcs_total” 前三列是由复选框调查生成的,因此它们要么为空,要么具有可预测的字符串。 GCS 总计为空或数字。我的目标是创建一个新列,如果存在,则从 GCS 总计列中获取数字,或者使用其他三列中的测试条目来计算 GCS。

为此,我使用下面的代码。然而,这只是结转 gcs_total 分数,而不是从文本中计算 GCS(仅转储 NA)。有人可以帮我弄清楚我做错了什么吗?另外,有人可以告诉我什么时候我需要我们 + 在缩进代码行的末尾开始吗? 谢谢你!我还在下面放了一些样本数据。

##Calculate GCS
GCS <- function(total, eye, motor, verbal){
  #return GCS total if calculated previously
  if (is.numeric(total)) {
  } else {
  #Set baseline GCS
  GCS <- NA
  if (eye == "Spontaneous"){
    GCS <- 6
  } else if (eye == "To voice"){
    GCS <- 5
  } else if (eye == "To pain"){
    GCS <- 4
  } else if (eye == "None"){
    GCS <- 3 #None adds no points
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS 
  if (verbal == "Oriented"){
    GCS <- GCS +4
  } else if (eye == "Confused"){
    GCS <- GCS +3
  } else if (eye == "Inappropriate"){
    GCS <- GCS +2
  } else if (eye == "Incomprehensible"){
    GCS <- GCS +1
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS #None adds no points
  if (motor == "Obeys commands"){
    GCS <- GCS +5
  } else if (motor == "Localizes to pain"){
    GCS <- GCS +4
  } else if (motor == "Flexion withdrawal"){
    GCS <- GCS +3
  } else if (motor== "Abnormal flexion"){
    GCS <- GCS +2
  } else if (motor== "Abnormal extension"){
    GCS <- GCS +1
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS #None adds no points
data$GCS <- mapply(FUN = GCS, total = data$gcs_total, eye = data$gcs_eye,
                   motor = data$gcs_motor, verbal = data$gcs_verbal)


data$gcs_eye <- c("","","","Spontaneous","Spontaneous","To voice")
data$gcs_motor <- c("","","","Obeys commands","Localizes to pain"," 
Flexion withdrawal")
data$gcs_verbal <- c("","","","Confused","Incomprehensible","None")
data$gcs_verbal <- c(NA, 13, 15, 14, NA, NA)

(如果我运行当前代码,它应该输出 c(NA, 13, 15, 14, NA, NA)

r function mapply



eye == "Confused"...


Verbal == "Confused"...

我认为@Gregor Thomas 已经在评论中解决了这个问题:

GCS <- function(total, eye, motor, verbal){
  #return GCS total if calculated previously
  if (is.numeric(total)) {
  } else {
    #Set baseline GCS
    GCS <- NA
  if (eye == "Spontaneous"){
    GCS <- 6
  } else if (eye == "To voice"){
    GCS <- 5
  } else if (eye == "To pain"){
    GCS <- 4
  } else if (eye == "None"){
    GCS <- 3 #None adds no points
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS 
  if (verbal == "Oriented"){
    GCS <- GCS +4
  } else if (verbal == "Confused"){
    GCS <- GCS +3
  } else if (verbal == "Inappropriate"){
    GCS <- GCS +2
  } else if (verbal == "Incomprehensible"){
    GCS <- GCS +1
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS #None adds no points
  if (motor == "Obeys commands"){
    GCS <- GCS +5
  } else if (motor == "Localizes to pain"){
    GCS <- GCS +4
  } else if (motor == "Flexion withdrawal"){
    GCS <- GCS +3
  } else if (motor== "Abnormal flexion"){
    GCS <- GCS +2
  } else if (motor== "Abnormal extension"){
    GCS <- GCS +1
  } else {
    GCS <- GCS #None adds no points
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