NSArray post方法在json中显示结果,但我无法在tableview中显示值(Swift 5)

问题描述 投票:-1回答:1

我正在使用post方法在表格视图中显示数据。我得到了我的json响应。但我无法在表视图中仅显示可见的nil值显示我的数组数据,并且调试区域也显示此值= [“ fav”:<__ nsarraym>()]为什么我要获取阵列数据?我的代码有什么错误?

        let parameters = ["userid": 1, "start": "0"] as [String : Any]

            //create the url with URL
            let url = URL(string: "https://test.php")! //change the url

            //create the session object
            let session = URLSession.shared

            //now create the URLRequest object using the url object
            var request = URLRequest(url: url)
            request.httpMethod = "POST" //set http method as POST

            do {
                request.httpBody = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: parameters, options: .prettyPrinted) // pass dictionary to nsdata object and set it as request body
            } catch let error {

            request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
            request.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Accept")

            //create dataTask using the session object to send data to the server
            let task = session.dataTask(with: request as URLRequest, completionHandler: { data, response, error in

                guard error == nil else {

                guard let data = data else {

                do {
                    //create json object from data
                    if let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: .mutableContainers) as? [String: Any] {
                        print ("data = \(json)")

                        if let arry = json["pnbu"] as? [[String:Any]] {
                        for dic in arry {
                            let buzzyuser_id = dic["buzzyuser_id"]
                            let buzzyuser_location = dic["buzzyuser_location"]
                            let buzzyuser_image = dic["buzzyuser_image"]
                            self.favs.append(JsonResponse(buzzyuser_id: buzzyuser_id as? String, buzzyuser_location: buzzyuser_location as? String, buzzyuser_image: buzzyuser_image as? String))
                            DispatchQueue.main.async { // Correct
                                self.TableSectionView.reloadData()                            }


                } catch let error {



show array list in debug area but my data can't response in my tableview. after run simulator thread 1 error in debug area...
but get method code will works fine.
ios json swift xcode


  1. 提供的代码作为视图控制器的一部分存在
  2. 该视图控制器有一个名为favs的数组,用于填充该数组
  3. 生成tableView的代码正常工作
  4. 当您在Q中进行推断时,表示json解析和转换正常工作,并返回arry数组


//replacing for loop in example code above
let results = [JsonResponse]()
for dic in arry {
  let buzzyuser_id = dic["buzzyuser_id"]
  let buzzyuser_location = dic["buzzyuser_location"]
  let buzzyuser_image = dic["buzzyuser_image"]
  results.append(JsonResponse(buzzyuser_id: buzzyuser_id as? String,
             buzzyuser_location: buzzyuser_location as? String, 
             buzzyuser_image: buzzyuser_image as? String))
DispatchQueue.main.async {
   self.favs = results

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