在现有列 powershell 中添加新行

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个包含三列的 csv 文件,如下所示:

日期 活跃 不活跃
1/14/24 200 300
1/15/24 250 350

我试图为三列中的每一列添加一个新行,同时保留所有以前的值。新行必须使用 get-date 作为当前日期,并且“活动”值为 400,“非活动”值为 500。


# Get today's date in the desired format for the new column name
$NewColumnName = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'

# Import the CSV file AND add an empty "date" column
$Data = Import-Csv -Path $CsvPath | Select-Object -Property Date, @{n = "$newColumnName"; e = { $null } }

# array of the values you want to add.
# you could add each by themselves but this scales better if you go beyond a few rows
$NewValues = @(

# setting up the index variable
$LoopIndex = 0

# cycle through the elements in `$data`
$Data | ForEach-Object {
    # `$_` is the name for the object of the current iteration of the loop
    $_.$NewColumnName = $NewValues[$LoopIndex++]

##EXPORT # Get today's date in the desired format for the new column name
$NewColumnName = Get-Date -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd'

# Import the CSV file AND add an empty "today" column
$Data = Import-Csv -Path $CsvPath | Select-Object -Property Date, @{n = "$newColumnName"; e = { $null } }

# array of the values you want to add.
# you could add each by themselves but this scales better if you go beyond a few rows
$NewValues = @(

# setting up the index variable
$LoopIndex = 0

# cycle through the elements in `$data`
$Data | ForEach-Object {
    # `$_` is the name for the object of the current iteration of the loop
    $_.$NewColumnName = $NewValues[$LoopIndex++]

powershell csv foreach



$value = [PSCustomObject]@{
    Date = Get-Date -Format 'M/d/yy'
    Active = 400
    Inactive = 500
$value | Export-Csv -Path $CsvPath -Append -NoTypeInformation
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