Tail] as function parameters.I rewrote a bit, but I feel that this is a little like a functional style (except for recursion).Maybe someone is ready to help me rewrite the code, or at least answer the questions that I asked above?

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Erlang code:

What I wrote in python:


% The file contains an adjacency list representation of an undirected weighted graph.
% Each row consists of the node tuples that are adjacent to that particular vertex along with the length of that edge.
% Returns a dictionary of VertexNumber -> [Edge]
%   Where Edge is {edge, {vertex, From}, {vertex, To}, Weight}
read_graph(FileName) ->
    {ok, Device} = file:open(FileName, [read]),
    Nodes = dict:new(),
    parse_rows(Device, Nodes).

parse_rows(Device, Nodes) ->
    case io:get_line(Device, "") of
        eof -> Nodes;
        Line -> [VertexNumString | Row] = string:tokens(Line, " \t\n"),
                VertexNum = list_to_integer(VertexNumString),
                case dict:is_key(VertexNum, Nodes) of
                    false -> NewNodes = dict:store(VertexNum, [], Nodes)
                NewNodes2 = get_edges_from_line(NewNodes, VertexNum, Row),
                parse_rows(Device, NewNodes2)

parse_edge(Nodes, FromVertexNum, Val) ->
    [VertexString, WeightString] = string:tokens(Val, ","),
    [ToVertexNum, Weight] = [list_to_integer(VertexString), list_to_integer(WeightString)],
    dict:append(FromVertexNum, {edge, {vertex, FromVertexNum}, {vertex, ToVertexNum}, Weight}, Nodes).

get_edges_from_line(Nodes, _, []) -> 

get_edges_from_line(Nodes, VertexNum, [Head | Tail]) -> 
    NewNodes = parse_edge(Nodes, VertexNum, Head),
    get_edges_from_line(NewNodes, VertexNum, Tail).

% Performs dijkstras shortest path algorithm on the given graph (Dictionary of VertexNumber -> [Edge]), starting at StartNode.
% Returns a Dictionary of VertexNumber -> Distance.
dijkstra(Nodes, StartNode) ->
    NewNodes = dict:map(fun(Key, Val) -> {if Key == StartNode -> 0; true -> infinity end, not_visited, Val} end, Nodes),
    dict:map(fun(_, {Distance, _, _}) -> Distance end, explore_nodes(NewNodes, StartNode, [StartNode])).

% Closest node returns the node with the lowest distance from the given list of nodes.
closest_node(Nodes, Unvisited) ->
    closest_node(Nodes, Unvisited, none, infinity).

closest_node(_, [], MinNode, _) ->

closest_node(Nodes, [CurNode|Unvisited], MinNode, Distance) ->
    {CurDistance, Visited, _} = dict:fetch(CurNode, Nodes),
    % Note that any number is < any atom, so 43523452345 < infinity is true.
    if CurDistance < Distance andalso Visited == not_visited ->
        closest_node(Nodes, Unvisited, CurNode, CurDistance);
       true ->
        closest_node(Nodes, Unvisited, MinNode, Distance)

% Explore the given Nodes starting from NodeNum.
explore_nodes(Nodes, NodeNum, Unvisited) ->
    {NewNodes, NewUnvisited} = explore_node(Nodes, NodeNum, Unvisited),
    NextNode = closest_node(Nodes, NewUnvisited),
    if NextNode == none ->
       true ->
        explore_nodes(NewNodes, NextNode, NewUnvisited)

% Convenience function to fetch node from dictionary so we can pattern match on whether it's been visited.
explore_node(Nodes, NodeNum, Unvisited) ->
    explore_node(Nodes, NodeNum, dict:fetch(NodeNum, Nodes), Unvisited).

% Already been visited: Do Nothing.
explore_node(Nodes, _, {_, visited, _}, Unvisited) ->
    {Nodes, Unvisited};

% Go through all the edges of the current node and update the tentative distance of the connected nodes.
% Add any unvisited nodes this node is connected to to the unvisited list.
explore_node(Nodes, NodeNum, {FromDistance, not_visited, [Edge|Edges]}, Unvisited) ->
    {edge, {vertex, NodeNum}, {vertex, ToVertexNum}, Weight} = Edge,
    {ToDistance, ToVisited, ToEdges} = dict:fetch(ToVertexNum, Nodes),
    if (ToDistance == infinity) orelse (Weight + FromDistance < ToDistance) ->
        NewNodes = dict:store(ToVertexNum, {Weight + FromDistance, ToVisited, ToEdges}, Nodes);
       true ->
        NewNodes = Nodes
    if ToVisited == not_visited ->
        NewUnvisited = [ToVertexNum | Unvisited];
       true ->
        NewUnvisited = Unvisited
    explore_node(NewNodes, NodeNum, {FromDistance, not_visited, Edges}, NewUnvisited);

% Out of edges, this node has now been visited.
explore_node(Nodes, NodeNum, {FromDistance, not_visited, []}, Unvisited) ->
    % We have looped through all the edges so we need another dictionary fetch to get them back.
    {FromDistance, not_visited, OriginalEdges} = dict:fetch(NodeNum, Nodes),
    % Mark as visited.
    {dict:store(NodeNum, {FromDistance, visited, OriginalEdges}, Nodes), Unvisited}.

% Get the distances of a few nodes from the example graph.
start() ->
    DistanceNodes = [7,37,59,82,99,115,133,165,188,197],
    lists:map(fun(NodeNum) -> dict:fetch(NodeNum, dijkstra(read_graph("dijkstraData.txt"), 1)) end, DistanceNodes).

def read_graph(FileName) -> dict:
        f, NewNodes = open(FileName), dict()
        return parse_rows(f, NewNodes)
    except FileNotFoundError as ex:

def parse_rows(f, NewNodes) -> dict:
    Line = f.readline()
    if Line == '':
        return NewNodes
        test = Line.replace('\n', '').split('\t')
        VertexNum, Row = int(test.pop(0)), test
        if NewNodes.get(VertexNum) is None:
            NewNodes[VertexNum] = []
        get_edges_from_line(NewNodes, VertexNum, Row)
        return parse_rows(f, NewNodes)

def parse_edge(NewNodes, FromVertexNum, Val) -> dict:
    [VertexString, WeightString] = Val.split(',')
    [ToVertexNum, Weight] = [int(VertexString), int(WeightString)]
    return NewNodes.get(FromVertexNum).append((edge, (vertex, FromVertexNum), (vertex, ToVertexNum), Weight))

def get_edges_from_line(NewNodes, VertexNum, Snake) -> dict:
    if not Snake:
       return NewNodes
    Head, Tail = Snake.pop(0), Snake
    parse_edge(NewNodes, VertexNum, Head)
    return get_edges_from_line(NewNodes, VertexNum, Tail)
Interestingly, do any of the users of stack overflow write in a functional paradigm or not? I rewrite the program from erlang to python. I can’t understand how to do this, given that in python there ...
python erlang overloading
  • As others have commented, the default if type in Python is an array, not a cons-based list, so using head and tail will be inefficient; lists are better handled using either
  • loops, or list comprehensions.listIf you do need the head and tail, they're: for and edges = [parse_edge(s) for s in snake]
  • For the nodes[0] function, it would be more idiomatic to have it accept the lines as an argument; reading input and parsing it are distinct pieces of work, so they should be in separate functions. This also makes it possible to write unit tests for the nodes[1:]
  • function.parse_rowsIf you like functional programming, you'll enjoy the parse_rowsitertools module
  • (standard library) and the more-itertools package (from pypi).Idiomatically, this code would probably use a class in Python; rather than passing around separate variables for and
  • , they would be attributes on a single Nodes object. Most of the functions would then be methods (with Edges a classmethod).GraphThe naming conventions in Python are snake_case identifiers for variables, functions and methods; CamelCase is used for class names.read_graphFor functional paradigm, look at list comprehensions (and other comprehensions); avoid modifying variables in-place.
@Samuel Below snippet will highlight the issue of function overloading in Python.

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