
问题描述 投票:2回答:1



当我点击调试它突出显示此部分给我For Each Value In Parsed("model")


Sub Test1()

Dim FSO As New FileSystemObject
Dim JsonTS As TextStream
Dim JsonText As String
Dim Parsed As Scripting.Dictionary

' Read .json file
Set JsonTS = FSO.OpenTextFile("\exampleJSON.json", ForReading)
JsonText = JsonTS.ReadAll

' Parse json to Dictionary
' "values" is parsed as Collection
' each item in "values" is parsed as Dictionary
Set Parsed = JsonConverter.ParseJson(JsonText)

' Prepare and write values to sheet
Dim Values As Variant
ReDim Values(Parsed("model").Count, 3)

Dim Value As Dictionary
Dim i As Long

i = 0
For Each Value In Parsed("model")
  Values(i, 0) = Value("name")
  Values(i, 1) = Value("type")
  Values(i, 2) = Value("window")
  i = i + 1
Next Value

Sheets("TEST_SHEET").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(Parsed("model").Count, 3)) = Values

End Sub


{"model": {
    "name": "Hakan",
    "type": "on",
    "window": {
        "title": "Sample Konfabulator Widget",
        "name": "main_window",
        "width": 500,
        "height": 500
    "image": { 
        "src": "Images/Sun.png",
        "name": "sun1",
        "hOffset": 250,
        "vOffset": 250,
        "alignment": "center"
    "text": {
        "data": "Click Here",
        "size": 36,
        "style": "bold",
        "name": "text1",
        "hOffset": 250,
        "vOffset": 100,
        "alignment": "center",
        "onMouseUp": "sun1.opacity = (sun1.opacity / 100) * 90;"


json vba excel-vba excel


Option Explicit

Sub Test()

    Dim sJSONString As String
    Dim vJSON As Variant
    Dim sState As String
    Dim aData()
    Dim aHeader()

    ' Read JSON
    sJSONString = ReadTextFile(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\source.json", -2)
    ' Parse JSON
    JSON.Parse sJSONString, vJSON, sState
    If sState = "Error" Then MsgBox "Invalid JSON": Exit Sub
    ' Output "model" to the worksheet
    JSON.ToArray vJSON("model"), aData, aHeader
    With Sheets(1)
        OutputArray .Cells(1, 1), aHeader
        Output2DArray .Cells(2, 1), aData
    End With
    MsgBox "Completed"

End Sub

Sub OutputArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant)

    With oDstRng
        With .Resize(1, UBound(aCells) - LBound(aCells) + 1)
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = aCells
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Sub Output2DArray(oDstRng As Range, aCells As Variant)

    With oDstRng
        With .Resize( _
                UBound(aCells, 1) - LBound(aCells, 1) + 1, _
                UBound(aCells, 2) - LBound(aCells, 2) + 1)
            .NumberFormat = "@"
            .Value = aCells
        End With
    End With

End Sub

Function ReadTextFile(sPath, lFormat)
    ' lFormat -2 - System default, -1 - Unicode, 0 - ASCII
    With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(sPath, 1, False, lFormat)
        ReadTextFile = ""
        If Not .AtEndOfStream Then ReadTextFile = .ReadAll
    End With
End Function



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