
问题描述 投票:2回答:1
Fixpoint index_value (i: nat) (j: nat) (l: list nat) : nat :=
match l with
| nil => 0
| cons h t => match (eqb i j) with
| true => h
| false => index_value (S i) j t

   index1 < index2
   1 index_value  0 (S index2) (n' :: l) <= n'.

   2 index_value  0 index2 (n' :: l) <=
     index_value  0 (S index1) (n' :: l) 
   In hypothesis I have
   H1 : (length l =? 0) = false
   H2 : 0 < S index2
   H3 : forall (l : list nat) (d : nat),
   descending l ->
    forall m : nat, In m l -> m <= hd d l.

我正在使用上述功能在自然数列表中查找不同的值。我可以通过更改索引j并保持i = 0来在列表中找到任何值。index_value 0 0 [n :: t] = n,这是最大的,因为降序排列。列表中的任何其他值,可通过更改找到j应小于n。要证明这两个案例。谢谢您的帮助。




Fixpoint taill {A} (x : nat) (ls : list A) : list A := 
  match x with
    |S n => match ls with
             |k :: u => taill n u
             |[] => []
    |0 => ls

Theorem maxValue_tail : forall ls y (H : [] <> ls) n, In n (taill y ls) -> n <= maxvalue H.


(* your lemma probably will need a way of checking the index boundaries, so I put this additional checking*)
Theorem sorting_leb_order : forall (l : list nat) k k',
   descending l -> k' < length l -> k < length l -> k <= k -> 
      index_value k' l <= index_value k l.


(* the j second index is really necessary? *)
Fixpoint index_value (i: nat) (l: list nat) : nat :=
  match l with
    | nil => 0
    | cons h t => 
      match (Nat.eqb i 0) with
       | true => h
       | false => index_value (i - 1) t

Definition hd A (ls : list A) : [] <> ls -> A :=
   match ls return [] <> ls -> A with
    |x :: xs => fun H => x 
    |[] => fun H => match (H eq_refl) with end

Theorem maxl_prop : forall (l : list nat) (H : [] <> l),
   descending l -> maxvalue H = hd H. 

(* the index of some value is the head of nth tail *)
Theorem index_taill : forall (ls : list nat) k (H : [] <> (taill k ls)),
   index_value k ls = hd H.

(* We'll need a way of getting a In preposition of some index value *)
Theorem index_InBound : forall k k' l, k' < length l -> k <= k' -> 
   In (index_value k' l) (taill k l).


Theorem sorting_leb_order : forall (l : list nat) k k',
   descending l -> k' < length l -> k < length l -> k <= k' -> 
       index_value k' l <= index_value k l.

   destruct (destruct_list (taill k l)).
   do 2! destruct s.
   have : ~ [] =  taill k l. rewrite e; done.
   move => H'.
   (*rewrite the definitions*)
   pose (inToIndex H0).
   rewrite (index_taill H'); rewrite <- maxl_prop.
   by apply : maxValue; apply : index_InBound.
   clear i e x0 H0 H1.
   move : H.
   (* cut a sorted listed produces a cutted list sorted *)
   unfold descending.
   elim/@taill_scheme : (taill k l).
   intros; assumption.
   intros; assumption.
   intros; apply : H; simpl in H0.
   destruct u.
   exact I.
   (*bound checking *)
   by case : H0.
     have : False.
      elim/@taill_scheme : (taill k l) H1 e.
      intros; subst.
      inversion H1.
      intros; inversion H1.
      intros; apply : H1. 
      auto with arith.
   move => //=.


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