使用 Camelot 合并跨多个页面的表格

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我目前正在使用 Camelot 从 PDF 文件中检索表格。在许多情况下,一个表将跨越多个页面或有一个空白行。这两种情况导致 Camelot 生成两个或更多表(取决于有多少空白行或表跨越多少页)。我想知道在 Camelot 生成多个表后是否有一种方法可以将这些单独的表追加回一个表中?有没有办法告诉 Camelot 忽略分页符和/或空白行?

pdf extract

这是我为此编写的代码。它很长,可以从 CLI 调用,并且可以执行您想要的操作,只要表格有边框。我只使用有边框的表格,所以我只在“格子”模式下使用 Camelot。我为未来的自己添加了很多评论:) 如果将代码保存到名为“pdf-extract-tables.py”的文件中,则可以像这样调用它

python /path/to/pdf-extract-tables.py -p /path/to/file.pdf -t 15



import argparse import warnings import camelot import csv import os def get_continued_tables(tables, threshold): continued_tables = {} previous_table = False group_counter = 0 # typical height of a pdf is 842 points and bottom margins are anywhere between 56 and 85 points # therefore, accounting for margins, 792 page_height = 792 # iterate over the tables for i, table in enumerate(tables): # if a previous table exists (remember, we start with this as false) # and the previous table was on the previous page # and the number of columns of both tables is the same if previous_table and table.page == previous_table.page + 1 and len(table.cols) == len(previous_table.cols): # get the bottom coordinate of the previous table # note that for pdfs the origin (0, 0) typically starts from the bottom-left corner of the page, # with the y-coordinate increasing as you move upwards # this is why for {x0, y0, x1, y1} we need the y0 as the bottom previous_table_bottom = previous_table._bbox[1] # get the top coordinate of the current table # for {x0, y0, x1, y1} we need the y1 as the top current_table_top = table._bbox[3] # if the previous table ends in the last 15% of the page and the current table starts in the first 15% of the page if previous_table_bottom < (threshold / 100) * page_height and current_table_top > (1 - threshold / 100) * page_height: # if we don't have started this group of tables if (continued_tables.get(group_counter) is None): # start by adding the first table continued_tables[group_counter] = [previous_table] # add any of the sunsequent tables to the group continued_tables[group_counter].append(table) # if this is not a continuation of the previous table else: # increment the group number group_counter += 1; # if this is not a continuation of the previous table else: # increment the group number group_counter += 1; # the current table becomes the previous table for the next iteration previous_table = table # transform the dictionary into an array of arrays continued_tables = [value for value in continued_tables.values()] # return the combined tables return continued_tables def main(): class NewlineFormatter(argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): def _split_lines(self, text, width): return text.splitlines() # create argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Returns an array of tables that should be grouped, also as an array.\nThe tables that should be grouped represent tables that span over multiple pages.', formatter_class = NewlineFormatter) parser.add_argument('--path', '-p', type = str, metavar = '', required = True, help = 'path to the PDF file containing tables') parser.add_argument('--threshold', '-t', type = int, metavar = '', default = 15, help = 'if the table on previous page ends in the last x%% of the page and\nthe table on the next page starts in the first x%% of the page,\ntables will be considered as spanning over those pages.\nDefault is 15') # parse command-line arguments args = parser.parse_args() # suppress warning about no tables found warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', message = 'No tables found on page-*') # extract tables tables = camelot.read_pdf(args.path, flavor = 'lattice', pages = 'all') # get continued tables continued_tables = get_continued_tables(tables, args.threshold); # get the name of the PDF file we are processing (without the extension) pdf_file_name = os.path.basename(args.path) # the path where we're writing the file to # (same place where we processed the file from) file_path = os.path.dirname(args.path) written = [] # iterate over found tables for i, table in enumerate(tables): # if table was already written as part of a group if table in written: continue # check if the current table is a continued table is_continued = any(table in sublist for sublist in continued_tables) # define the filename for the CSV file (the PDF file's name suffixed with the page where the table was found and the table's index on that page) # (the naming is the same as what camelot does when called from the CLI) file_name = f"{pdf_file_name}-page-{table.parsing_report['page']}-table-{table.parsing_report['order']}.csv" # open the CSV file for writing with open(file_path + '/' + file_name, 'w', newline = '') as csv_file: # create a CSV writer csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) # the number of rows to be written at once to the CSV # (writing rows one by one is less efficient) batch_size = 1000 batch = [] # iterate over the rows in the table for row in table.data: # add row to batch batch.append(row) # if we gathered enough rows, or if we're at the last row if len(batch) >= batch_size or row == table.data[-1]: # write batch to the CSV file csv_writer.writerows(batch) # clear the batch batch = [] # if the current table is a continued table, write all subsequent continued tables to the same CSV file if is_continued: # get the index of the group in "continued_tables" associated with the current table group_index = next(index for index, sublist in enumerate(continued_tables) if table in sublist) # iterate over the tables in said group and append their data to the same CSV file for continued_table in continued_tables[group_index]: # skip writing the current table as it's already written if continued_table == table or continued_table in written: continue # write the data of the continued table to the same CSV file with open(file_path + '/' + file_name, 'a', newline = '') as csv_file: # create a CSV writer csv_writer = csv.writer(csv_file) # the number of rows to be written at once to the CSV # (writing rows one by one is less efficient) batch_size = 1000 batch = [] # iterate over the rows in the table for row in continued_table.data: # add row to batch batch.append(row) # if we gathered enough rows, or if we're at the last row if len(batch) >= batch_size or row == table.data[-1]: # write batch to the CSV file csv_writer.writerows(batch) # clear the batch batch = [] # keep track of written tables so that are not written again in the main iteration written.append(continued_table) if __name__ == "__main__": main()

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