我不能将一个以上的 word 文件链接到我的 pysimpleGUI 程序

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我正在构建一个 Word 模板生成器,用于使用 excel 数据创建批量文档的工作。 但是我现在只能选择 1 个模板,我希望能够使用多个模板。 我可以写一个 if 语句来改变我的 word_template_path 但是当我试图将这段代码嵌入到 pysimpleGUI 时我不知道该怎么做。

# ----------Instructions for use function----------- #
def instructions():
    sg.popup_scrolled(f"HOW TO USE THE TEMPLATE GENERATOR "
                      f"\n 1.   Store the application and supporting folder directly on the Desktop. Otherwise, the program won’t work."
                      f"\n 2.   Populate the raw_data.xlsx with all relevant details you need, e.g. Legal entity name, address, VATid, Base and click charges, etc."
                      f"\n 3.   Ones you start the program, select test_template.docx in the Input File: field."
                      f"\n 4.   Then select raw_data.xlsx in the Excel Files: field."
                      f"\n 5.   Click on Generate Template ")

# ----------Main program function for creating multiple templates----------- #
def generate_word_template(word_template_path, excel_path, output_path):
    base_dir = Path.home() / "Desktop"
    word_template_path = base_dir / "test_template.docx"
    excel_path = base_dir / "data2.xlsx"
    output_dir = base_dir / "OUTPUT"


    df = pd.read_excel(excel_path, sheet_name="Sheet3")

    for record in df.to_dict(orient="records"):
        doc = DocxTemplate(word_template_path)
        output_path = output_dir / f"{record['SITECODE']}-HP Advance_CO"
    sg.popup_no_titlebar("Done! :)")

# ----------GUI Definition. Program Window view----------- #
layout =[
    [sg.Text("Import Word Template:"), sg.Input(key="-IN-"), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("Word Template", "*.doc*"),))],
    [sg.Text("Import Excel raw data:"), sg.Input(key="-IN-"), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=(("Excel raw data", "*.xls*"),))],
    [sg.Text("Output Folder:"), sg.Input(key="-OUT-"), sg.FolderBrowse()],
    [sg.Exit(), sg.Button("Populate Template"), sg.Button("Instructions")],

window = sg.Window("Populate multiple Word templates", layout)

# ----------Closing program and displaying error message----------- #
while True:
    event, values = window.read()
    if event in (sg.WINDOW_CLOSED,"Exit"):
    if event == "Instructions":
    if event == "Populate Template":


python excel word pysimplegui
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