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module Main( main ) where

import Control.Monad.State

l = [
    Right 6,
    Left "AAA",
    Right 3,
    Right 8,
    Left "CCC",
    Right 2,
    Right 9,
    Right 1,
    Left "D"]

scanList :: [ Either String Int ] -> State (Int,Int) [ Int ]
scanList [    ] = do
    (ns,ni) <- get
    return (ns:[ni])
scanList (x:xs) = do
    (ns,ni) <- get
    case x of
        Left  _ -> put (ns+1,ni)
        Right _ -> put (ns,ni+1)
    case x of
        Left  _ -> scanList xs -- [0] ++ scanList xs not working ...
        Right i -> scanList xs -- [i] ++ scanList xs not working ...

startState = (0,0)

main = do
    print $ evalState (scanList l) startState
haskell state-monad

[0] ++ scanList xs不起作用,因为scanList xs是不是列表,而是一个State (Int,Int) [Int]。为了解决这个问题,你将需要使用fmap / <$>


scanList :: [Either String Int] -> State (Int, Int) [Int]
scanList []     = return []
scanList (x:xs) = do
    (ns,ni) <- get
    case x of
        Left  _ -> put (ns+1, ni)
        Right _ -> put (ns, ni+1)
    case x of
        Left  _ -> (0 :) <$> scanList xs
        Right i -> (i :) <$> scanList xs

为了进一步简化代码,但是,这将是很好用mapM / traversestate除去大部分递归和get / put语法的样板。

scanList :: [Either String Int] -> State (Int, Int) [Int]
scanList = mapM $ \x -> state $ \(ns, ni) -> case x of
    Left  _ -> (0, (ns+1, ni))
    Right i -> (i, (ns, ni+1))
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