如何将图像、Pdf 和少量参数从 Angular 一起发送到 Node.Js 服务器

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我正在使用 Angular Material 来获取可拖动图像的位置,从用户获取输入类型文件(pdf)以及存储在 ./assets/emojis/ 中的图像。我可以使用 ng2-file-upload 和 multer 将 Pdf 从 Angular 发送到 Node。 前端

<input (change)="onFileSelected()" ng2FileSelect [uploader]="uploader" type="file" id="file"> <ion-button class="input-group-text upload" (click)="uploader.uploadAll()" >Upload</ion-button>

app.post('/api/upload', upload.single('pdf'), function (req, res) { console.log('File is available!'); return res.send({ success: true }) });

imagePathToUpload:string = './assets/emojis/'+this.selectedEmoji topPosition:number = this.topPos leftPosition:number = this.leftPos
我如何将所有这些数据一起发送到服务器,有一种方法 FormData 但我不明白如何使用它。

node.js angular file multipartform-data
从 Angular 发送文件 --> Nodejs 很简单


FinalformData: FormData; uploadFile(event) { if (event.target.files && event.target.files.length > 0) { const file = event.target.files[0]; this.FinalformData = new FormData(); this.FinalformData.append('file', file, file.name); } } submit() { // call your service and send it this._sendfileService.sendFile(this.FinalformData) .subscribe( res => { if (res.success) { console.log('file uploaded'); } else { console.log('faild uploading file'))} }) }
现在一切都完成了,使用您的 http.post 方法调用您的角度服务,这里是和前

sendFile(file: FormData): Observable<any> { return this.http.post<any>(this.nodejsUrl, file); }
要在后端处理文件,请查看 multer 


要在 Angular 应用程序中向服务器发送多种类型的数据(例如图像、PDF 和位置等附加元数据),您确实可以使用 FormData。具体方法如下:

  1. 准备数据:在发送数据之前,请确保您已准备好所有数据 准备好所需的数据,包括图像、PDF 文件和其他 元数据,例如顶部和左侧位置。
  2. 创建FormData对象: 创建一个新的 FormData 对象并附加您想要的所有数据 发送到服务器。
  3. 发送数据到服务器:使用Angular的HTTP客户端 (HttpClient) 将数据发送到服务器。

<input (change)="onFileSelected($event)" type="file" id="file"> <ion-button class="input-group-text upload" (click)="uploadData()">Upload</ion-button> import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-file-upload', templateUrl: './file-upload.component.html', styleUrls: ['./file-upload.component.css'] }) export class FileUploadComponent { selectedPdf: File; // To store the selected PDF file selectedImage: File; // To store the selected image file topPosition: number; // Assuming these are initialized elsewhere in your code leftPosition: number; // Assuming these are initialized elsewhere in your code constructor(private http: HttpClient) {} // Method to handle file selection onFileSelected(event: any) { const file = event.target.files[0]; // Check if file is a PDF or an image if (file.type === 'application/pdf') { this.selectedPdf = file; } else if (file.type.startsWith('image/')) { this.selectedImage = file; } else { console.error('Unsupported file type'); } } // Method to upload data to the server uploadData() { if (!this.selectedPdf || !this.selectedImage) { console.error('Please select both a PDF file and an image'); return; } // Prepare data const formData = new FormData(); formData.append('pdf', this.selectedPdf); formData.append('image', this.selectedImage); formData.append('topPosition', this.topPosition.toString()); formData.append('leftPosition', this.leftPosition.toString()); // Send data to server this.http.post('/api/upload', formData).subscribe( (response) => { console.log('Data successfully sent to server:', response); }, (error) => { console.error('Error sending data to server:', error); } ); } }
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