在 Slim Framework 中通过 PUT 请求更新用户配置文件时出现问题

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在开展一个学校项目,其中使用 PHP、Slim Framework 和 MySQL 来开发 API。我在尝试通过对 /updateuser/{cc_105_id} 端点的 PUT 请求更新用户配置文件时遇到问题。

当我发送 PUT 请求并在 Postman 中填写必填字段(cc_105_profile、cc_105_fullname、cc_105_email)时,我始终收到以下错误消息: { “错误”:正确, "message": "必需参数 cc_105_profile、cc_105_fullname、cc_105_email 缺失或为空" }

这是它的相关代码: `$app->put('/updateuser/{cc_105_id}', function(请求 $request, 响应 $response, 数组 $args){

    $cc_105_id = $args['cc_105_id'];

    // Check if required parameters are present and not empty
    if(!haveEmptyParam($request, $response, array('cc_105_profile', 'cc_105_fullname',         'cc_105_email'))) {

        $request_data = $request->getParsedBody();
        error_log(print_r($request_data, true));

        // Log the values of cc_105_profile, cc_105_fullname, and cc_105_email
        error_log("cc_105_profile: " . $request_data['cc_105_profile']);
        error_log("cc_105_fullname: " . $request_data['cc_105_fullname']);
        error_log("cc_105_email: " . $request_data['cc_105_email']);

        $cc_105_profile = $request_data['cc_105_profile'];
        $cc_105_email = $request_data['cc_105_email'];
        $cc_105_fullname = $request_data['cc_105_fullname'];

        // Fetch the user's username from the database or request data
        // Assuming it's present in the request data, adjust this according to your setup
        $cc_105_username = $request_data['cc_105_username']; 

        // Process the update operation here
        $db = new DbOperations;

        // Check the result of the update operation
        if ($db->updateuser($cc_105_profile, $cc_105_fullname, $cc_105_email, $cc_105_id)) {
        // If the update was successful
        $response_data = array(); 
        $response_data['error'] = false; 
        $response_data['message'] = 'User Updated Successfully';
        $user = $db->getUserByUsername($cc_105_email); // Fetch user by username
        $response_data['user'] = $user; 

        return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')->withStatus(200);
    } else {
        // If the update failed
        $response_data = array(); 
        $response_data['error'] = true; 
        $response_data['message'] = 'Please try again later';
        $user = $db->getUserByUsername($cc_105_email); // Fetch user by email
        $response_data['user'] = $user; 
        return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')->withStatus(200);
    return $response
    ->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')

function haveEmptyParam($request, $response, $required_params) {
    $error = false; 
    $error_params = '';
    $request_params = $request->getParsedBody(); 

    foreach($required_params as $param) {
        if(!isset($request_params[$param]) || strlen($request_params[$param]) <= 0) {
            $error = true; 
            $error_params .= $param . ', ';

    if($error) {
        $error_detail = array();
        $error_detail['error'] = true; 
        $error_detail['message'] = 'Required parameters ' . substr($error_params, 0, -2) . '     are missing or empty';
        return $response->withHeader('Content-type', 'application/json')->withStatus(400);
return $error; 



我确保请求正文中存在必填字段(cc_105_profile、cc_105_fullname、cc_105_email)。 我检查了 hasEmptyParam 函数以确保它正确检查空参数。 预期结果:



尽管为所需参数提供了值,但代码始终执行 hasEmptyParam 代码块,表明所需参数丢失或为空。


我附上了我的邮递员请求设置的图像以供参考。 如何解决此问题并确保用户配置文件成功更新?

backend slim

确保添加 BodyParsing 中间件:



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