使用w / Regex的堆栈对Postfix的缀

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


''' Main Driver Code '''
import re
import stack

def eval_postfix(postfix):
    ''' Postfix '''
    stac = stack.Stack()
    tokens = re.findall(r'\d+|\+|\-|\*|\/', postfix)
    if len(tokens) == 0:
        raise ValueError
    if len(tokens) < 2:
        return float(tokens[0])
    for toke in tokens:
        if toke.isnumeric():
        else: # t is an operator
            op1 = stac.pop() #operand 1
            op2 = stac.pop() #operand 2
            if toke == '+':
                result = op2 + op1
            elif toke == '-':
                result = op2 - op1
            elif toke == '*':
                result = op2 * op1
            elif toke == '/':
                result = op2 / op1
    return float(stac.pop())

def precedence(top, inputSymbol): # check if top has >= precedence than inputSymbol
    ''' Helper precedence function '''
    if len(re.findall(r'\(|\)|\-|\+|\*|\/', top)) > 0: # if top of stack is an operator
        prec = ['(', '-', '+', '*', '/', ')'] # ascending precedence
        topPrec = prec.index(top)  #e.g.: top == '+', then topPrec == 1
        symbol_input = prec.index(inputSymbol)
        #e.g.: inputSymbol == '/', then symbol_input == 4
        return topPrec >= symbol_input #e.g.: 1 >= 4:  false
    return False

def in2post(infix):
    result = ""
    if infix == [None]:
        raise ValueError
    tokens = re.findall(r'\d+|\(|\)|\+|\-|\*|\/', infix)
    stac = stack.Stack()
    for t in tokens:
        if t == '(':
        elif t.isnumeric():
            result += t + ' '
        elif len(re.findall(r'\+|\-|\*|\/', t)) > 0:
            while stac.size() > 0 and precedence(stac.peek(), t): #and s.peek() != '('
                result += stac.pop() + ' '
            result += stac.pop() + ' '
            while stac.peek() != '(':
                result += stac.pop() + ' '
    while stac.size() > 0:
        if stac.peek() != '(':
            result += stac.pop() + ' '
    return result

def main():
    ''' Main Function '''
    with open("data.txt") as file:
        for line in file.readlines():
            print("infix: %s" % line, end='')
            postfix = in2post(line)
            print("postfix: %s" % postfix)
            answer = eval_postfix(postfix)
            print("answer: %s" % answer)

if __name__ == '__main__':
''' stack class '''
class Stack:
    ''' see above doc string '''
    def __init__(self):
        ''' constructor '''
        self.stack_array = []

    def push(self, item):
        ''' add to the stack '''

    def pop(self):
        ''' remove from the array '''
        #    return self.stack_array.pop()
        #except IndexError:
        #    print(self.stack_array)
        if len(self.stack_array) == 0:
            raise IndexError
        return self.stack_array.pop()

    def peek(self):
        ''' See top item of array '''
        #if self.stack_array == [')']:
        #    raise SyntaxError
        if len(self.stack_array) == 0:
            raise IndexError
        return self.stack_array[-1]

    def size(self):
        ''' get total size of array '''
        return len(self.stack_array)

    def clear(self):
        ''' clear whole array '''
        self.stack_array = []
import unittest
from stack import Stack
from main import eval_postfix as epf
from main import in2post as i2p
from main import main as mn
import io
import sys

class TestEvaluation(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_bad_postfix(self):
        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError,  epf, " 7 9 * 7 + 5 6 * - 3 + 4 -+")
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, epf, [None])

class TestIn2Postfix(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_infix_14(self):
        postfix = i2p("7*9+7-5*6+3-4")
        self.assertEqual(postfix.replace(" ", ""), "7 9 * 7 + 5 6 * - 3 + 4 -".replace(" ", ""))
    def test_infix_bad_expression(self):
        self.assertRaises(SyntaxError, i2p, "(8+3)*(5-6))")

class TestMainOutput(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_main_output(self):
        self.maxDiff = None
        captured_output = io.StringIO()
        sys.stdout = captured_output
        sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
        data = "".join(captured_output.getvalue().split())
        data1 = "infix: 4postfix:  4answer: 4.0infix: 5  +7postfix:  5 7 +answer: 12.0infix: 7*5postfix:  7 5 *answer: 35.0infix: (5-3)postfix:  5 3 -answer: 2.0infix: 5/5postfix:  5 5 /answer: 1.0infix: 8*5+3postfix:  8 5 * 3 +answer: 43.0infix: 8*(5+3)postfix:  8 5 3 + *answer: 64.0infix: 8+3*5-7postfix:  8 3 5 * + 7 -answer: 16.0infix: (8+3)*(5-6)postfix:  8 3 + 5 6 - *answer: -11.0infix: ((8+3)*(2-7))postfix:  8 3 + 2 7 - *answer: -55.0infix: ((8+3)*2)-7postfix:  8 3 + 2 * 7 -answer: 15.0infix: (8*5)+((3-2)-7*3)postfix:  8 5 * 3 2 - 7 3 * - +answer: 20.0infix: ((8*5+3)-7)-(5*3)postfix:  8 5 * 3 + 7 - 5 3 * -answer: 21.0infix: 7*9+7-5*6+3-4postfix:  7 9 * 7 + 5 6 * - 3 + 4 -answer: 39.0".replace(" ","")
        self.assertEqual(data, data1)

python-3.x stack postfix-notation

问题出在您的precedence函数中。 Shunting yard algorithm的规则说:

if the token is an operator, then:
    while ((there is a function at the top of the operator stack)
           or (there is an operator at the top of the operator stack with greater precedence)
           or (the operator at the top of the operator stack has equal precedence and the token is left associative))
          and (the operator at the top of the operator stack is not a left parenthesis):
        pop operators from the operator stack onto the output queue.
    push it onto the operator stack.


例如,如果给定前缀表达式/,则在解析7-3+4之后,输出为3,并且堆栈中包含7 3。您解析-,您会发现+的优先级高于+,因此将其推入运算符堆栈。然后,您解析-并最终得到4的输出。最后,您开始弹出堆栈,最后以7 3 4结尾。它将评估为7 3 4 + 1

您必须更改优先级功能,以便7 - (3 + 4)-具有相同的优先级。并且+*具有相同的优先级。

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